Protein in urine in men

Protein in urine in men

Protein is not part of the urine, in medicine, an increase in protein in the urine is called proteinuria. In men, its appearance in the urine also usually occurs as a result of severe physical overstrain, feverish conditions, hypothermia, stress, and excessive consumption of protein foods. Proteinuria in a healthy body persists only for the duration of the influence of the provoking factor.

A protein of increased concentration is observed in inflammatory processes in the urinary system. It can be released from the prostate gland, urethra. This condition is called false proteinuria. It is reliably known that high protein is the result of a malfunction of the kidney filters, provoked by acute nephrosis, bilateral kidney damage with damage to the renal glomeruli, kidney tuberculosis, damage to the pyelocaliceal system and kidney parenchyma, and hypertension. 

Protein in the urine is a symptom that accompanies not only urological diseases, but also infectious pathologies. The excretion of albumin proteins in the urine is called albuminuria. Functional albuminuria occurs with allergic reactions, leukemia, epileptic disease, insufficient cardiac activity. Pathological albuminuria is always of renal origin and indicates kidney disease. With any amount of protein in the urine, it is important to be examined by a specialist and determine the cause of its appearance.

Proteinuria in men is observed with prostatitis, urethritis, in these situations, the amount of protein, as a rule, does not exceed 1%. Renal proteinuria is observed with inorganic damage to the parenchyma, increased permeability of the renal filter. In patients with diabetic nephropathy, the protein content in the urine indicates a loss of the functional ability of the renal glomeruli.

Usually, there is an increase in blood pressure and a violation of glomerular filtration. When it comes to the presence of protein in the urine of a man, it is necessary to do repeated tests to confirm the composition of the urine and find out exactly why the protein level has increased. This need is due to the fact that protein can appear both due to the possibility of penetration of sperm and pus, and as a result of harmless reasons, for example, due to stress, heavy physical exertion, or hypothermia.

A thorough examination of men is the key to early detection of kidney diseases – reflux, glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis, pyelonephritis and acute tubular necrosis. An increase in protein in the urine often causes hemolytic anemia, gangrene of the extremities, and myocardial infarction. Practice shows that muscle diseases or injuries, ischemia, cardiovascular disorders, oncological diseases lead to an increase in protein in the urine.

With prolonged preservation of an overestimated protein in urine, characteristic symptoms occur. There is pain in the bones, fatigue, loss of appetite, anemia, drowsiness, dizziness, changes in body temperature, accompanied by chills, nausea and vomiting. Men need to remember that when a protein is detected, a doctor can prescribe treatment, and it is always aimed at treating the underlying pathology.

Types of protein found in the urine of men

The protein usually contains seroalbumin and seroglobulin, but an acetic acid protein body and a Bence-Jones protein body can still be found in the urine. The acetic acid protein body is a combination of protein with chondroitin sulfuric acid. Its presence in the urine indicates damage to the renal epithelium and appears most often with orthostatic albuminuria and congestive kidney – processes caused by impaired blood circulation in the kidney.

Also, the acetic-protein body is released into the urine after minor physical exertion, with excessive stress, albumin and globulin are added to the urine. Another type of protein, the Bence-Jones protein body, enters the urine with lymphatic leukemia, with a tumor of vascular origin, with a malignant disease that affects the bones, with Rusticki-Kahler disease (multiple myeloma).

There is a phenomenon called albumosis. Albumoses are protein breakdown products that appear during the breakdown of cells in the body due to abscess and gangrene of the lung, accumulation of pus inside a hollow organ, accumulation of pus inside a hollow organ, stomach ulcers, and semen in the urine. Proteinuria, regardless of the gender of a person, is usually classified according to the amount of protein released:

moderate – up to 1 g of protein per day;

medium – from 1 to 3 g of protein per day;

severe or severe – more than 3 g of protein per day;

Doctors recommend monitoring urine indicators, timely detection of an increase in protein can prevent serious health problems.

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