Protein shake

Protein shake

Given the speed of the modern life rhythm, it is not always possible to eat properly and in a balanced way. But our body constantly needs vitamins, minerals, various nutrients, especially protein. Protein is probably the most important nutrient needed for lean muscle growth. It is protein that provides us with amino acids, from which the tissues of the body are built, including muscle tissue. This is why so many athletes consume protein-rich foods as well as complementary protein supplements. Of course, people who do not play sports and do not lead an active lifestyle do not have to drink protein shakes at all. They are quite able to get the required amount of protein from the daily diet.

However, if you are an athlete, bodybuilder and really want to increase muscle mass and improve your body constitution, you need a sufficient amount of protein. And it is often extremely difficult to obtain it from conventional products. However, manufacturers of sports nutrition came to the aid of the unfortunate bodybuilders. They have developed special supplements – proteins, which often have a pure protein content of more than 80 percent. Cocktails are easy to prepare and quick to digest, just mix them with your favorite drink or add other ingredients of your choice.


What are protein shakes for?

Many beginners are wondering what protein shakes are for. They have already heard so much about them that they expect some kind of magical action, after which all their goals, be it weight loss, weight gain or improved endurance, will be achieved. However, you should not expect magic from ordinary protein (albeit concentrated). Of course, supplementing with protein, if you really need it, will help you. However, do not forget that protein, if consumed excessively, can be deposited in the form of fat.

So what can protein shakes do? Their effect mainly depends on the ingredients in the cocktail.

So protein shakes can help you lose body fat.. In 2008, an article about an experiment was published in Nutrition & Metabolism. In this study, two groups of subjects practiced the same physical activity and consumed the same amount of calories. Weight loss was similar in both groups, but the group that replaced the two meals with protein shakes lost significantly more body fat than the group that consumed less protein. This is explained by the fact that the body receives less carbohydrate, giving energy, because of this, the body has to burn fat reserves for its vital functions. However, this does not mean that carbohydrates should be completely excluded from the diet, because carbohydrates help proteins to be absorbed and provide the necessary energy for training, but still their use (especially simple carbohydrates) should be limited. In order to achieve faster weight loss, it is best to include ingredients with a minimum amount of carbohydrates in your protein shake.

There are also cocktails that help increase muscle mass. So if your goal is to increase muscle mass and improve body shape, protein shakes are fine too. Numerous studies have shown the benefits of protein in this matter. Indeed, protein contains amino acids for building muscles, which quickly penetrate the bloodstream and give a signal to build new muscle tissue. If the amino acids supplied with food are few, then muscle growth is simply impossible. Moreover, the body can begin to destroy its own muscle tissue in order to get the amino acids necessary for its normal life.


And, of course, protein shakes help to quickly recover after a workout, since a protein shake taken immediately after a workout supplies the muscles with nutrients for their quick healing and recovery. According to the National Association for Strength and Fitness, taking a quick-release protein shake after a workout will help increase muscle mass, muscle size, and muscle strength. This type of protein, such as whey, is the most suitable for post-workout protein intake. your body can absorb it quickly and easily.

When to take protein shakes

The timing of your protein shake also depends on your goal.

If you are looking to lose weight or lose weight, low-calorie protein shakes can be taken instead of 1-2 meals, continuing to eat the main meal 3 times a day, but significantly reducing the portions. Then low-calorie protein shakes will speed up your metabolism and satisfy your hunger. It’s also convenient: just take a shaker with you with a drink prepared in the morning and drink it throughout the day.


If you want to make your workout more effective and build muscle, a fast-release protein shake should be taken 30-60 minutes in advance. before training. At the same time, it is advisable not to choose cocktails based on only one protein, but to add carbohydrates there. Because a lack of these nutrients can increase the risk of muscle damage.

For a quick recovery, cocktails should be taken immediately after training, as well as before bed. However, be careful. If you drink protein before bed, make sure it’s based on casein, a slow-release protein. Then at night, while the growth hormone is active, you will create an ideal anabolic environment, and your muscles will grow while you sleep. And for taking immediately after training, it is better to choose a cocktail with a carbohydrate content, because during that period the muscles need not only amino acids, but also glycogen.

Protein Shake Recipes

Protein shakes are usually made on the basis of protein powders, which must be diluted according to the instructions in certain proportions. A cocktail can be completely tasteless as a supplement to the daily diet, or it tastes good due to the different flavoring ingredients in its composition. The advantage of protein shakes is that they are always at your fingertips, you can take them with you on the road and to work. However, there are also a huge number of recipes that can be used to prepare a delicious cocktail and pamper your taste buds.


Slimming Protein Shake:


  • 4 pineapple slices
  • a quarter of a peeled grapefruit
  • 250 ml fat-free natural kefir, yogurt or milk
  • 30 ml coconut oil
  • pumpkin seeds 30 grams
  • 1 scoop protein powder

Mix all ingredients in a blender. The cocktail contains fat-burning ingredients, will supply you with energy, speed up your metabolism and satisfy your hunger.


Cocktail before and after workout:


  • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein
  • 1 scoop vanilla casein
  • 200-250 ml of lemonade

Mix lemonade with protein in a shaker or blender.


Shake to take before bed:


  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon egg white
  • 1 tablespoon of casein;
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder

Mix everything in a shaker or blender until smooth.

Protein shakes made from both conventional foods and powders can help you achieve your athletic goal when used wisely. However, you shouldn’t completely replace your diet with protein drinks. Everything is good in moderation. And the intake of monotonous foods can lead to a deficiency of any important substance in our body. Therefore, when consuming protein shakes, act wisely with your own goals in mind.

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