Nutritionists have long confirmed that protein is needed by everyone, regardless of gender, it is not a specific “male food”. Yes, they really are almost at the top of the food pyramid, schematically depicting the basics of healthy eating, but that does not mean that we can do without them. 12-15% of the daily diet should be protein foods. And this is only if your figure suits you.
If you want to noticeably transform, and you need proteins for weight loss, then their daily “dose” should be about 100 g, no less. With a total daily calorie intake of no more than 1700 calories.
And for what else, in addition to losing weight, our body needs proteins:
Proteins (they are also proteins) are needed in order to build new cells and tissues, as well as renew old ones.
Proteins deliver various substances to the blood plasma – from cholesterol, vitamins and iron to substances acting in drugs.
The body produces antibodies from proteins, without which there is no immunity.
Who needs protein the most: losing weight, getting sick, growing up?
Proteins are essential for those who are trying to recover from ARVI. Scientists have shown that during a cold, the body’s need for proteins increases by about 30-40%. The body “sculpts” millions of immune cells from them, designed to fight the virus. And for this he uses the only material available to him – muscles. Treating colds with tea, honey and jam, of course, is delicious. But still, it is worth increasing the amount of protein in the diet by a third in order to recover sooner.
Proteins for weight loss are really hard to overestimate. The protein diet is extremely popular all over the world – both among the stars of the “upper echelon” and among the common people. If you do not want to go on a full-fledged diet, try to eat only protein foods after 19:00. An early protein dinner helps to “magically” lose weight in a dream.
Proteins must be present in the children’s diet! They are necessary for the body to produce growth hormone. The production of this hormone increases during the period of growth of the body (up to 20 years), and then decreases with age at an average rate of 14% per decade.
And probably the most pleasant fact – squirrels can make us happy!
It turns out that the hormone of pleasure (happiness, joy, aka “chef” – hormone) serotonin is formed from the amino acid tryptophan. This amino acid is found in most plant proteins – soybeans, mushrooms, peanuts, sesame seeds, pine nuts, milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese.
So, if the body lacks protein, then it cannot produce enough serotonin – and depression is not far from it.
People with low serotonin levels tend to think more about problems. Those with high serotonin levels do not think about the problems themselves, but about how to cope with them – which is why this hormone is called the “chef” hormone.
With a high level of serotonin, we absorb new information much easier and … move much more gracefully.
What products to take proteins for weight loss
It is clear that any product contains proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. But in order for a product to be called protein, it must contain more than 10% protein (this information can be found on the label).
In addition, the protein can be of animal origin, or it can be of plant origin. It is generally accepted that for effective weight loss, it is necessary to include both those and other foods in the diet.
So traditionally protein foods include:
All types of meat in any form (the leaner the meat, the more protein it contains)
All varieties of poultry and game
All types of fish
All seafood including crustaceans
Soy and its derivatives
All wild mushrooms
Milk and dairy products (especially low-fat)
All types of cheese with a fat content of no more than 50%
All kinds of seeds
All kinds of nuts
Finally, perhaps the richest and most generous source of protein for weight loss these days is industrial protein shakes. There was a time when only bodybuilding fans and professional athletes paid attention to them. Today, protein shakes are familiar to anyone looking to lose weight.