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You cannot ignore any urinary tract ailments, so every man over 50 should see a urologist for check-ups once a year. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men.
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1/ 10 How to get tested?
One of the most effective examinations is the DRE examination performed by a urologist, i.e. examination of the prostate through the rectum (per rectum). This examination enables the assessment of the size of the prostate gland and the possible early detection of changes in the prostate. The quickest and relatively error-free detection of local lesions of the prostate of various nature. Men should undergo such an examination once a year. The next step, in the case of suspicion of prostate cancer or determination of the risk group, is a blood test to determine kidney function and the concentration of a tumor marker characteristic of prostate cancer – the so-called PSA antigen. Its concentration increases mainly in prostate cancer. Source: Educational campaign “Prostate for years”
2/ 10 What symptoms should arouse alertness?
You should be concerned about passing urine more often during the night and day, urgent urgency, bladder retention, or complete urinary retention. In the disseminated form, pain symptoms may appear, and the most common site of metastases is the skeletal system. Source: Educational campaign “Prostate for years”
3/ 10 Get moving!
The risk of developing prostate cancer increases when we stop living a healthy lifestyle. Sedentary work and obesity increase the likelihood of developing cancer. Source: Educational campaign “Prostate for years”
4/ 10 Risk factors
Risk factors also include sexual abstinence, inflammation of the urinary tract, and genetic factors. Source: Educational campaign “Prostate for years”
5/ 10 What Diet Is Bad?
You are at risk if you eat a large amount of meat, fat and a small amount of vegetables, and excessive amounts of milk. Source: Educational campaign “Prostate for years”
6/10 What about alcohol?
Stimulants causing swelling of the prostate gland, including alcohol (especially high-percentage alcohol), should be avoided. Source: Educational campaign “Prostate for years”
7/ 10 Spicy details?
An excessive amount of hot spices is also harmful. Source: Educational campaign “Prostate for years”
8/ 10 Just take it easy
Less stress means a greater chance of health. So try to reduce stressful situations in your life and find ways to relieve tension when it arises. Source: Educational campaign “Prostate for years”
9/ 10 How is it treated?
Surgical methods, radiotherapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy are used in the treatment of prostate cancer. The choice of the method of treatment is determined by many factors, including: the stage of the disease, the degree of malignancy of the tumor, comorbidities and the patient’s age. The method of treatment based on the performed tests is selected by the attending physician in consultation with the patient. Source: Educational campaign “Prostate for years”
10/ 10 Support matters
Cancer is not a single man’s ailment. Emotionally, the disease translates to loved ones. The burden of responsibility falls on family and friends. Nobody is prepared to fight the disease and its consequences, so it is important to help each other in difficult times. Source: Educational campaign “Prostate for years”