Prunes: composition, useful properties. Video

Due to its rich composition and excellent taste, prunes have a healing effect on the body. It is very often used in traditional medicine recipes.

Prunes: composition, useful properties

Prunes contain many vital substances, vitamins and minerals.

Plums contain:

  • minerals (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium)
  • vitamins C, PP, B2, B1, provitamin A
  • organic acid
  • cellulose
  • proteins
  • pektinovыe substances
  • sugar and water

Prunes retain all the useful and necessary substances that make up fresh plums.

Prunes are very beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract due to their high ballast content. In this case, it is recommended to consume 5-6 berries a day.

Regularly consuming prunes, you will not only improve your body, but also lose those extra pounds. It has excellent dietary properties and is used in many modern diets.

It is worth noting that prunes also have effective antibacterial properties. In terms of its qualities, it is not inferior to many medicines.

Prunes perfectly treat diseases of the oral cavity, destroying various kinds of bacteria

Prunes have earned their popularity due to a large number of useful properties. It is much more effective than many natural remedies, it has a particularly positive effect in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It normalizes the work and metabolism of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to maintain optimal blood pressure

No less useful Infusion of prunes. It is also used in folk medicine. Infusion of prunes normalizes the digestive system and helps relieve constipation. It is also useful for high blood pressure and heart problems. It is not difficult to prepare it. 6-7 prune berries must be brewed with a glass of boiling water. Express the infusion after 40-60 minutes.

Thanks to the high and valuable concentration of vitamin A in prunes, it improves vision.

Many experts are of the opinion that it is also useful for atherosclerosis, rheumatism, liver and kidney diseases.

When buying prunes, be sure to pay attention to good appearance. It should be slightly elastic, fleshy, deep black and have a slight slight sheen. Brown-tinged prunes should alert you. In this case, most likely, there were significant errors in its processing. Such prunes are often bitter, and their beneficial properties have been lost. Bitterness can also occur if it is not properly dried.

Also interesting to read: about the benefits of sorrel.

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