Why do family members living together respond differently to coronavirus infection? Some are sick while others are not experiencing even mild symptoms? What does the body’s resistance depend on?
Garlic, ginger, vitamins, a healthy lifestyle – in our opinion, it is these factors that affect immunity and help to resist viruses, including COVID-19. Of course, the right diet does matter, but only if you stick to a healthy diet all the time. If the epidemic made you revise the menu, that’s great, but the result of such changes will not be immediately noticeable. A lot of time must pass, the body rebuilds its work gradually and the protective functions debugs day after day. You have to wait for positive changes, but this is not a reason to refuse proper nutrition, you just should not rely on the help of ginger and garlic, rejecting all other methods of protection.
Non-obvious reasons
Why even today someone takes the subway, visits crowded places and continues to live as if nothing had happened, and someone does not leave the house once again and still picks up the virus? The point is in mechanical factors, which many are unaware of. Here are the main ones.
Disruption of the hypothalamus. This is a part of the brain that plays a leading role in the regulation of the most important functions of the body. It may not work properly due to bleeding, intracranial infection or edema, malnutrition, surgery. Among the symptoms that betray pathology are headaches, decreased visual acuity, cold intolerance, chronic fatigue, depression. If they occur, it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist, he will prescribe an examination.
Deterioration of blood supply to the lungs and difficulty in chest movement. The problem can arise against the background of scoliosis. The vast majority of people live with this disease. Poor posture adversely affects the work of the respiratory muscles. Due to the asymmetric attachment of the muscles, limitation of the mobility of the ribs and vertebrae, ventilation of the lungs is impaired. The more severe the deformity of the spine, the worse the conditions for the work of the lungs. That is why diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including the spine, cannot be ignored. An examination by a neurologist is required.
Nose injuries due to which the bones that form the sinuses lose their mobility. The consequence of this is swelling of the mucous membrane and a decrease in its protective function. If abnormalities exist, consult an otolaryngologist.
Birth and acquired injuries. Among them are injuries to the back of the head, they lead to disruption of the vagus nerve, which is normally responsible for the functioning of the ciliated epithelium in the bronchi. It expels mucus from the lungs. If the vagus nerve is pinched, mucus stagnates, and poor ventilation of the lungs only aggravates the process. Other birth injuries, such as a twisted body, also have a negative effect on immunity. Pathology affects the work of the intestines: it is difficult for the absorption of trace elements and vitamins, which ensure the normal course of biochemical processes. The consequence is a decrease in the performance of muscles and internal organs, an increase in autointoxication due to the absorption of toxins in the intestine. This not only makes the body vulnerable to disease, but also complicates the healing process. An osteopath will help eliminate the consequences of birth trauma.
Vitamin D deficiency. Recent studies say that this factor causes severe forms of the course of COVID-19. Vitamin D should be taken all year round. You can take a break for a month and a half at the end of summer, nothing more. This is extremely important, especially for residents of the northern regions. The dosage of the vitamin will be adjusted by the therapist.
Here and now
Of course, it is impossible to eliminate all the factors that negatively affect immunity at once. This is a long process. But if you notice at least one of the listed deviations, start working on the problem. Don’t skip COVID vaccination. Even people with chronic diseases can be vaccinated, but with an amendment: the procedure cannot be carried out during a period of complications. Another contraindication is the inflammatory process.