Protein is a valuable nutritional component consisting of essential and nonessential amino acids. Proteins are the main component of all living cells; they are responsible for metabolism, digestion, and blood circulation. Protein deficiency can lead to loss of muscle tissue, numerous diseases due to weakened immunity, heart problems, and even death. Therefore, you need to know which foods have a sufficient protein content in order to replenish their reserves in time.
Protein content in foods: video about food
The main source of protein rich in amino acids is animal products. Any meat is rich in protein. The most versatile and nutritious is chicken. Just 100 grams of white chicken meat contains about 32 grams of protein, which is low in fat and cholesterol. Turkey breast is also a healthy protein, with about 27 grams of protein per 100 gram serving. A good product for those on a protein diet is lean beef and veal. Meat foods also contain B vitamins, phosphorus and tryptophan.
The recommended daily protein intake for an adult can be calculated by multiplying 0,8 grams by your weight in kilograms. Pregnant and lactating women, even if they weigh less, should consume at least 70 grams of protein per day.
Fish and eggs occupy almost the same line in the table on the protein content of foods. Both products contain about 20 grams per 100 gram serving. Fish also contains essential omega-3 fatty acids, and eggs contain beneficial selenium.
Legumes are one of the best sources of protein for those on a vegetarian diet. Beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas, soybeans are all rich in protein and essential amino acids. A complete set of amino acids can only be provided by animal products, but legumes are able to make up for the lack of these vital elements. The protein content of each type of legume is different, for example:
- 11 grams in soybeans
- 16 grams in chickpeas or lamb peas
- 7,5 grams in red beans
- 6 grams in lentils
The protein content of legumes is based on a standard 100 gram serving of cooked foods.
Milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yoghurt and cream are good sources of protein, but the specific protein content of each particular product depends on its fat content and also on the food manufacturer. So low-fat cottage cheese can contain from 7 to 10 grams of protein per 100 gram serving, in the same amount of Swiss cheese protein will be from 8 to 12 grams. Dairy products are rich in calcium, which is responsible for healthy bones and teeth. By consuming them in adulthood, you can avoid osteoporosis and arthritis in the future, while children need calcium for healthy growth, as well as protein.
The amount of protein in mushrooms depends on their type, as a rule, there is more protein in spongy mushrooms than in tubular ones. Also, the amount of protein fluctuates depending on whether you want to eat a leg or a hat and fresh or dried mushrooms. The protein content in a dried porcini cap will be several times higher than in a fresh porcini cap. On average, there are 100 grams of protein per 3,2 grams of porcini mushrooms, while fresh champignons have 2,1 grams of protein per serving.
Vegetables contain 2 to 5 grams of protein per 100 gram serving. So, cauliflower, rich in fiber useful for the gastrointestinal tract, contains about 3 grams of protein, in delicate asparagus – 2 grams of protein. Spinach will be at the top of the list of vegetables rich in protein, in 100 grams of this product there are about 5 grams of protein.
When eating fruits, you should know that they also contain protein. Just one fresh apricot contains about 0,5 grams of protein. Dried and processed apricots will contain about 2,5 grams of protein for the same weight. Bananas are one of the most protein-rich fruits, with 100 grams of ripe bananas containing 4 grams of protein. Eating two medium-sized sweet apples will give you about 0,6 grams of protein, but if you peel the fruit off, the protein will be half as much.
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