Prunes tincture: 4 recipes for moonshine, alcohol and vodka

When preparing a plum for the winter, special attention should be paid to its dried-smoked version. After all, not only delicious fragrant compotes and uzvars are obtained from prunes, but also very pleasant alcoholic drinks.

Find out the recipe for prune liqueur.

Moonshine tincture on prunes

Since we will be dealing with nothing but a seasoned moonshiner, in addition to dried plums, some spices will not interfere with us.


  1. Moonshine (50 degrees) – 500 ml

  2. Prunes with pits – 5 pcs.

  3. Black pepper – 3 peas

  4. Allspice – 1 pea

  5. Carnation – 1 pcs.

  6. Vanillin – 2 g.

Method of preparation

  1. Crush the pepper and cloves in a mortar.

  2. Then put the plums and spices in a liter jar, pour moonshine and cork tightly.

  3. Place the container for 10 days in a cool dark place.

  4. After this period, filter the tincture through gauze, pour into a bottle (preferably dark glass) and serve after an additional ten days of ripening.

Gourmets recommend eating this drink with fried meat or hard cheeses.

Prune tincture on vodka

A simple option that hasn’t let anyone down yet. In addition, as in the previous case, this tincture of prunes is prepared at home.


  1. Vodka – 2 l

  2. Prunes (with pits) – 400 g

  3. Sugars – 250 g

Method of preparation

  1. Put the plum into a three-liter jar, cover with sugar and pour vodka.

  2. Close the vessel tightly, shake well and leave in a dark place for half a month.

  3. Then strain the tincture through gauze, bottle and send to the cellar or refrigerator for storage.

They say that this contraption is very good as an aperitif.

If the recipe seems too boring to you, add 200 grams of dried apples and a pinch or two of cinnamon to the original composition. As a result, you will get a drink a la Shuiskaya tincture on prunes, only much more intense.

Alcoholic prunes tincture

According to experts, prunes tincture with stones is not a completely safe thing. If it is accidentally kept in a jar for more than 20 days, the drink may contain various carcinogenic rubbish. Therefore, in conclusion, we will tell you how to prepare a tincture on dried pitted prunes.


  1. Diluted alcohol (45 degrees) – 1,5 l

  2. Prunes (weight excluding seeds) – 400 g

  3. Honey (with medical contraindications can be replaced with sugar) – 200 g

  4. Linden blossom (optional) – 2 tbsp. l.

  5. Vanillin – 1 pinch

Method of preparation

  1. Melt honey and mix it with dried plum, lime blossom and vanilla in a three-liter glass jar.

  2. Pour all this with alcohol, wrap the container with gauze and put it in a dark, cool place for ten days.

  3. Further, the drink is very carefully filtered, bottled in dark glass, hermetically sealed and sent for storage in the basement or refrigerator.

Convinced lovers of strong alcohol can safely skip a couple of glasses of this tincture for a simple dessert.

Healing tincture on prunes


  1. Propolis – 10 g

  2. Linden blossom – 1 tsp

  3. Pitted prunes – 50 g

  4. Thyme – 1 tsp.

  5. Mint – 1 tsp.

  6. Vodka – 500 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Finely chop dried prunes, mix with lime blossom, thyme, mint, place in a bottle and pour vodka.

  2. Close the bottle tightly and put in a warm place for 1,5 months.

  3. After that, strain the tincture, add crushed propolis to it, cork and let it brew for another month.

  4. Then the resulting drink is filtered and corked.

Relevance: 23.06.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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