Prostatitis and sedentary lifestyle
Few people think that a sedentary lifestyle and prostatitis can be related. If the disease appears, the cause is looked for anywhere. Meanwhile, it is the lack of activity in the long term that has a bad effect on men’s health. Learn from the experts how to avoid harmful consequences

The lack of sufficient mobility does not add health to anyone. But it is especially dangerous for men. Many men work long hours sitting, in the car, in the office. Gradually, such a sedentary lifestyle can lead to prostatitis.

How does a sedentary lifestyle affect a man

To function properly, all organs must be well supplied with blood. The pelvic organs are especially sensitive to this, it is in this area that blood circulation is directly related to movement. With a long stay in one position, the muscles do not help blood circulation.

With a sedentary lifestyle, constant stagnation of blood and lymph leads to oxygen starvation of the prostate gland. This provokes a decrease in the immunity of the prostate, and bacteria can enter the gland from other organs of the genitourinary system. If the gland becomes inflamed, prostatitis develops – an infectious disease of the prostate. Without treatment, prostatitis with a sedentary lifestyle is fraught with serious complications.

Erection in men also depends on the filling of the cavernous bodies with blood, it creates the necessary pressure. Lack of physical activity leads to unstable erections.

Also, the inguinal region of men is sensitive to temperatures. Heating the testicles worsens the quality of spermatozoa, and the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone, decreases. Normally, the testicles are colder than body temperature, they are specially located outside for cooling. Sitting on a chair for a long time inevitably heats up the groin area.

What should a man do with a sedentary lifestyle

In addition to the obvious advice – sit less, there are other ways to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area if the sport is not available for any reason.

Do physical exercises while sitting

Ideally, you should take frequent breaks, get up and stretch. But in an office environment, this is usually difficult to do, and driving is completely impossible. The main thing is to do at least some exercises, even while sitting.

Without getting up, you can imperceptibly strain the pubic-coccygeal muscles. This is called Kegel exercises. If the situation allows, you can also rotate your pelvis while sitting, twist, bend your body in different directions.

Do not overheat the groin area

Do not cross your legs – this will only increase the overheating of the inguinal zone and compress the vessels even more. Your task is to improve blood circulation. Put your legs straight, move them from place to place more often, strain your hips.

Choose clothes and underwear made from natural fabrics that do not squeeze the genitals. Cotton and linen will provide better ventilation and cooling, in synthetics, on the contrary, everything “fades”.

Have sex regularly

Even if there is enough sport in life, sex is indispensable for the health of the prostate gland. The special secret that the prostate produces must be periodically updated so that it does not stagnate. This happens during ejaculation.

Also, during intercourse, the heart and blood vessels are well trained, actively pumping blood. This is necessary for the prevention of prostatitis with a sedentary lifestyle at home.

Take a contrast shower

The change in temperature trains the vessels, forcing their walls to either contract or relax. This makes the vessels more elastic, increases blood circulation. Just be careful with the temperature – the water should not be icy or very hot.

Give up bad habits

According to statistics, alcohol (especially beer) and cigarettes can affect not only the well-being and balance of hormones, but also the quality of sperm. To maintain men’s health, you need to give up such addictions. The good news is that the male seed is regularly renewed, so it is never too late to quit smoking – the sperm is almost completely restored.

Visit your urologist regularly

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle for a long time, you are automatically at risk. Therefore, go through routine examinations with a urologist, even if there are no alarming symptoms.


In some countries, including Russia, prostate massage is still practiced. It used to be one of the main treatments for prostatitis, although the exact link has never been proven.

Sometimes urologists prescribe prostate massage for chronic stagnation of gland secretion, sexual dysfunction – that is, when conventional methods of eliminating fluid stagnation are not possible.

Massage is carried out only by a specialist with a doctor’s prescription, you should not do it yourself. In the acute period of the disease, massage is also prohibited. The same procedure is carried out by doctors when it is required to take the secret of the prostate for laboratory analysis.

Popular questions and answers

Urologists massively give recommendations on why a sedentary lifestyle is so dangerous for men’s health. Will tell you more about it urologist Sergei Trubin.

How exactly does a sedentary lifestyle lead to or exacerbate prostatitis?
One of the factors leading to prostatitis is chronic venous insufficiency of the veins of the small pelvis. These veins include the internal iliac vein with its many tributaries, which include the veins of the prostate.

Due to the complex anatomy of the small pelvis, with a sedentary lifestyle, blood begins to accumulate in the prostate and its nutrition is disturbed. If this happens constantly, then the cells of the gland begin to suffer from oxygen starvation, as a result, immunity decreases and infection joins. Also, the bladder does not work properly. Urine is thrown into the prostate and causes irritation.

To prevent prostatitis, do you need to exercise from a certain age, or regardless of it?
Physical education and sports, as well as any physical activity, is a good prevention of venous blood stagnation in the pelvic area. Prostatitis begins to bother men from the beginning of sexual activity, therefore, prevention should be carried out from a young age and become a habit, like brushing your teeth in the morning.
What can be done besides exercise to prevent prostatitis?
For prevention, it is necessary to observe a sufficient drinking regimen of at least 2 liters of clean water per day, not to endure and empty the bladder on time. It is necessary to consume a large amount of vegetables and fruits, vegetable fiber for the proper functioning of the intestines and the prevention of constipation, to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages and spicy foods. It is also important to have sex regularly, try to get positive emotions at work and at home, thus strengthening the immune system, because stress weakens it and contributes to morbidity.
What to do for those who are forced to move a little (for example, disability)?
If a person has limited physical abilities, if he has a disability group, then this is not a contraindication to the prevention of prostatitis. It is necessary to approach each specific case individually. The most important thing is the work of the respiratory system and any of its training. You can simply do breathing exercises and minimally strain muscle groups that are not affected by the disease.

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