Proven methods of caring for the bedridden patient

Having to look after bedridden people usually causes stress. Fears, can we do it, can we do it? Is it possible without having experience and specialized equipment? The beginnings are certainly difficult, but with the use of proven techniques, we can improve the care of a loved one.

Laying the sick person on the side

This is a very important activity. It is used not only to change the position of the patient, but also to wash, change sheets or diaper pants. Using the right technique, one person can easily put a sick person on their side, even an overweight person. Let us remember that we must tell him about any intended activity that we want to do with the sick person, even with his limited awareness. Before changing the position, lower the head of the bed and remove the pillow from under the patient’s head. Then we stand on the side of the bed where we want to turn the sick person (“towards ourselves”). If it is the right side, the right hand of the patient is placed loosely along the body, and the left hand is bent at the elbow joint and placed on the chest. Similarly, we bend the patient’s left leg at the knee joint and slightly tilt the patient’s right leg. While standing by the bed, with legs slightly bent at the knees, we take the patient by his left shoulder with one hand and his left hip with the other hand and gently pull him towards us.

Sheet replacement

A clean and fresh sheet is very important for the comfort of the patient. Before replacing this part of the bedding, lower the head of the bed and remove the pillow. We stand at the edge of the bed. If it is the patient’s right side, then the left arm is placed loosely along the body, and the right arm is bent at the elbow and placed on the chest. Similarly, we bend the patient’s right leg at the knee and tilt it over to the left leg. With one hand we take the patient under the right shoulder, and with the other we take the patient under the right hip and with a gentle movement we turn the patient to the side (“away from us” – we stand behind the patient’s back). Roll the sheet along its entire length towards the patient’s back (if there is a backing on the sheet, roll it up with the undercoat). Cover the mattress halfway along its entire length with a new sheet, the right edge of which is pressed under the mattress. Lightly press the other half of the sheet under the patient’s back and legs. If we use hygienic pads, we spread part of the underlay on a clean sheet, inserting the protective wings also under the mattress. Taking the patient by the right shoulder and hip again, we place it gently on the back. We now have to turn the sick person over. The right hand of the patient is placed along his body, and the left hand is bent at the elbow and placed on the chest. Bend the patient’s left leg in the knee and tilt it to the right. We take the patient under the left shoulder and left hip and turn to the side again (“towards ourselves”). We slide out the other side of the old sheet, and then unfold the fresh one with the undercoat. Then we put the sick person back on his back. Go to the other side of the bed and pull the sheet and underlay on, slide the edges under the mattress.

However, when the sick person cannot be turned sideways, two people are required to change the sheets. Place the sick person as above and, after removing the pillow, roll up the dirty sheet across the entire width from the head to the buttocks of the patient. We attach a fresh sheet to the headboard and also spread it to the patient’s buttocks. Then we put the sick person on the back. One person lifts the patient’s legs and the other person slides out the dirty sheet and unfolds the rest of the fresh sheet.

Change of underwear

The hardest thing is to take off your long nightdress. When the patient is lying on his back, bend the knees and move the shirt up to the buttocks. By lifting them, we slide the shirt under the back. We put the sick person on the bed. When we stand on the left side of the patient, with our left hand we hold him under his right shoulder blade, and with the right hand we pull the shirt off first from the left hand, then over the head and finally from the right hand. We put on a fresh shirt in the same way, only the other way round.

Changing diaper pants – after putting the sick person on their side

In the position when the patient is lying on his back, unfasten the adhesive strips on both sides of the diaper pants. If we are standing on the right side of the patient, we slide the right wing of the diaper under the hip. We turn the sick person towards us, taking the left shoulder and the left hip. Roll up contaminated panties. At this point, we can wash our buttocks. Products that can be used without the use of water are very useful in this case, for example washing and caring foams or cleansing creams. After washing the skin, it is worth protecting the skin with arginine or zinc cream, especially if redness appears on it. Put a fresh diaper on the sheet or underlay so that the right wing is tucked underneath, which will make it easier to unfold it. After laying the patient on his back, slide out the folded wing, fasten it and check that it covers the buttocks and that the edges do not stick into the body.

Planting a sick person in bed

We stand at the edge of the bed, legs slightly bent at the knees. If we are standing on the left side of the patient, we put his left arm around our neck. We put our right hand around the patient’s back and with our left hand we grab the patient’s right arm and pull it forward.

Planting the sick person on the edge of the bed and transferring them to a trolley

We put the stroller next to the patient’s head on the right side of the bed. We stand on the right side of the bed and place the patient on his side “towards himself”. Raise the patient’s right hand upwards. With the left hand, grasp the patient under his right shoulder blade and pull it upwards, while simultaneously lowering the patient’s legs beyond the edge of the bed. While standing on slightly bent legs in front of the patient, the patient takes us by the shoulders, and we embrace the patient around the waist and move the patient onto a wheelchair.

If you have doubts as to whether you are doing this correctly, you can take advantage of the free workshops organized by the TZMO Foundation “Together We Change the World”. Workshops are held periodically in all voivodships and anyone can sign up for them, provided that places are available. During the workshops, the specialist teaches the correct and efficient home care of the disabled patient.

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