Protection of allergic skin from the sun. 10 ways to heal!
Protection of allergic skin from the sun. 10 ways to heal!

Sensitive and allergy-prone skin is the skin that is most difficult to protect. Photoallergic reactions cause that every time the skin meets the sun’s rays, small bubbles form on its surface and it becomes red. Sun allergy is extremely common and affects more and more people. Interestingly, this is not only a summer problem, and sun allergy can also occur in spring, autumn or even winter.


Protecting allergic skin: how to deal with sun allergy?

  1. UVA rays are believed to be the cause of sun allergies. In this case, the best protection against allergies is simply to avoid sun exposure. Of course, if there is such a possibility, it is better to choose a picnic in the shade of a tree, rather than in the scorching summer sun.
  2. When dressing, let’s choose clothes that will cover the body, especially the head, hands and feet. Sun allergies are most common on the hands and feet. Always wear a cap or hat and shoes that cover your feet.
  3. When going out in the sun or sunbathing, use creams that protect against solar radiation, especially against UVB and UVA rays. The filter should be selected according to the needs of your skin. In the case of allergy-prone skin, it should be as large as possible.
  4. Cosmetic treatments that use selenium and beta-carotene can protect against allergies. Intensive and systematic use of cosmetics with these ingredients will reduce the symptoms of allergy and reduce the frequency of its occurrence.
  5. Medical measures include photochemotherapy, which helps to remove symptoms and stop future allergic reactions in people suffering from sun allergies. This procedure is performed by a dermatologist.
  6. Studies have shown that the intensity of sun allergy can also be reduced with the use of drugs that normally treat malaria. Treatments of this type should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor.
  7. It is important to remember not to use any chemicals applied to the skin or with which the skin may come into contact before going out into the sun. Very often, it is these agents that cause allergies, when their factors under the influence of sunlight create redness and blisters on the skin.
  8. Zinc ointment works very well on sun-irritated areas. It perfectly copes with the feeling of itching and brings the skin to its normal, natural color.
  9. You can also apply special “after sun” creams to irritated skin, which will properly moisturize and nourish damaged skin.
  10. There are also special gels available in pharmacies to be applied to affected areas for allergy sufferers suffering from sun allergy. The antioxidants contained in them soothe the symptoms of allergies and prevent skin aging.

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