Protein in the urine of the baby

Protein in the urine of the baby

Proteins are large molecules that are the building blocks of various tissues. Small amounts of protein are constantly present in the urine of an infant. If the indicator is 30-60 milligrams in a daily volume, this is normal.

But if the protein in the urine of an infant is present in a larger volume, this worries doctors and may be evidence that the main function of the kidneys is impaired.

After birth, the child needs a thorough examination, which allows timely identification of probable diseases of the urinary system.

According to medical statistics, kidney disease is a common pathology in infants. While the exact causes of kidney disease in infants are not fully understood by science, only a few risk factors that provoke these problems are known. Among these factors are heredity and intrauterine malformations, severe pregnancy and childbirth with complications, lack of oxygen during childbirth, infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy.

The danger of kidney diseases in an infant is that they are almost asymptomatic, abdominal pain is often perceived by parents as ordinary colic caused by digestion. District doctors ensure that parents regularly test the urine of the child, such vigilance is not unreasonable. It is also recommended that fathers and mothers be especially careful and be sure to consult a doctor if one of them has pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis.

It is worth paying attention to swelling on the face, the so-called “bags” under the eyes, swollen eyelids, the appearance of deep marks on the legs from the rubber bands of the socks. Kidney problems in babies can cause pale skin, restlessness when urinating, abdominal pain, mild fever without signs of a cold.

Proteins can enter the urine not only as a result of a disease of the genitourinary system. In children without obvious pathologies, protein may appear in the urine, and this phenomenon is called orthostatic proteinuria. In this case, the protein in the urine of the child appears when he is in an upright position, and disappears in the supine position. While in infancy, babies can not yet be too active, but any activity of such crumbs, seemingly insignificant movements of the arms and legs at first glance, can cause an increase in protein in the urine.

If a healthy child takes a urine test in the morning, immediately after waking up and collects urine during the day, then the protein will be found in the daily portion, and will be absent in the morning urine. There are different types of proteinuria, and even when a child is overfed, protein in the urine may increase.

The reasons that are associated with an increased protein content in the urine of an infant include stress, hypothermia, and allergies. Normally, the indicators should be up to 0,033-0,036 g / l., If they are above 1 g / l per day, then this is moderate proteinuria, and if they are 3 g / l or more – proteinuria of a pronounced nature.

The study of the urine of an infant

When collecting material for analysis, you need to know some rules, first of all, urine should not get foreign substances, this affects the results and changes the indicators. The genitals of the child should be clean, use only baby soap. The container for collecting urine must be sterile. It is advisable to take urine fresh.

The analysis of urine for the presence of protein must be taken with great seriousness. Although it is difficult to catch the moment of urination in a child, but still, if this succeeds, it is preferable to collect a medium portion of urine.

Do not squeeze urine out of a diaper or diaper. Urine is not subject to analysis if three hours have passed since its collection.

To date, physicians have at their disposal modern methods that allow performing a general urine test. Renal pathology can be detected using ultrasound. With orthostatic proteinuria, and with a small level of protein in the urine, special treatment is usually not required. In cases where, after re-analysis, the protein is still present in the urine of an infant, additional studies are required.

Whatever the reason that caused the appearance of protein in the urine, with a timely visit to the doctor, it can be eliminated. Depending on the situation, drug treatment is prescribed in small doses for several months, subject to the recommendations of a specialist.

The urine of an infant should be light straw. Clear urine indicates a healthy urinary system. In a healthy baby, the smell of urine is not sharp and non-specific. Parents must be aware of how healthy their child is; a doctor will always help decipher the urine test. The main thing is to start the treatment of diseases on time so that the baby is healthy.   

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