Protein diet – how does it work? Phases of the Dukan diet

The protein diet, otherwise known as the protein diet or the Dukan diet, is a diet developed by the French physician Pierre Dukan for his overweight patients.

The diet is based mainly on the consumption of protein foods such as lean meats, lean meats, fish and seafood, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.

The structure of the diet consists of four phases:

  1. Shock Phase (also called Attack Phase): it lasts about 5 days, only high-protein foods from the established list are allowed.
  2. Alternating phase (even weight loss): it can last up to several months, supplement the menu from the first phase with raw and cooked vegetables, every 5 days you should return to the diet from the shock phase and use it for the next 5 days, and so on until you get desired body weight.
  3. Transitional phase (weight-setting): the phase of strengthening the habits, the duration depends on the number of kilograms lost (10 days per 1 kg), you can carefully introduce wholemeal bread and other carbohydrates into the diet.
  4. The stabilization phase, which is in fact a fixed way of eating for the rest of your life, once a week you should return to the menu from the bump phase to maintain the results obtained.

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