Protect your head. Contraception methods and when to start using them
Protect your head. Contraception methods and when to start using them

Hormonal contraception is one of the most popular methods of contraception. Before starting intercourse or before using this method of contraception for the first time, a woman should visit a gynecologist and undergo all the necessary examinations.

The most popular, i.e. contraceptive pills, are divided into several types:

  • Monophasic preparations – they are taken according to the scheme: 21 days of taking the preparation and 7 days of a break. They have a combination of progesterone and estrogen.
  • Two-phase preparations – during the first phase, estrogen pills are taken, and in the second phase, a combination of estrogen and progesterone.
  • Three-phase preparations – the dose of estrogen and progesterone are modified in three phases of the menstrual cycle.

Types of contraception. What to choose?

Please note that only condoms protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If there is a risk of infection, additional protection in the form of a condom should be used.

None of the available methods gives a 100% guarantee of protection – most often it is 95%, which is why the decision to start intercourse must be well thought out. You have to be aware of the consequences it brings. Some contraceptives contain hormones. They are the most popular method of securing. Some women experience side effects (weight gain, breast tenderness, etc.) while using them, but most women do not report any. The way out of a situation in which a contraceptive preparation causes side effects is simple – you should report it to your gynecologist and consider changing the preparation or the method itself.

Hormonal contraceptives they do not have a bad effect on a woman’s health, nor do they increase the risk of cancer. They are designed for people of all ages – both mature and young. It is impossible to clearly determine which method will be the best. It all depends on individual predispositions, whether a woman feels comfortable using a given method, whether there are side effects.

Selected methods of hormonal contraception:

  1. Pills – which is the most popular method. Birth control pills contain estrogens and progestins. They prevent ovulation, but must be taken at the same time each day. If diarrhea, vomiting occurs, or the woman forgets to take a pill, the method is less effective. These types of preparations often shorten menstruation and reduce the accompanying pain. Contraindications to their use are breast cancer, liver disease and history of thrombosis.
  2. Hormonal vaginal ring – a soft and flexible disk with a diameter of approx. 5 cm, it is placed in the vagina on the first day of the cycle and worn for 3 weeks. It can be removed for a maximum of 3 hours. The contraceptive mechanism here is the same as in the case of pills, but the concentration of hormones is much lower. This method makes it possible to bypass the first-pass effect through the liver, more stable hormone concentrations, no harm to the stomach and no need to remember to take a pill every day.
  3. Contraceptive patch – hormones penetrate the skin into the blood, patches are applied every 7 days. It is convenient, you should remember about it once a week, just like the disc does not burden the liver. This method cannot be used by women weighing more than 90 kg.
  4. Spiral – contains hormones or copper, makes it impossible for the egg cell to implant in the lining of the uterus. It is an effective and convenient method that should be remembered once every few years. It is better to apply it to women who do not plan to become pregnant (e.g. another one) – it increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy and inflammation of the ovaries.

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