Protein diet (Dukana) – principles, effects, side effects

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A protein diet (for example the Dukan diet), despite its proven harmfulness, is still popular among people who want to lose weight quickly. Unfortunately, this type of menu has a very harmful effect on the entire body – especially the liver and kidneys. Find out what a protein diet is all about and what its effects are, and why it’s better to quit.

What is a protein diet?

A protein diet is a diet based mainly on protein products. The most popular diet of this type is the Dukan slimming diet, which is based on a strict restriction of carbohydrates and fats. However, we can also talk about a protein diet when we increase the amount of protein without reducing other dietary components. Such a diet is used, for example, by people working on increasing muscle mass. This type of menu is not as harmful as the first of these types of diet.

Principles of the protein diet

The slimming protein diet developed by Dukan has four phases. In the first one, only protein products are consumed. We call this phase shockwave. The second stage – alternating phase – this is the moment to include vegetables in your diet. Vegetables can be eaten into protein products, however, only every other day. In fixing phase the diet very slowly includes small amounts of products containing complex carbohydrates and fats. Final stabilization phase is eating according to the recommendations of a healthy diet in order to maintain an optimal weight.

Practical advice useful in a protein diet

1. We eat when we feel hungry and only allowed products.

2. Drink at least 2 glasses of water with each food.

3. During the first two phases of a protein diet, you should absolutely avoid fats, even oil.

4. During the first weeks of the diet, do not exercise as your body is severely weakened.

5. To supplement vitamin deficiencies, you should consume dietary supplements.

The effects of a protein diet

In terms of how quickly you lose weight, the protein diet is one of the most effective diets for weight loss. You can get rid of a few kilos in just a few days. The truth is, however, that very few people are able to bring the diet to its final stage of final stabilization. In practice, this means that after a restrictive monotonous protein diet, we have a double appetite for fruit, bread or even ordinary potatoes, and the yo-yo effect is included.

  1. Also read: Oxy diet – what is it? Sample menu

Side effects of the protein diet

A protein diet is a very heavy-duty diet. Actually, only young and perfectly healthy people can consider using it, but they also should consult a doctor beforehand and do basic tests. This is because burning fat quickly for energy produces ketone bodies, which in turn leads to the development of metabolic acidosis.

The organs that suffer the most from eating a protein diet are the kidneys. This is due to the fact that the body gets a very large amount of amino acids from the breakdown of proteins. The body cannot use all the amino acids and harmful nitrogen compounds are formed from them. The kidneys have to work at double speed, and the long-term use of a protein diet can lead not only to urolithiasis, but also to kidney failure.

Protein diet is also not favorable for the liver, because it is there that complex metabolic processes take place, which are aimed at “squeezing out” energy from proteins. This process is very inefficient, so the body starts to burn fat, but it does not change the fact that the liver is working at its limit. This can even lead to organ inflammation.

Finally, the brain suffers a lot from a protein diet. Have you noticed that people who are slimming drastically are often irritable? This is because the brain works on glucose. If we do not provide it in the right amount, we lose concentration, we are distracted and sleepy.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

Sample menu in individual phases of a protein diet

1. Phase I (shock)

  1. breakfast: scrambled eggs made of 2 whole eggs and 2 proteins, plus light cottage cheese; 5nd breakfast: XNUMX slices of turkey ham, large natural yoghurt,
  2. lunch: double chicken breast, marinated in herbs and baked in the oven,
  3. afternoon tea: 200 g skimmed white cheese + a teaspoon of sweetener,
  4. dinner: tuna salad (small tin) and one hard-boiled egg.

2. Phase II (alternating)

  1. breakfast: skimmed grain cheese (1 package) plus 5/6 radishes and 1 tomato, XNUMXnd breakfast: skimmed grain cheese with red pepper, a spoon of tomato paste and a spoon of parsley,
  2. lunch: 200 grams (cooked cod) + a glass of spinach boiled in water, plus a carrot salad,
  3. afternoon tea: 200 g skimmed white cheese + a teaspoon of sweetener,
  4. Dinner: skimmed grain cheese (1 packet) served with fresh grated carrots and two hard-boiled eggs.

3. Phase III (fixation)

  1. breakfast: 1 cup of natural yoghurt mixed with e.g. frozen strawberries,
  2. 1nd breakfast: low-fat grain cheese (XNUMX packet) + red pepper and a tablespoon of tomato paste, and a spoonful of parsley,
  3. lunch: boiled chicken breast served with a glass of natural yoghurt and a rose of broccoli / cauliflower,
  4. afternoon tea: two hundred grams of skimmed white cheese + a teaspoon of sweetener,
  5. dinner: fruit salad with e.g. banana, kiwi, pear and orange.

4. Phase IV (stabilization)

During the stabilization phase, we can eat whatever we want but in moderation. It is worth staying away from fast food and trying not to go back to the old lifestyle, because the lost kilograms can come back faster than we expect. Try to choose healthy products for your diet, the diet does not have to be so restrictive, but during the stabilization phase it is obligatory 1 day per week of the protein diet (Phase 1).

On a protein diet, instead of traditional wheat flour, you can use Luxury type 550 spelled flour or wholemeal spelled flour – both products are available on Medonet Market at attractive prices.

If you care about not only losing weight but also health, consider choosing a different method. Permanently changing your eating habits is much more important than losing weight quickly. The diet should be adapted to the lifestyle and individual needs of the organism. Here are books that can not only help you regain a slim figure, but also give you a different perspective on diets and weight loss:

  1. Anna Gruszczyńska – This is not a diet. Defeat your monster (check offer)
  2. James Beckermann – Flexible diet. Develop your own weight loss program (check the offer)
  3. Segal Eran, Elinav Eran – Personalized diet (check offer)

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