Protein-fat diet – what does it look like? The effects of the Atkins diet

A protein-fat diet is about eating foods that are high in protein and fat and cutting back on those that contain carbohydrates. Thanks to the large amount of proteins and fats in our body, ketone bodies are created that act on the appetite, inhibiting it. A protein-fat diet is chosen by people who want to lose weight quickly. An example of a protein-fat diet is the Atkins diet.

What does a protein-fat diet look like?

We can divide the protein-fat diet into three stages. The first is primarily to limit carbohydrates to 20 grams a day. Therefore, you should give up grain products, vegetables or fruit. However, it is worth eating fish, meat, eggs, as well as vegetable fats and low-starch vegetables. In the second stage of the diet, the amount of carbohydrates can vary from 30 to 50 grams. You can then introduce vegetables or fruit to the menu, but only those with a low glycemic index. The last step is to increase the amount of carbohydrates by 10 grams each week until our body weight is at a constant value. When it starts to increase, you should use the amount of carbohydrates at which the weight was constant. Importantly, sugars should not be consumed along with animal fats and eggs. During a protein-fat diet, you eat 4-5 meals a day. It is also important to top up water, at least 2 liters.

The effects of a protein-fat diet

One of the most important effects of a protein-fat diet is rapid weight loss. Another advantage is eating normal meals, and above all, avoiding fasting. In addition, thanks to the diet, we learn to eat meals regularly and take care of the right amount of fluids. Importantly, by limiting carbohydrates, the risk of developing diabetes is reduced.

The Atkins Diet

Every diet is questionable. People often wonder if a given diet, apart from its beneficial effects on our body, also has any disadvantages. For example, the Atkins diet, which is based on the consumption of protein and fats, can be looked at. One of the disadvantages of this diet are nutrient deficiencies, including some vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Interestingly, the use of this diet for a long time affects the acid-base balance, and this leads to acidification of the body. Diet also affects the metabolism, causing constipation. It is also worth realizing that the Atkins diet can increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis or other cardiovascular diseases. In addition, too little carbohydrate in the body leads to headaches, drowsiness, weakness or constant fatigue. It is also important that high consumption of protein and fats, with a small amount of carbohydrates, adversely affects the functioning of internal organs, such as the kidneys.

Protein-fat diet and alcohol consumption

Alcohol is a stimulant that affects our body in various ways. Among other things, it cannot be combined with many drugs. Additionally, you can become addicted to alcohol. And what does a protein-fat diet have to do with alcohol consumption? Could it turn out to be poison? It is worth mentioning Evenki (formerly called Tungusas). It is a population living in the Federation, China and Mongolia, i.e. in the northern part of Asia. So why is it possible to find information that alcohol is like poison for this population? It is related to a protein-fat diet that is natural for people living in cool climates. They are then “condemned” to eat foods rich in fat. Additionally, in such a climate, access to a variety of plants is limited. As a result, the peoples of northern Asia are good at digesting fats and proteins, and have a problem with carbohydrates. As you know, alcohol is made from plants such as grains, potatoes and fruit, which are rich in carbohydrates. That is why alcohol is not broken down so easily in the Evenks’ body. As a consequence, these populations are more likely to develop alcoholism and alcohol-induced brain damage.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns. When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in specific nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be devastating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and may also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

Who is the protein-fat diet for?

A protein-fat diet can be beneficial for some people. However, you must know how to apply it. People who struggle with insulin resistance can switch to this diet. Also, a patient with type II diabetes can eat in this way. A protein-fat diet may also be beneficial for people who used other diets that did not bring the desired results and were faced with the so-called yo-yo effect. Also, people practicing endurance and strength sports can follow a protein-fat diet. Interestingly, also patients with digestive system disorders feel relieved by being on this diet. Also people struggling with fungal or parasitic infections can switch to a protein-fat diet.

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