Protection of immunity in summer

In the heat, there was a danger of both overheating and getting hypothermia – paradoxical, but true. Trying to regain the lost thermal comfort, many earned hypothermia from air conditioners, fans, cold drinks, too frequent bathing in cold water. Increased air pollution and smog in combination with high air temperatures carried the risk of allergic reactions, exacerbation of chronic diseases (in particular, diseases of the respiratory system). This situation was an extreme burden for the body of people not only with chronic diseases, but also for those who are completely healthy.

Doctors suggest that the effects of this summer may affect immunity, reducing its protective function by 2-3 weeks. The fact is that immunity is sensitive to unfavorable factors. Many have noticed on themselves that even stress, lack of sleep and poor diet provoke a cold. And sharp temperature changes are all the more capable of weakening resistance to viral and respiratory diseases. It is no coincidence that there is a concept of acclimatization – getting used to new temperature conditions.

At the end of August, many of us (even those who did not leave for distant lands to the foreign sun) found themselves in the conditions of the post-vacation syndrome – from the unusual heat, we abruptly moved to the cold autumn. The weather did not give us the opportunity to gradually prepare for the cold snap, so some immediately caught a cold, unable to withstand the temperature tests. At the same time, the sick have similar symptoms: first, a sore throat, then weakness and weakness, nasal congestion, and in the worst version, viral bronchitis. Obviously, when communicating, we “reward” each other with viruses, but not everyone gets sick, but the weakest.

It is almost impossible to protect yourself from viruses – they are transmitted by airborne droplets (through the air). The only way is to strengthen the immune system. This can be done in different ways. As practice shows, the easiest and fastest way is to drink drugs with an immunomodulatory effect. What else to do if the harbingers of a cold are already felt – an unpleasant chill throughout the body and weakness. In such a situation, it is better to take the therapeutic dose right away. “Anaferona” – 8 tablets on the first day of treatment. If there are no symptoms of a cold, but someone is sick next to you, and you want to hedge against a possible cold, then it is better to take “Anaferon” in a prophylactic dose – 1 tablet per day.

Some people prefer not to take anything: you think it’s just a cold, you get sick for seven days and that’s it. But if you think about how much time and effort the disease takes (and how much money for treatment!), That after it another 2-3 weeks the consequences may appear in the form of complications or residual effects, then the choice is obvious in favor of any means that help not to get sick. At the same time, it is appropriate to use any means that help you: from traditional medicine to modern medicines, and even better – everything in a complex.

The first month of autumn can be spent profitably if you find time for walks – it is not too cold yet, and the air is already clean enough. Physical activity will be good for both body and soul (and the fall blues is not the best companion for health). Try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and do not forget that many vitamins are destroyed even with slight heating, so fresh juices and fresh salads are the best choice for those wishing to get fortified.

We wish you a healthy autumn!

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