Prostatitis exercises for men
In addition to traditional treatments, endless pills and doctors, there are ways to help yourself. Performing prostatitis exercises for men can reduce the risk of inflammation of the prostate gland at home

Such a problem as prostatitis is known to many men. Especially often it occurs after 50 years. But if you do simple special exercises, you can minimize the risk of prostatitis even for the first time. This is true for drivers, office workers, for everyone who sits for a long time and a lot. In this position, blood stagnates in the pelvic organs, which can lead to disease. It is necessary to periodically stretch the muscles, eliminating stagnation.

Inflammation of the prostate gland occurs due to the entry of bacteria into the prostate. The disease begins acutely and brings a lot of suffering. But there is also a chronic form of the disease, in which mild pain can bother for years.

With prostatitis, it is the swelling that causes pain. It turns out a vicious circle: due to edema, the vessels are pinched, the outflow of fluid from the gland is even more difficult, and the edema increases. For the treatment of a sluggish disease, it is necessary not only to take antibacterial drugs, but also to activate local immunity, increasing blood flow in the pelvic area. This will help exercise with prostatitis for men.

List of exercises for prostatitis

Exercises for prostatitis fall into two categories. Some can be done almost imperceptibly in any convenient position: sitting, standing, walking or lying down. They are also called Kegel exercises for men. You can do them while sitting in transport, during a work break, standing in line. Kegel exercises work “pointwise”, developing a small pubic-coccygeal muscle.

Other exercises require a fitness mat or hard mattress and some free time. They train not only small muscle groups, but also the hips, buttocks, lower back.

Regularity is the most important thing in any workout. It is better to give them only 5 minutes, but every day, than to do an hour every two weeks. Gradually, your muscles will get used to the new loads and the exercises will be easy. Then it’s time to increase the number of sets for each exercise so that the muscles continue to train.

It will be easier to start the exercises from a prone position so that gravity does not interfere. Next, you can try sitting or standing:

Kegel exercise 1

Sharply tighten the muscles of the perineum for a few seconds, as if squeezing the sphincter. Squeeze the muscles strongly enough, while not straining the legs, buttocks, stomach – only the pubococcygeal muscle. It is located around the anus.

Then relax the perineum, rest for a couple of seconds and tighten the muscles again. Repeat the exercise 15 times. Over time, increase the number of repetitions, when the muscles of the perineum get used to the load.

Kegel exercise 2

This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but gradually. Within 5 seconds, slowly strain the muscles of the perineum to the maximum, hold them in this state for 5 seconds and gently relax for 5 seconds. The entire exercise takes about 15 seconds. Repeat it 15 times.

Kegel exercise 3

This exercise is divided into stages. At first, you only slightly strain the muscles of the perineum and hold them in this state for 3 seconds. Then increase the tension a little more and hold it again for 3 seconds. Gradually, stopping at each “step”, reach the point of greatest tension and relax.

“Frog” with pulling legs

Lie on a hard surface, place a roller under your head. Lie with your arms stretched along the body, and keep your legs straight and closed. Slowly and smoothly begin to pull your legs to your stomach, while spreading your knees to the sides. When opening, there should be no discomfort and pain, no need to specifically pull the knees to the sides. Spread them out as much as you can.

At the same time, the heels do not come off the floor, but slide along it. The feet are in contact with each other. From the “frog” position, slowly slide your heels down, gradually bringing your knees together, to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Gradually work up to 20 reps.

“Frog” lying on its back

Lying on your back, bend your knees, resting your feet on the floor. Just as in the previous exercise, slowly open your knees, keeping your feet closed. Then return your legs to the starting position. As you bring your knees together, tighten your hips, bring your legs together with a little effort. Repeat 10 times, work up to 20.

Hip lift

Lie on your stomach. Bend one knee, lifting the lower leg under perpendicular to the floor. Next, while maintaining perpendicularity, lift your thigh off the floor. Raise it quite low, there should be no tension in the lower back. Repeat the exercise for each leg 6-10 times.

Half squats

Stand up, stretch your arms along the body. Begin to slowly squat, while raising your hands in front of you to shoulder level. Squat low, about half the height of your hip. Slowly straighten up, frozen in a slightly crouched position – do not fully straighten your knees. Squat further, repeating the exercise 10 to 20 times.

The benefits of exercise for prostatitis

All exercises for prostatitis are aimed at improving the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Trained muscles fill with blood faster, and its increased flow is needed to supply all tissues with nutrients and oxygen. Under such conditions, local immunity is activated and the natural suppression of pathogenic flora begins, which could settle in the prostate gland.

At the same time, the outflow of blood and lymph also improves, so fluid stagnation and swelling gradually subside. This reduces the pressure on the nerves and blood vessels, and they stop giving a pain signal.

Exercises can be performed for the purpose of prevention. This is especially important for those who already suffer from chronic prostatitis – in this way, exacerbations can be avoided.
Sergey TrubinDoctor urologist-andrologist of the first category

Harm of exercise for prostatitis

If you have had surgery in the perineal region, then any exercises for several months are prohibited. Also, you can not do exercises if there is an exacerbation of prostatitis and severe pain. It is better to start the exercises when the acute phase is over. If you do them during an exacerbation, you can cause complications and worsen the condition.

You should not rely only on physical exercises for prostatitis. They do not replace drugs, tests and examinations. Exercise improves blood flow, but does not kill the bacteria that cause prostate inflammation.

You need to regularly visit a urologist and follow all his recommendations, and exercises will help speed up the recovery process. Before starting an exercise cycle, consult with your healthcare professional. Perhaps, in your case, the specialist will allow you to engage in parallel with treatment and in the acute phase of prostatitis.

Popular questions and answers

In the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, not only pills can help, but also exercises. The popular questions of patients about exercises for prostatitis will be answered urologist-andrologist Sergey Trubin.

What can be done to prevent prostatitis in the study and office?

It is necessary to perform physical exercises that improve the outflow of venous blood from the small pelvis, where the prostate gland is located. Such simple exercises include leg swings, leaning on a chair; retraction and tension of the gluteal muscles and others. Each exercise must be performed up to 10 – 15 times – 10 minutes is enough for the entire cycle. After doing the exercises, you need to take 10 deep breaths. This improves the outflow of blood to the chest from the small pelvis.

Please clarify information about the bike. It is said that when riding a bicycle, the prostate is squeezed and such harm can cause prostatitis. Is it true?

When riding a bicycle, the prostate cannot be squeezed. It is protected by the pelvic bones. On the contrary, cycling is a good preventive measure for chronic prostatitis, because it makes all the muscles of the lower extremities and pelvis work. Blood from the lower extremities is pushed out by the so-called muscle pump and driven through all the organs of the small pelvis and the body as a whole.

How and what exercises at home can be done to prevent prostatitis?

You can do simple exercises. There are a number of simple techniques. The man kneels and leans on his palms, lifts, straightens and pulls his leg back, the so-called “pissing dog” position. Repeat for each leg 10-15 times.

Walking on the buttocks on the floor is great. It is necessary to sit on the floor and start moving, as if a person were walking, for a couple of minutes. After the time has elapsed, stand up and walk in the usual way for 20-30 steps.

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