Protection of grapes from diseases and pests
Protection of grapes is a whole complex of procedures that must be performed in a specific sequence. To keep the vineyards from getting sick, it is necessary to adhere to the processing time.
Disease protection scheme for grapes
There are more than 10 types of grape fungal diseases. They affect the quality of the crop and lead to the death of the bushes. The most common diseases are oidium, mildew, gray, black and white rot, black spot, anthracnose, fusarium and verticillium wilting.
Protection of grapes is an important agricultural technique, since the crop has a lot of diseases and pests.
The effectiveness of protection against these diseases depends on timely diagnosis, the choice of the correct means and adherence to the treatment scheme. Use fungicides to fight disease. Processing scheme:
- In early spring, before bud break, when you open the grapes after wintering, treat them with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate. If leaves begin to appear, then skip this treatment. Iron vitriol will burn the kidneys.
- When 5-6 leaves appear, treat the grapes with copper-containing preparations for mildew and anthracnose, as well as sulfur-containing preparations for powdery mildew.
- Before flowering in early June, you need to carry out 2 preventive treatments. They are the most important because the grapes are vulnerable during this period. You can use fungicides for diseases or liquid fertilizers with a fungicidal effect.
- When the fruits grow the size of a pea, treat the bushes with a comprehensive remedy for all fungal diseases. Repeat the process while forming bunches.
- Before sheltering the grapes for the winter, treat again with a solution of ferrous sulfate.
When the crop is ripe, chemicals should not be used, otherwise the fruits will be inedible.
Pest control scheme for grapes
Use insecticides to kill insect pests. Medicines of the acaricide class, as well as sulfur-containing agents, will help get rid of the tick.
Pest control must be carried out at the following times:
- at the stage of opening the kidney – from scoops, mowers, leaf rollers, grape itch larvae and ticks;
- when opening inflorescences – from a tick;
- after flowering – from larvae of thrips and leafhoppers;
- during the formation of berries and their coloring.
You can use chemicals or folk remedies. A decoction of onion peels, celandine or comfrey is suitable.
Protection of the grapes is effective if you start saving the bush in time. Vineyards that are affected by 70% or more cannot be saved. To prevent such consequences, do not neglect preventive treatments, and also properly care for the bushes.