Protein: myths and reality

Let’s talk about the king of sports nutrition – protein, and debunk the most established myths about him

Even a person who is far from sports has heard something about protein. In recent decades, there have been many myths about him, which were created by talented marketers to increase sales of dietary supplements. Let’s take a look at some of the most common myths about protein and how it really works. Go.

Let’s start with the basics. What is protein and why is it needed?

In 1838, Jacob Jens Bercilius coined the term protein. He conducted research in the chemical structure of protein.

Protein is the building block for muscle growth. It is an organic compound, inside which there are more than a hundred linked amino acids.

It was not until the late 1980s that experiments began to create protein supplements for athletes. The first whey protein appeared in 1993. It was used not only in bodybuilding, but also for medical purposes.

How Protein Works

After entering the body, it is broken down into amino acids, and the necessary proteins are separated due to synthesis. There are many manufacturers and supplements on the market today. They are all made from dairy products, eggs and soybeans.

They can be divided into the following types:

  • Whey protein (most common).
  • Casein (slow protein).
  • Whey hydrolyzate (fastest digestible).
  • Egg protein (the most complete amino acid composition).
  • Soy protein (cheapest, least digestible)
  • complex protein.

Myths and legends began to circulate around the use of proteins. Below we will analyze the most common ones.

Myth #1: Protein can build huge muscles.

Reality: Protein by itself does not “explode” muscles. It is an addition to the diet if there is not enough protein. This is not a “magic pill”

Myth #2: Protein is steroids! 

Reality: Steroids – organic chemistry. Simply put, external interference in the work of the body, these substances are foreign. Protein is that element due to the absence of which the healthy functioning of the body is impossible.

Myth #3: You need to drink protein three times a day!

Reality: Athletes consume protein as a supplement if their diet does not meet the 100% protein requirement. It is best to replenish protein from the diet. In other cases, the emptying of the can is obtained, which is beneficial to the manufacturer. 

Myth #4: You need to drink protein after a workout! 

Reality: After a workout, the body needs attention, carbohydrates to recover. The right solution is to drink protein before training, a few hours before. The level of amino acids will rise without weighting the stomach.

Myth #5: I can build up if I only eat protein! 

Reality: Protein is not the only factor in muscle growth. To do this, you need a competent high-calorie diet, where there is plenty of fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. Protein is only a piece of this puzzle. And do not forget about plateau effect.

Myth #6: You can’t digest more than 20 grams at a time!

Reality:  In fact, it has been proven that the protein is maximally transferred to the muscles with the use of 25g. in one go. At higher dosages, it will be assimilated, but it will simply “fly by”.

Myth #7: Protein will lead to impotence! 

Reality: We deliberately left this myth for last. In general, protein will not lead to the loss of male power. Pure and high-quality protein does not contain hormones or additional additives; it will not affect potency in any way. The myth arose due to the fact that such an effect is observed from the use of certain steroids.

Myth #8: Protein is bad! 

Reality: It all depends on the manufacturer. The quality of raw materials and cleaning, the addition of impurities – all this affects the end consumer. Also, protein can be harmful in lactose allergy, with abnormally high consumption. This can only be said about many foodstuffs.


So, from the article we found out who is the discoverer of the protein, in what forms it is now and destroyed 8 common myths. We hope the article was useful to you.

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