

During physical activity, proteins are an indispensable component of nutrition. And it doesn’t matter what kind of sport you have chosen: bodybuilding, fitness or cardio, how often and how intensely you do it, everyone needs proteins. And I must say that sports nutrition includes a huge amount of protein supplements. But before you wonder what protein blends are on the market for sports nutrition, how to take them, and what these supplements do to muscles, it is important to at least understand the difference between protein sources, and at the very least, learn everything about proteins.

Instead of the preface

Questions about why protein is needed, who and how much protein is needed, remain open for a very long time. Probably, for the first time, mankind thought about the fact that meat (and, therefore, the protein contained in it) promotes muscle growth, back in ancient times. And the ancient Greek athlete, one of the most powerful people among the Hellenes, Milon of Croton, prompted this thought. He was the winner of many competitions, but he amazed the Greeks in another way. The legend says that Milon took a 4-year-old bull in his arms every day, carried him along the entire length of the Olympic Stadium, and then killed, fried and ate him. Modern researchers have calculated that every day the Greek ate at least 9-10 kg of meat. The Greeks firmly believed that the athlete gets his strength from the meat of the killed bulls. And current bodybuilders fully agree with the Greeks: yes, Milo received his strength from animals. Strength training (and carrying a live bull in your arms is not for you to lift iron in the gym) and the use of a large amount of proteins, creatine and other nutrients contained in beef did what they were supposed to do – his muscles became strong and voluminous, and the athlete himself is much more enduring than his peers.

Closer to our times, another hype around protein, which was called a miracle food for athletes, rose in the 1960s-1970s. In those days, many media promoted proteins as the best means for muscle growth. Then many bodybuilders and trainers began to consume a lot of whole milk, meat and eggs. Then the cinema did its job. Probably, many now remember the hero of Sylvester Stallone, Rocky Balboa, who drank raw eggs. And already in the 1990s, the world learned about protein powders, which marketers presented as a miracle drug for bodybuilders.

The benefits of protein in the body

Protein is a complex chemical compound consisting of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. Scientists estimate that the human body is made up of 50 different proteins. Including membrane G-proteins, alpha-fetoprotiene, which replaces serum albumin in the embryo, C-reactive protein, which is contained in the blood and reacts to tissue damage in the body, cationic protein, which is part of eosinophils (blood cells that are formed during inflammation and parasites in the body), and many others.

The function of this substance is much wider than just the restoration of muscle fibers. Why is protein needed? For building red blood cells, it is important for nails and hair, for proper hormone secretion and muscle contraction. Proteins influence the process of digestion, regulate the water balance in the body, protect against disease, help transport nutrients throughout the body, and also affect blood clotting. Thus, the role of protein is very important for the functioning of the body and maintaining health.

Meanwhile, if laboratory tests showed the presence of protein in human urine, this is an alarming signal. There may be several reasons for this, and only the attending physician can determine the exact one. He also prescribes a course of treatment.

Protein and amino acids

When we consume proteins, they are broken down in the body into smaller compounds called amino acids. Science knows 20 amino acids, and 9 of them are indispensable for humans (they can only be obtained from food). However, the human body is not able to accumulate amino acid reserves, which means that these substances must be contained in the diet. This is the only natural way to restore balance.

Depending on the set of amino acids, all proteins are divided into two groups: complete (complete) and incomplete. A complete protein (found in meat) is more useful, as it contains the full range of amino acids necessary for humans. A vegetarian diet based on plant protein is considered by many nutritionists to be unhealthy because it lacks complete proteins.

How to determine your daily protein intake

The generally accepted protein intake for adults who are not very active is 0,8 g per kilogram of body weight. For infants and children, the daily protein intake is increased by 2-3 times (fast-growing organisms need more of the substance).

But still, how did scientists determine that a person needs just such a serving of protein? They took nitrogen (a component of protein) as a basis and calculated how much protein the human body can absorb before an excess of nitrogen occurs. And then the researchers analyzed the benefits and harms to the body from different portions of the accumulated nitrogen. It turned out that the body loses nitrogen throughout the day along with sweat, urine, feces, exfoliated skin, fallen hairs. In addition, the body uses its protein reserves in the process of digestion. And this is repeated daily. Therefore, the recommended daily serving of protein is just the amount needed to replace daily nitrogen losses.

But the research didn’t end there. The next step is to determine the need for proteins for people involved in sports. As you know, during exercise, protein loss increases. After the next calculations, scientists received a new figure: the recommended daily protein intake for people involved in strength training is 1,7-1,8 g per kilogram of body.

Perhaps some will now doubt whether the researchers “prescribed” too few proteins to bodybuilders. But scientists have an explanation for this. They conducted an experiment involving three groups of bodybuilders. Representatives of the first group received 0,9 g of protein per kilogram of body weight, the second – 1,4 g of protein, and the athletes in the third group consumed 2,4 g of protein per kilogram daily. The results showed that eating 1,4 g of protein increased protein synthesis in the body, while there was no change in the group that consumed 0,9 g of protein. And in organisms that consumed 2,4 g of protein, protein synthesis was the same as in the background of 1,4 g of protein.

After this experiment, there were several more scientific experiments, and as a result, most researchers agreed: 1,6 – 2,2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight is the optimal amount for effective muscle building.

In addition, scientists have found that about a quarter of all calories an athlete’s body should receive from protein foods. To gain muscle mass, it is essential to include at least 3-20 g of protein in each meal (it is advisable to eat food every 30 hours). This helps to keep the process of muscle protein synthesis going on.

Sources of protein

There are many sources of protein that athletes then consume in the form of shakes or bars. And I must say, not all proteins are the same. The difference in the set of amino acids determines the importance of the protein for the body. For athletes, the best sources of protein are whey, milk, cottage cheese, eggs, meat, and soy. But which of these types is better, how does each of them affect the body? The definition of “best” depends on the purposes for which the protein is needed. And in order to choose the most suitable option, it is important to understand the features of different types of proteins.

Biological value and types of proteins

So what are proteins? This class of substances is usually grouped according to their biological value. Biological value is a value that indicates how well the body is able to absorb and use a particular type of protein. The higher the number, the more nitrogen the body is able to absorb and use. Proteins with the highest biological value are more useful for muscle building.

And one more note: the higher the biovalue of the protein, the faster the body absorbs it. But it is important to note that the human body is not capable of taking a very large amount of this substance in one “sit”. That is, an excessive increase in the protein portion (whether it be a liquid product or a bar) is a waste of money and product.

The maximum value of biological value is typical for whey protein – 104-154 points. The second in the ranking is egg white, the value of which is determined by 100 points. Milk proteins have 91, beef have 80, soy has only 74, and proteins derived from legumes have a biological value of 49. Now let’s take a closer look at the different protein sources.

Whey protein

This whey-derived substance is an excellent source of protein for several reasons:

  1. Improves athletic performance by reducing stress and lowering levels of cortisol (a hormone that breaks down muscles).
  2. Strengthens immunity by increasing the level of glutathione, which is a water-soluble antioxidant found in the human body.
  3. Reduces blood pressure.
  4. Reduces the risk of overtraining, which occurs against the background of low levels of glutathione.

In addition to the above, it should be noted that whey proteins are highly digestible and have a better amino acid profile than egg proteins. They are also the leader among all proteins in terms of leucine content. In other words, whey protein has the highest biological value. It is ideal to consume immediately after a workout or with breakfast.

But it should be said right away that not all serums are the same. The microfiltered product has the most advantages. And it is important that microfiltration be done at very low temperatures.

Depending on the method of manufacturing whey protein, there are isolate, concentrate and hydrolyzate.

whey protein isolate

The maximum possible biological value of this component is 154 points. It is the fastest and most bioavailable protein known to science today. In terms of how much this supplement is absorbed, it should be noted that the unique formula makes this protein available for absorption, sometimes as early as 10 minutes after ingestion. But due to the very short half-life, it is not recommended to consume more than 30 g of the substance at a time. The best way to counter rapid decay is to mix the isolate with kefir or milk rather than juice or water. The casein found in dairy products slows down the digestion of whey protein, allowing the body to absorb more of the substance.

Isolate is the best choice for post-workout supplements. After the power program, muscle cells, like a sponge, absorb all the useful components.

Whey Protein Concentrate

The biological value of this protein is 104 points. The actual use of pure whey concentrate in bodybuilding is low. More often, manufacturers use a concentrate for multicomponent protein matrices, creating a combined (complex) protein product.

Whey Protein Hydrolyzate

Deserved as the most valuable source of protein available on the sports nutrition market. Produced by splitting large amino acid chains into smaller fragments. Provides a stable anabolic effect. Compared to whey concentrates, it has a milder effect on the stomach without causing upset.

Any type of whey protein can be consumed throughout the day. Best time to take: in the morning (on an empty stomach), before or after training.

Egg white

Many bodybuilders and nutritionists call egg whites the healthiest form of protein. This is pure protein at its best. Weightlifters appreciated the full benefits of egg white long before the advent of whey protein. By the way, the American bodybuilder of the beginning of the last century, Vince Gironda, recommended consuming 8 egg whites a day for 36 weeks to improve muscle growth.

When it comes to the fact that the biological value of an egg is 100 points, it means the whole egg. The value of the protein itself is 91. But in order not to burden the liver, it is advisable to limit the consumption of yolks to three per day (and regularly take a rest from the yolks).

Purified egg white in sports nutrition is known as albumin. It belongs to the proteins with high bioavailability, contains large amounts of BCAAs and arginine. It absorbs fairly quickly, but not as fast as whey protein, making it ideal for use throughout the day, including post-workout or post-meal. For a super-bioavailable supplement, you can mix egg and whey proteins.

If raw chicken proteins are used to make homemade protein shakes, it’s important to make sure the product is free of Salmonella.


The proteins found in milk are known for their high bioavailability, but are absorbed more slowly by the body. Scientists claim that casein plays a more important role in preventing muscle breakdown than its whey protein counterpart.

Calcium caseinate is the predominant protein in milk and most dairy products. Low in lactose, sodium and fat, this supplement is often a richer source of protein than micellar casein, breaks down slowly, and contains large calcium stores.

How is casein hydrolyzate obtained? On the same principle as its whey counterpart: large chains are broken into smaller fragments, as a result of which the protein is digested faster.

Micellar casein is the natural undenatured form of casein found in milk. The protein is separated from the milk by ultrafiltration, without the use of chemicals. This increases the percentage of bioactive peptides that have a beneficial effect on immunity and activate muscle growth. The peculiarity of micellar casein is that it slowly but steadily releases amino acids into the blood. This characteristic makes it an excellent choice for long-term protection of muscles from breakdown. The best time to take casein is after a workout (especially if you exercise in the afternoon) or on rest days before bed.

milk protein

The raw material for milk protein is cow’s milk, from which the liquid, most carbohydrates and fats have been removed. This type of protein is not suitable for those diagnosed with lactose intolerance or allergies (milk contains a strong allergen beta-lactoglobulin).

In fact, milk protein is a combination of two proteins: whey and casein. There are two forms of milk protein. The first is milk protein concentrate. It is obtained in the process of ultrafiltration of whole milk, from which most of the carbohydrates and fats are removed. The second type is an isolate (the result of even more processing), which can contain up to 85% protein. Milk proteins are suitable for use on training days (after exercise) or before bed.

Meat proteins

And although chicken is perhaps the most popular product in bodybuilding, red meat still gives the best results. Beef is a good source of protein with a bioactivity of 80 points. In addition, beef contains all the necessary amino acids, not to mention creatine and other components useful for an athlete.

After cholesterol and fat are completely removed from beef, beef protein remains, which is quickly absorbed by the body. The only form of the substance available today is beef protein isolate. This type of protein is more rational to take in the morning, as well as shortly before or after training.

Vegetable proteins

Among the popular sources of vegetable protein: soy, hemp, rice, pea, wheat. Soy and hemp are unique in that they contain all 8 essential amino acids. In addition, cabbage, green peas, seeds, wild rice, quinoa, millet, algae are used as a source of vegetable proteins. Typically, popular plant-based supplements also contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, fiber, and some essential fatty acids, including omega-3s. Thus, the supplement replenishes the vegan diet with healthy components. By the way, in the food industry they use a special analyzer apparatus that determines the protein content in plant products.


Also known as hemp flour. Preparations containing this type of protein are more popular among vegetarians. However, this product has its advantages for meat-eaters. In particular, it contains a healthy amount of essential fatty acids, a balanced set of amino acids (including BCAAs), antioxidants, fiber, vitamins (by the way, ascorbic acid has an anabolic effect). Among other plant proteins, it has a fairly high biological value. Hemp protein is 65% edestin (globulin) and 35% albumin, making it an easily digestible product.


Soy protein is obtained from soybeans. This type of protein is suitable for vegetarians and those with lactose intolerance. Also, this supplement is good to include in the diet of people on a low-carbohydrate diet. Soy protein powder is more often used not for making shakes, but as a flour with a high protein content and an extremely low percentage of fat. It makes excellent pancakes, pancakes, and baked goods such as protein-rich cookies.

There are soy concentrate and isolate. The concentrate is approximately 2/3 protein, while the isolate has a higher protein content. Soy protein is significantly slower than whey but faster than casein.

Despite its comparatively low biological value, soy, however, may have some benefits for both men and women. This product is not the most effective protein for building muscle, but it helps to strengthen bone tissue, thereby preventing osteoporosis. Due to this, soy protein is considered valuable for women, especially over the age of 50 years. Soy is also good for the cardiovascular system, as it can reduce the level of bad cholesterol.


Perhaps not as popular as its dairy or egg counterparts, but just as good. This type of protein is hypoallergenic, contains a high concentration of BCAAs, and is easily digested and absorbed by the body (unlike most other plant-based proteins).

Biological value of proteins from different sources
food productbiological value
Egg (whole)100
Egg (white)91
Chicken, turkey79
Low-fat beef69
Cow’s milk60
brown rice59
Brown rice57
White rice57

Food rich in protein

Proper nutrition involves many rules, and one of them is the regular consumption of food rich in proteins. And for this it is important to know what the nutrient contains.

As already mentioned, there is a certain classification according to which proteins are divided into complete and incomplete. The first man receives from animal sources, the second – from plants. Both varieties are important for the body, have their pros and cons. But if meat-eaters regularly get high-quality protein from meat products, then it is important for vegetarians to plan their menu more carefully in order to provide themselves with as many essential amino acids as possible.

In addition, one must understand that vegetable proteins are absorbed much worse than animal proteins. This means that in order to get an identical amount of protein, plant foods will have to be eaten much more than, for example, meat or cottage cheese.

The content of complete protein in products
Protein-rich foodsMass fraction (in%)
Mozzarella cheese32
Gouda cheese25
Kostroma cheese25
Beluga fillet23
Beef liver22
Mullet fillets21
Pike perch fillet21
Tuna fillet20
Adyghe cheese20
carp fillet19
perch fillet19
Goat cheese18,5
Pike fillet18
Hake fillet16
herring fillet15
Trout fillet15
Pork, lamb15
Ricotta cheese11,5
Natural yoghurt5
Low-fat kefir4,3

Vegetable Protein Products

And although animal proteins are considered more valuable, if desired, if not all, then many important amino acids can be obtained from a vegetarian diet. Moreover, foods high in vegetable protein are not uncommon on our tables. Vegetable proteins can be obtained from flax seeds, oats, wheat germ. Good reserves of proteins contain barley, millet, pearl barley, lentils, buckwheat.

Also, vegetarians can get the norm of proteins with rice, bran, semolina, the nutrient is found in flour, nuts and some other products.

Vegetable Protein Products
Sources of proteinAmount in foods (% protein based on dry weight)
Linseed porridge28
Wheat flour11
Rye flour10,5
Pearl barley9
Brussels sprouts9
Soy milk3

Side effects and consequences of an overdose

Protein is a natural component found in food and has many beneficial properties. Therefore, contrary to myths, this supplement does not cause addiction, does not affect potency, kidneys or liver. But still, the wrong dosage can cause unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before use, it is important to carefully read the product description and the manufacturer’s recommendations on how to dilute and how to drink the supplement correctly.

In particular, protein complexes are prohibited for use by people with protein intolerance. The danger of any allergen product, perhaps, does not need to be explained much. Reactions can be very different: from banal indigestion to more serious consequences. Some people do not produce the enzymes that break down and digest proteins. In this case, it is important to take into account the recommendations of doctors and take enzymes in tablets along with proteins. Otherwise, you will have to abandon not only the sports supplement, but also limit everything in the diet that has a lot of protein.

It is believed that a high dose of the nutrient can harm the cardiovascular system, disrupt digestion, cause kidney failure and osteoporosis. Perhaps, after such information, many will decide that it is time to give up protein foods. But before reviewing your menu, it is advisable to read the following.

Protein is harmful only to already diseased kidneys, and adequate portions of the nutrient are not terrible for a healthy organ. By following the method of using the supplement, you can not be afraid of digestive problems. In particular, in order to avoid constipation, it is important to take proteins with fiber. The use of a large number of protein supplements in some increases the excretion of calcium from the body. Although in other cases, studies show that the protein, on the contrary, improves the bioavailability of the mineral. However, if the level of calcium in the body is low, it is better to consult a doctor about how much protein to drink and in what proportion. In addition, there are no scientifically proven contraindications and no connection between the use of the supplement and heart disease, blood vessels or cancer.

But it is important to take the supplement with caution when:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • allergies;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • lactose intolerance (in this case, choose a lactose-free supplement);
  • renal failure.

Side effects from an overdose can cause diarrhea, flatulence, urticaria. But it is important to say that professional protein, like protein foods, contrary to misconceptions, does not cause acne or acne. If skin problems do occur, it is usually as a result of heavy sweating. This problem is especially relevant for adolescents, whose acne is the result of hormonal changes in the body (testosterone increases), and not a reaction to protein foods. Although, as for teenagers, it is better to deal with them without sports nutrition supplements, and look for proteins in food.

With diabetes, you can take a proven sports protein of any brand – domestic, German, made in the USA or another country. It is only important that the supplement does not contain carbohydrates. For this reason, a sweet protein bar (known as a bar in sports nutrition), as well as gainers, are considered forbidden supplements for diabetics.

Proteins for different times of the day

To understand when it is better to drink protein, it is important to realize a few points. The rate of absorption of a particular type of protein is the main aspect when choosing a supplement. Approximately 2 hours after the completion of the strength program is the time known as the “carbohydrate window”, or “window of opportunity”. The nutrients received during this period are almost 100% accumulated in the muscles. And whey protein is the best for this period. In the morning, at night or on days without training, the body needs slow proteins most of all. During the day, egg whites are ideal, both in the form of a cocktail and as any egg dish.

Ideally, the daily protein intake can be divided into 6 doses.

Daily protein intake program

First appointment (in the morning)

Few people wake up in the middle of the night to eat. And this means that after waking up, the body needs to restore nutrients, including proteins. At this time, “starved” muscle cells are able to get the most out of fast proteins. And the first thing that comes to mind is whey protein, as the fastest representative of the protein family. But oddly enough, this is not the best choice. And that’s why.

A long, active and eventful day lies ahead. So it is better to take care of the body in advance and give it a protein that acts long enough. For example, casein. The source of this protein is milk, well known to all of us. And a glass of white frothy drink would come in very handy with breakfast. But from the point of view of saturation, this will clearly not be enough. Therefore, solid proteins are usually added to the first meal, for example, egg, egg white, soy, fish, meat. Ideally, breakfast should contain 20 to 35 grams of protein.

The best protein sources for breakfast:

  • milk;
  • whey protein isolate;
  • egg white;
  • hemp protein;
  • meat;
  • a fish;
  • soy.

Second appointment (before training)

It is important that before training the body receives all the necessary nutrients. In addition, it is important that at the time of training the nutrients can penetrate into the muscle tissue. And this means that you will have to eat food no later than an hour before training. As for proteins, the pre-workout diet should contain at least 20 g of the substance.

Best Pre-Workout Protein Sources:

  • whey isolate;
  • egg white;
  • meat;
  • soy.

Third appointment (after training)

Assuming that the training was very intense, then the muscles after training are more prone to growth than ever. And this is the best time to feed the body with “building” components – proteins. In addition, it is important to “fit in” with the meal in the “window of opportunity”. The most common belief is that maximum protein synthesis occurs within an hour or two after a workout. But increasingly, researchers are saying that the “window of opportunity” isn’t just limited to two hours – it’s “open” for nearly 24 hours. Although it must be understood that after 5-6 hours after the end of the workout, the body is set to absorb nutrients less greedily. So in any case, as soon as possible after class, it is important to give the body what it asks for. And during this period, it asks for “fast” proteins (within 30-35 g).

The best protein sources after a workout:

  • whey isolate;
  • egg white;
  • hemp protein.

Fourth reception (lunch)

At this time, you can eat any healthy food, but it is still desirable that solid sources of proteins be among the foods consumed at this time.

Best Protein Sources for Lunch:

  • egg white;
  • meat;
  • a fish;
  • hemp protein;
  • soy.

Fifth reception

At this time, it is necessary to give the body another portion of amino acids. This is the period when the body continues to recover after a workout. Now it’s good for the muscles to get another protein shake and whey.

Best Protein Sources:

  • Whey Protein;
  • egg white;
  • hemp protein;
  • meat;
  • soy.

Sixth reception (before bedtime)

This is an important time to replenish protein reserves, which the body would have had enough for the whole night. And the best way to do this is to “feed” him with casein (20 g).

Although a whole egg is also a good option. The fats contained in the product will make digestion slower.

The best protein sources for the night:

  • casein;
  • egg white;
  • whole egg.

Combining protein with other supplements

Substances combined with protein:

  • carnitine (increases endurance and muscle strength);
  • creatine monohydrate;
  • BCAAs
  • gainer.

Substances incompatible with proteins:

  • alcohol (reduces the activity of protein synthesis).

People are motivated to use protein supplements for a variety of reasons: the desire to build muscle, lose weight, or improve the quality of the diet. But many do not like the taste of pure protein. Here are some ideas on how to make the most delicious protein at home.

Snack cocktails:

  1. Coffee-vanilla: a glass of milk (it is better to take a low-fat product), 80 g of coffee ice cream, 2 servings (measuring spoons) of Vanilla protein.
  2. Almond-soy: 1 serving of protein, a glass of soy milk, a tablespoon of natural yogurt, crushed almonds, a little maple syrup (no sugar), vanilla extract, ice.
  3. Orange: 3 orange juice, 1 serving of protein, sweeteners (optional).
  4. Oat Mint: 2 servings Chocolate Protein, 80 g diet vanilla ice cream, 2 cups low-fat milk, XNUMX/XNUMX cup water, XNUMX cup oatmeal, XNUMX/XNUMX teaspoon mint extract.
  5. Banana: A glass of skimmed milk, 1 serving of whey protein, 2 teaspoons of safflower oil, 1 banana, ice.

Berry cocktails:

  1. From wild berries: 2 scoops of milk protein, 2 cups of low-fat milk, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, ice.
  2. Strawberry with Creatine: 4 servings of whey protein, 1 scoop of creatine, a glass of water, a glass of natural yogurt (take low fat), a few strawberries, 1 teaspoon of linseed oil.
  3. Strawberry-Nutty: 2 servings of Vanilla protein, a glass of natural yogurt, some fresh strawberries, chopped nuts.
  4. Blueberry Strawberry: 2 servings of protein, a handful of blueberries, a few large strawberries, half a glass of water, ice, sweetener of your choice.
  5. Blueberry: 1 serving of protein, 300 ml of water, half a glass of blueberries, 2 teaspoons of linseed oil, sweetener (to taste).

Chocolate-peanut cocktails:

  1. With Peanut Butter: 1 cup low-fat milk, 1 serving egg white, 2,5 servings Chocolate Protein, 1 scoop creatine, handful crushed hazelnuts.
  2. Banana Peanut: 2 servings of protein, half a cup of almond flakes, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 1 cup of low-fat milk, banana, honey.
  3. Chocolate: glass of water, 1 teaspoon cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons low-fat sour cream, 2 scoops chocolate whey protein, 2 teaspoons flaxseed oil, sweetener optional.
  4. Chocolate coffee: 2 servings of whey protein (“Chocolate”), a glass of low-fat milk, a glass of water, 1 tablespoon of instant coffee, ice.
  5. Chocolate Almond: a glass of water, a handful of almonds, half a teaspoon of coconut extract (or a little coconut), 1 scoop of chocolate-flavored protein, ice, sweetener.

Anabolic cocktails:

  1. Protein-creatine: 2 scoops of protein (can be vanilla flavored), 1 scoop of creatine, 2 green apples, ice, water or milk.
  2. Almond Banana Shake: 2 servings of protein powder, a glass of water, half a banana, a handful of almonds.
  3. Banana Peanut: 2 servings of protein, a glass of water, 2 bananas, 3 tablespoons of peanut butter.
  4. Egg: 3 raw eggs, 2-3 tablespoons of vanilla ice cream or a glass of milk, 2 scoops of protein.
  5. Peanut-egg: 3 servings of protein, 4 egg whites, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, a glass of water, ice.

Homemade shake without protein powder

For people who do not want to consume proteins in powder, products containing this nutrient will come to the rescue. Moreover, proteins in food are not uncommon. Remember at least how many proteins are in milk or what is their content in soy. Natural protein shakes will perfectly saturate female and male organisms with proteins. Also, the organic drink is safe and healthy for children.

Recipe 1

  • 1 L milk;
  • 2 servings of ice cream;
  • 4 egg white;
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil.

This cocktail is useful to drink while the “carbohydrate window” is open. The proteins contained in the drink will be absorbed by the body within 3-4 hours.

Recipe 2 (for vegetarians)

A vegan protein shake can be made with the following ingredients:

  • hemp protein (1 tablespoon);
  • Hercules (4 tablespoons);
  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • banana (1 piece);
  • cocoa powder (1 teaspoon);
  • chopped hazelnuts (1 tablespoon);
  • cinnamon (pinch);
  • oat milk (glass).

How to choose the right protein supplement

Various supplements can serve as sources of proteins in sports nutrition. The most common categories:

  • whey protein (Optimum Nutrition, MuscleTech, BSN);
  • protein powders (Optimum Nutrition, Ronnie Coleman, MuscleTech, JYM, BSN, MusclePharm);
  • protein bars (MuscleTech, MusclePharm, Quest Nutrition, BPI Sports, ON);
  • soy protein (MHP, Universal Nutrition, EAS);
  • egg protein (EAS, Body Nutrition, MRM, Universal Nutrition, MHP);
  • micellar casein (JYM, ON, Dymatize, MuscleTech, MusclePharm)
  • beef protein (MuscleMeds, MuscleTech, MHP);
  • vegetable protein (Olympian Labs, Vega, PEScience, MRM, SAN, NOW, Sunwarrior, Garden of Life);
  • ready-made protein shakes (Dymatize, Labrada, CytoSport, ABB, ON).

Protein powders are popular for several reasons:

  • they are more convenient sources of protein than food;
  • do not contain (or contain very little) fat and cholesterol;
  • these supplements are easy to take;
  • there are different flavors.

For beginners in bodybuilding, it may seem that all protein supplements are the same. In fact, choosing a protein for sports is not so easy. This is exactly the product, when choosing which it is important to carefully read the label. Powders may contain protein components that cause allergies, and these are lactose, soy, casein, albumin. In addition, the product may contain artificial ingredients, which may also be dangerous for some categories of athletes. Full information on the chemical composition of the additive is contained in the instructions for use. There is also information about the presence of sugar and sweeteners, which is important for people with diabetes.

The second thing to consider is the type of protein. The composition of the supplement may include different types of proteins: vegetable (soy, rice, hemp, peas, sprouted grains) and / or animal origin (whey, casein, beef protein, egg, fish meal). Animal proteins have a higher nutritional value. Purely plant-based supplements are usually made specifically for vegetarians. Although some meat-eaters sometimes prefer soy proteins, which have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. But when choosing soy additives, you need to be prepared for the fact that most of them have a characteristic taste and smell that are poorly masked by flavorings and sweeteners.

At the third stage of selection, the rate of absorption of the additive is taken into account. Depending on the purpose for which the supplement is needed (pre- or post-workout complexes, solid meal replacement, additional source of nutrients), different types of proteins are needed: fast, slow, or a mixture of two varieties.

Some manufacturers produce a pure protein product without flavorings or sweeteners. Others may use a natural or artificial ingredient to enhance the flavor profile. These additives do not affect the nutritional value and effectiveness of the protein.

And the last. When buying a supplement for the first time, it is better to choose the smallest package or, if possible, take sample supplements from one company or several (or different types of protein supplements) for comparison to understand how each of them helps. With the help of such a trick, it is easy to determine how suitable the supplement is, as well as identify its shortcomings.

If the purpose of the purchase is a protein bar for weight loss, then it is important to pay attention to:

  • calorie content (the energy value of the bar should not exceed the total daily calories);
  • sugar (it is better to give preference to bars without carbohydrates or low-carb supplements, these have a lower kcal indicator);
  • fat (ideally, the bar should contain only healthy fats).

How to test a protein for authenticity

Before consuming a protein shake, it is important to check its quality, as expired or fake protein will not only be ineffective, but also harmful (if not dangerous) to health.

And the check should begin with determining the expiration date and carefully inspecting the packaging: the jar or bag must be hermetically sealed, and storage in the store must comply with the requirements. To protect yourself from fakes, you must also understand that any American or British sports nutrition manufacturer indicates net weight, as a rule, in pounds or ounces. But Germany, like the Polish, Russian or Chinese manufacturer, uses grams to indicate the weight.

A good protein is a fairly fine and dense powder, homogeneous in consistency. The color varies from cold white to soft milky. Flavored protein powder may have other colors (chocolate, coffee). The taste of the product (if it does not contain flavors and flavors) depends on the protein source (milk, soy, eggs).

Protein Quality Tests

To understand what the powder, called “protein”, actually contains, several rapid tests will help.

  1. The fastest and easiest method: real protein, when rubbed between your fingers, squeaks like snow. Counterfeits made from starch or flour will not be able to produce such a sound.
  2. The dry powder will not dissolve in the mouth, but will stick to the gums and teeth in lumps.
  3. Many do not understand how to dilute the drink until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Answer: Real protein will only dissolve in a shaker. At the same time, the powder mixed with the liquid does not form a precipitate, but it foams well.
  4. When whey protein is boiled, it first forms a foam, then lumps that look like rice and taste like cottage cheese. This is a simple yet effective way to test the quality of a popular supplement.
  5. A chemical reaction using iodine will confirm or refute the presence of starch, flour or maltodextrin in the composition of the sports supplement (in the latter case, the mixture will not turn blue, as with starch, but will turn dark brown).
  6. If you scoop some protein into a spoon and heat it over a fire, the real whey product will give off the smell of burnt milk, and the fake one containing starch will smell like fried potatoes.

The most common questions about proteins

What is the difference between protein and protein?

Perhaps, many such a question can drive into a stupor. It is possible that some people will answer that these are synonymous words. Others may claim that proteins are sports nutrition, and protein is a component of food and sports nutrition necessary for muscle recovery. There is indeed a difference between these substances. So what are proteins and proteins?

A protein is a polymeric compound of amino acids joined together by a peptide bond (a peptide is a combination of amino acids in a certain order). All naturally occurring proteins are divided into two groups: proteins and proteids. Proteins are simple proteins, in other words, it is a pure protein element. And as a rule, it is this type of protein that is an ingredient in sports nutrition. A protein is a more complex compound, in the molecule of which, in addition to the protein part, there are also non-protein components (ash).

There is also such a thing as “crude protein”. This term, used in animal husbandry, refers to all nitrogenous compounds contained in the feed. In addition, livestock breeders distinguish between protected (the formula of this substance is resistant to enzymes) and unprotected (soluble) protein. And in pharmacies there is also a therapeutic version of proteins.

What are protein supplements made of?

The proteins used by bodybuilders are safe supplements, the manufacture of which is a banal removal of a nutrient from food. Sports nutrition may contain a vegetable protein protein or a component of animal origin. Proteins are by no means hormones or steroids. The harm and benefits of additives depend solely on the expiration date of the additive and the individual characteristics of the body. By the way, recently a new supplement has appeared on the sports nutrition market – the so-called heavy protein. It is based on immunoglobulin G-protein (listed as immunoglobulin protein isolate or serum protein isolate in the list of ingredients).

It is said that this substance accelerates muscle growth even without physical exertion, although many athletes, to put it mildly, are suspicious of the new product.

Suitable for weight loss or mass gain?

The benefits of proteins for weight are unique. On the one hand, the need for proteins is acutely felt by overweight people. Regular protein speeds up metabolism, it is useful for obese people for burning fat, and for athletes for drying. On the other hand, proteins are also important for ectomorphs – they help to quickly gain weight, which is necessary for muscle relief.

Diet food containing chicken, fish, soy, oat or rice protein is beneficial for overweight girls and men. But corn and other starchy protein foods are not the best choice for weight loss. But still, how does protein affect body fat percentage? The study showed that the body spends quite a lot of energy on digesting proteins (30% more than when digesting fats and carbohydrates). As a result, a high-protein diet against the background of a deficiency of carbohydrates and fats leads to weight loss. But, according to scientific research, whey protein is more effective for weight loss. Soy also leads to weight loss, but more slowly. And casein protein, as it turned out, suppresses appetite better than other proteins. And this is another argument in favor of why casein should be consumed in the evening.

However, not all types of protein work as a fat burner. Meat protein, on the contrary, can increase waist circumference. So, at least, some studies have shown. And if anyone else is wondering if you can get fat with protein, the answer is yes. But for this, it is important for lean people to know how to correctly calculate their own daily protein intake, as well as understand how to drink protein supplements for weight gain.

A lot has already been said about the benefits of protein for bodybuilders. Cottage cheese (fresh, cheesecakes or cheese casserole), poultry, fish, beef, milk – this is the diet that effectively increases muscle mass, and is also good for joints, bone tissue, and digestive organs.

Baby food instead of protein

For novice bodybuilders, the question is relevant: “How to replace protein and is it possible?”. Some consider baby food to be an adequate alternative to a sports supplement. In fact, the muscle fiber in the bodies of athletes will not experience any benefit from infant formula. The children’s product contains almost 6 times less protein than whey isolate, but is an extremely rich source of fats and carbohydrates. And this means that baby food in sports is a poor helper.

Which is better: a protein shake or a weight gainer?

Both proteins and gainers have their pros and cons. But in order to answer which of the supplements is better, you need to understand what the consumption of each of them gives the body. A gainer is an energy drink that restores BJU reserves after an intense power load. Protein is the building block for muscles. But in any case, the muscles will not grow if they feel a lack of energy (glycogen) or proteins. For endurance and muscle growth, you will either need a high protein gainer, or you will have to combine protein shakes and gainers – there is no other way.

How long does protein keep?

The expiration date of the unopened product is indicated on the packaging. It can range from six months to several years. Opened protein powder is recommended by many manufacturers to be consumed within 2 weeks, but in practice, athletes often continue to drink protein after opening the package for much longer. And in principle, the additive does not lose its properties at this time. The only danger is bacteria and moisture that can get into the powder. The prepared cocktail at room temperature retains its freshness for 3-4 hours, in the refrigerator it can last 30 minutes longer. A spoiled product changes the taste, and after eating it, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth.

How old do you have to be to take proteins?

The function of protein supplements is to provide energy and improve muscle growth. It would seem that what’s wrong is that a child consumes a protein shake from a well-known sports nutrition manufacturer, such as Mutant, Vita or Laktomin. Meanwhile, doctors, nutritionists and many trainers are against such experiments. The child’s body is just being formed, and he is able to get all the nutrients necessary for this process from food. Protein is no exception. And if you decide at what age to use sports nutrition, then, according to experts, not earlier than 23 years old, when the body has completely completed the complex process of formation. Until that time, a balanced diet and moderate exercise are enough.

What is pharmacy protein

Perhaps, few people know that in a pharmacy you can buy, so to speak, a budget analogue of protein sports supplements. Pharmacists produce protein in capsules and tablets. As a rule, these drugs are a set of amino acids that are useful for the work of muscles, the brain, they are valuable for recovery after physical exertion. The properties of these tablets are similar to sports nutrition. The only difference is the dosage: in pharmacy protein, the protein concentration is lower than in sports supplements.

Why do you need protein in cosmetics

Do you think the body can only get proteins from food, sports supplements or medications? Wrong! Cream, shampoo, hair and nail care products – all these cosmetic products also contain proteins. Most often, pearl proteins (have a rejuvenating effect), silk protein (useful for skin, hair, nails) are found in cosmetics. As a source of cosmetic proteins are cashmere (for split ends and brittle hair), ginseng (rejuvenates). Protein preparations for the skin and joints contain a special type of collagen protein, and hair products often contain keratin. Also in cosmetology, wheat, soy, cotton, sesame, milk and other proteins (more than 40 types) are used.

Top 10 companies and their proteins

And now let’s talk about, perhaps, the most interesting for athletes – about the most popular protein supplements on the sports nutrition market.



It is a protein powder, one serving (one scoop) contains 22 g of protein. The protein matrix consists of whey protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, micellar casein, milk protein isolate, egg white and glutamine. In addition, it contains vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium. The product is presented in 10 flavors. Soluble in water or milk. Suitable for men and women. Does not contain caffeine, suitable for use at any time of the day.

Syntha-6 Isolate

This product from an American manufacturer is a mixture of whey and milk protein isolates. Pluses of a product: the content of all amino acids necessary for athletes. Pleasant taste (available in different flavors: milk chocolate, strawberry, vanilla ice cream). Easily diluted in water or milk (you will need a little more than a glass of liquid per serving). Suitable for use before and after training. You can drink between meals or instead of snacks to maintain the stability of protein synthesis in the body.



Product in the form of a protein powder intended to be diluted in water, juice or milk. It is 100% whey protein isolate. One serving is 23 g of highly active and biologically valuable protein. Does not contain lactose, fats, carbohydrates and gluten. But the supplement contains small portions of calcium and phosphorus, as well as all the essential amino acids. It is presented in different flavors, including fruit. The chemical characteristics of the protein contained in the supplement make it possible to drink a cocktail with equal efficiency in the morning, before bedtime or immediately after doing strength exercises.

Trophix 5.0

This is a multi-component drug for muscle building. The key component of the protein matrix is ​​casein. In addition to it, the supplement contains milk protein concentrate, hydrolyzed gluten, whey protein concentrate, albumin, lecithin. Additional components are calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, as well as a small amount of fats and carbohydrates. One scoop of protein powder contains 20 g of the substance. The additive dissolves well in water and milk (1 ml of liquid is enough for 240 serving). The multicomponent formula makes the drug effective for athletes with different physical training. Suitable for women.


Mega Mass

This is a carbohydrate-protein blend from one of the leading manufacturers of sports nutrition. The protein matrix of the supplement is a combination of three components: egg protein, milk (in the form of an isolate) and whey (also in the form of an isolate). The special composition of proteins provides the athlete with essential amino acids. A serving of the drug is 49 g of pure protein. The gainer is designed to be diluted in non-fat milk. Suitable for use as a post-workout supplement or as a replacement for one of your solid meals. Promotes rapid recovery and growth of muscles. In addition to traditional shake powders, the supplement is also available in the form of carbohydrate-protein bars (Mass Mega Bar).

Premium Whey

Specially designed for athletes, the supplement formula is a blend of protein isolates, ultra-filtered whey concentrate and glutamine. One serving of the supplement contains 25 g of pure protein. The powder dissolves in milk and water. The supplement helps to overcome the plateau, is designed to improve muscle growth, increases endurance, accelerates recovery, allows you to increase the level of load, helps to draw the relief. Suitable for people of different body types and fitness levels, including those who are obese or underweight. The additive is presented in different flavor solutions.

Protein Bar

This protein bar can serve as a complete snack for professional bodybuilders and dieters. Contains a composition of proteins from milk protein and soy isolate. Protein bars from Weider are presented in two versions: High Protein (pure protein product) 32% Protein Bar (protein-carbohydrate supplement). Both options on the market are available in different flavors (chocolate, strawberry, banana, coconut and others). The supplement has anabolic properties, fills with energy and increases endurance during training. Works well during the recovery period after a strength program.

Protein 80 Plus

A unique protein blend of whey protein, casein, milk and egg proteins. The bioavailability of this protein mixture is 144%. The composition of the powder includes all the amino acids important for athletes. The formula of the supplement is designed specifically to boost muscle growth and overcome the plateau phase. Suitable for people involved in bodybuilding, powerlifting, fitness and other sports. Considered one of the best supplements on the sports nutrition market today. To prepare a portion of a protein shake, 1 scoop of powder (30 g) is enough. The manufacturer advises diluting the powder in water or skim milk.



This line of proteins from Dymatize includes several products:

  • Elite Whey Protein (protein matrix composed of whey protein isolate and concentrate, soy lecithin, whey peptide; 1 scoop of powder contains 25 g of protein);
  • Elite Gourmet (one serving of the powder contains 21 g of protein, the preparation includes a complete set of amino acids);
  • Elite Casein (providing 24 g of casein protein per 1 serving of supplement, suitable for use in the morning, at night and between meals);
  • Elite XT (a blend of whey protein concentrate and isolate, milk protein isolate, egg albumin, casein and several other components; is one of the best options for a “slow” protein blend).

ISO 100

This Dymatize supplement is a hydrolyzed whey protein isolate, the most effective form of protein available. Whey Isolate is the fastest protein available, making it a must-have for post-strength bodybuilders. It has a beneficial effect on muscles: accelerates the recovery process, promotes faster healthy muscle growth. The manufacturer promises noticeable changes in the muscles after 8-12 weeks of using the supplement.

Optimum Nutrition (ON)

Whey gold standard

This blend of whey concentrate and protein isolate is referred to as a premium sports supplement. The special type of protein contained in the mixture contributes to the rapid absorption of the supplement. Suitable for post-workout complexes, as a “snack” between meals, as well as for use before bedtime. Pairs well with water, milk and oatmeal. The manufacturer offers variants of this supplement with a variety of flavors.


Pure Platinum Whey

One of the most popular whey proteins in the sports nutrition market. One serving of the drug contains 25 g of pure protein. The supplement is suitable for people who are actively involved in power sports, as well as following a strict diet. It is an anabolic product specifically designed for post-workout use. The presence of BCAAs is useful for the synthesis of proteins in the body. In addition, the supplement has fat-burning properties, which means it is suitable for overweight people.

Ultimate Nutrition

Iso Sensation

At first glance, it is a traditional whey protein. But the composition of the mixture contains a unique component of colostrum (it is also colostrum produced by the mammary glands during pregnancy). This ingredient gives the protein supplement immunomodulatory properties. Another feature of the supplement is a set of amino acids that is optimal for people leading an active lifestyle. The supplement is suitable as a post-workout cocktail for bodybuilders and people involved in other sports.


Sports nutrition supplement, which is a combination of whey protein isolate and concentrate. One serving contains 25 g of “fast” protein, which makes Prostar an excellent product for the post-workout complex. Contributes to the successful restoration of muscle tissue, supplies the body with additional energy, increases the level of endurance. The special texture allows the powder to dissolve almost instantly in any liquid. A wide flavor palette allows you to choose the most acceptable cocktail option. But not suitable for people with allergies to soy, wheat, nuts or milk.


Whey HD

Multi-component whey protein powder. Each serving provides 25g of high quality protein. The formula of the supplement is designed in such a way as to minimize all unnecessary additional ingredients in the supplement. Whey protein is the best component for muscle growth and recovery. Ideal for both men and women. The manufacturer provides an opportunity to choose an additive among different flavor options.

Best Protein

Whey protein isolate, concentrate and hydrolyzate come together in this supplement to create one of the most effective formulas for muscle recovery. The special structure of whey protein makes it the most accessible to the human body. The protein is quickly absorbed by the cells. A serving of a protein shake taken after a workout will provide the body with at least 24 g of high-quality protein. And especially for gourmets, the manufacturer has developed several mouth-watering flavors and aromas of this additive.

Power System

Professional Protein

The supplement is based on a universal 5-component protein matrix. In addition to milk protein, the mixture includes whey, soy, egg proteins and collagen hydrolyzate. The universal formula of the supplement is useful for better muscle growth, faster recovery, and also suitable as an energy drink with a rich amino acid composition. 100 grams of powder contains 80 grams of pure protein. You will need 2-3 tablespoons per serving. The product dissolves well in skim milk. This cocktail is suitable for drinking after workouts, as well as before bedtime. The manufacturer recommends taking 1-2 servings of a protein drink daily.

Pure Protein

Multi Protein

A serving of this multi-ingredient blend contains 35 g of high quality protein. The protein matrix of this product is a complex of milk and whey protein concentrates, as well as dried egg white. This combination of protein sources made it possible to create an optimal composition of amino acids, without which healthy recovery and growth of muscle tissue is impossible. In addition, the supplement does not irritate the digestive organs, promotes detoxification of the body. To prepare a portion of a protein shake, you will need 2 scoops of powder and 350 ml of water, milk or juice. The product is presented in different flavors (banana, orange, chocolate, strawberry and others).

You should also pay attention to products from such manufacturers:

  • Maxler: Problend, Ultrafiltration Whey;
  • MuscleMeds: Carnivor;
  • Muscle Pharm: Arnold Iron Whey, Combat;
  • Muscle Tech: Phase 8, Premium Gold;
  • VPLab: Protein Pro, Protein Bar, High Protein Bar;
  • Inner Armour: Whey Protein Isolate;
  • Performance: Pure Whey Pro;
  • Syntrax: Matrix 5.0;
  • Cult: Whey Protein 80;
  • Twinlab: Whey Protein Fuel.

Although the range of protein supplements is much wider. Here are some other well-known products on the market:

  • ART Modern scientific technologies (XXI Power);
  • KFD Nutrition (WPC 80, Premium WPS);
  • Rule 1 (R1 Protein);
  • Nutricia (Nutridrink);
  • Mutant (Mutant Whey, Mutant Pro);
  • Muscular Development (MD) (MD Whey);
  • Lactoprot (Lactomin 80);
  • Arla (Lacprodan 80);
  • Scitec Nutrition (Isolate, Whey Protein Prof);
  • BioTech (Iso Whey Zero);
  • FitMiss (Delight);
  • Sportpit (Athlete);
  • Fortogen (Ultra 80);
  • KSB (KSB-55, KSB-80);
  • Triav (Goliath 80, Gladiator);
  • Atlet Power (Atlet Power);
  • 4UZE (PureProtein, Protein Matrix);
  • Vansiton (WAY-80, Ultra PRO, For cocktails);
  • Techmolprom (KSC Gadyach 65%);
  • Evalar (SportExpert, SportExpert Protein Mix);
  • Amway (Nutrilite Protein Powder);
  • aTech (Whey Protein);
  • CyberMass (Whey Protein);
  • Dominant Nutrition (Whey Protein);
  • Energy Diet (Energy Diet);
  • Energy Pro (5 Protein Matrix, Whey Protein for Women, Whey Protein for Men, Multiprotein);
  • GeneticLab Nutrition (Whey Pro);
  • Herbalife (Formula 3, Formula 1);
  • Ironman (F80, Whey protein);
  • Junior Athlete (Protein №1, Protein №2);
  • King Protein (Whey Protein, Whey Isolate, Casein Protein, Multi Protein);
  • Milkland (WPC 80);
  • MyProtein (Impact Whey Protein);
  • Olimp (Pro Whey Shake, Provit 80, Natural Whey Protein Concentrate, Pure Whey Isolate, Sojavit 85, Egg Protein, ProLong Protein);
  • OstroVit (WPC 80, Micellar Casein);
  • Power Pro (Whey Protein Power Pro, Femine Power Pro, ProBio Whey Protein, Protein Power MIX, Crea Pro Power);
  • QNT (Metapure Zero Carb);
  • R-line (Whey);
  • RPS Nutrition (Whey Protein Blend);
  • Sporting (Whey Protein).

No bodybuilder should be deficient in protein.

Protein supplements are usually selected based on indicators of biological value. Milk and eggs should form the basis of a protein diet, but meat, whey, or plant-based proteins should also not be abandoned. Each of these varieties has its own advantages. And the easiest way to get these substances is to take protein sports supplements.

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