Syn.: Pseudolymphoma.
Def .: Mild lymphocytic reaction and hyperplasia with clinical and histological features resembling or mimicking primary malignant cutaneous lymphoma.
Epid .: Drug reactions – hydantonine derivatives, menthol, injections of desensitizing preparations or containing bacterial antigens. Reactions following an arthropod bite or as a result of an infestation of scabies. Indeterminate reactions – lymphocytic infiltrates of the skin, actinic reticuloid, Kimura’s disease.
Etiol .: Unknown.
Clinical: Chronic nodular or lumpy lesion, red-brown in color, with no signs of decay, usually a single, sometimes multiple lesions in various parts of the body.
Hist .: Polymorphic infiltration of lymphocytes and histiocytes.
DL: Skin infiltration, determination of the T and B lymphocyte population.
DI: Monoclonal antibody staining of T and B lymphocyte markers.
DR: Primary cutaneous lymphomas when lesions are single or few.
Healing: Topical corticosteroids.
Year: Good.
Lit.: [1] Ploysagam T., Breneman D.L., Mutasim D.F.: Cutaneous pseudolymphoma. J Am Acad Dermatol 1998, 38; 877-905.
Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House