
Prostate examination should be considered by all men, regardless of age. While after the age of 50 it becomes a necessary, routine medical activity, in the case of younger men who have problems or ailments with urination, they should be a direct mobilization to visit a urologist and undergo a prostate examination. What are the indications for the test? Should you be afraid of it? What does it look like?
Prostate Screening – When Should You Be Concerned?
Prostate examination is not one of the favorite among men for a simple reason. It is the male equivalent of gynecological examination of the intimate area in women. In the simplest sense, it consists in inserting a finger into the rectum by a urologist to verify whether the prostate gland in a given man is of the right size or enlarges, which may indicate a disease state. This gland is located behind the bladder, covers the urethra, so in the case of problems related to it (overgrowth or inflammation), it manifests itself with difficulties during urination: excessively intense and frequent urge to urinate and discomfort during urination. Most often, problems in this area are directly related to testosterone production disorders and elevated blood cholesterol levels. There are cases where the process of prostate hyperplasia can be avoided or stopped. This is possible thanks to the use of synthetic and herbal medicines. Researchers also point to the important role of a proper diet in the prevention of this ailment. It is recommended to often reach for tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, garlic, and drink green tea, thanks to which the risk of prostate hyperplasia is lowered.
Symptoms of the prostate – at what age can this problem appear?
Statistically, the problem mainly affects men over 50, then regular check-ups are recommended. They are mainly performed by a urologist, although it happens that a general practitioner also undertakes this activity. If the examination reveals an enlargement of the prostate gland, it is recommended to perform periodic ultrasound of the abdominal cavity from then on, which allows for more accurate diagnostics in this area. A direct indication for prostate examination is genetic predisposition, when someone from the immediate family suffered from prostate cancer – father, brothers. It is then necessary to test the level of PSA markers, thanks to which it is possible to diagnose cancer early. PSA is a prostate-specific antigen whose elevated level in most cases indicates a suspicion of malignancy. The final interpretation of the results lies with the doctor who takes into account all the patient’s life circumstances.
What does a prostate exam look like? Shameful and painful or routine and safe?
The examination consists in placing a finger in the man’s rectum, which is necessarily not the most comfortable circumstance, most often causing embarrassment and avoiding control in this area. There is no need to prepare for the test, which usually takes no more than 5 minutes. It will be helpful to relax to minimize any discomfort. The examination is performed in a standing position, slightly bent over and resting on a table. The urologist will use gloves coated with a lubricant to facilitate the examination. You will need to move your finger up and down to check for any hardening, nodules or other changes within the gland. Finding abnormalities usually results in the ordering of further tests – ultrasound or biopsy of the gland.