- Prostate – what is it?
- Prostate – symptoms of prostate diseases
- Prostate – treatment of prostate diseases
- Prostate medications
- Prostate – surgery
- Sex reduces the risk of developing prostate?
- Prevention of prostate diseases
- Prostate – diagnosis of prostate diseases
- Prostate – other diseases of the prostate
- Female prostate
- The history of the prostate
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The prostate gland is a prostate gland with diseases mainly affecting men of mature age. Ignoring even a mild prostate disease can be risky as the distressing symptoms get worse quickly. On the other hand, when the disease is treated, it unfortunately affects sexual performance. It is bad either way. Does medicine know no other solutions?
Prostate – what is it?
The most common disease of the prostate (or prostate) which has a negative impact on the sexual activity of a man is benign hypertrophy, also known as BPH. It occurs in 50% of men over 60 years of age. and it is the growth of glandular cells in the prostate, which puts pressure on the urinary tract and causes problems urinating.
Malignant neoplasm, abbreviated as PCa, develops much less frequently in the prostate. The term “benign prostatic hyperplasia” indicates that it is not a malignant cancer, although due to the unrestricted division of prostate cells, scientists classify it as a neoplasm, however benign.
Prophylactically for prostate problems, you can use Prostata ProstamHerbs – a herbal mixture available at an attractive price and in a can containing up to 120 g of herbs.
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Prostate – symptoms of prostate diseases
If a man has reached his fifth decade of life, and for the last period of time he gets up at night at least 2-3 times to urinate, he is probably discovering the first irritating symptoms of BPH. Other, equally unpleasant symptoms of the prostate are the feeling of a sudden urge to urinate (despite the fact that it only passes a few drops afterwards) or leakage of urine from the urethra, which requires frequent changes of underwear.
Prostate diseases force patients with the need to plan a trip to work, e.g. several stops in city toilets or at gas stations, is especially humiliating for men who value a sense of independence and do not tolerate the symptoms of losing full control over their lives in this way. . If there are problems with such a trivial activity as urinating, men – often in advance – worry about what will happen with other activities in which the penis plays a major role.
Fortunately, prostatic hypertrophy itself does not directly interfere with sexual activity. However, it should be borne in mind that the prostate and seminal vesicles are the place where seminal fluid is produced, in which sperm cells and substances that enable adequate hydration and technically facilitate sexual intercourse are placed. Any disturbance in the production of these compounds may (but does not have to) cause discomfort during sexual intercourse, although the male’s sexual performance (i.e. the possibility of obtaining an erection) is still preserved.
Do you feel general weakness? Do you want to check how individual organs function? We recommend making an e-packet for men. It also allows you to check the level of PSA – an indicator that is a marker of prostate cancer.
See also: Prostate biopsy – indications, course
Prostate – treatment of prostate diseases
Untreated benign hyperplasia consequently leads to the complete obstruction of the urinary tract due to the compression of the prostate, which causes severe pain and the necessity of catheterization to remove the accumulated urine. In addition, the receding urine in the ureters exerts a pressure on the renal pelvis that increases with its volume, which over time leads to the formation of permanent changes in the kidneys.
The main problem, however, is not the enlargement of the prostate itself, but rather the effects of its treatment.
Prostate treatment should be implemented as soon as possible, so you should not delay too long and you need to undergo pharmacotherapy as soon as possible, which is effective in the early and intermediate stages of the disease. It must be said, however, that sometimes the body gets used to the administered drugs and when they stop working, it becomes necessary to perform prostate removal surgery, i.e. prostatectomy.
Interestingly, the prostate treatment technique using phoning (vibroacoustic therapy) has been used for a long time. It is a physiotherapeutic method that has no side effects, thanks to which there is a good chance to prevent the need for surgical intervention and improve the condition of the sick person without the need to take pharmacological agents.
Vibroacoustic therapy, or phoning, is a technique that transmits sound microvibrations with a frequency range of 30 to 20 Hz to the human or animal body through the use of special, compact medical devices designed for this purpose. The sonic micro-vibrations used in this method correspond to biological micro-vibrations that generate muscle tissues at the maximum static physical tension, which means that they are completely natural for the body.
The first time the phoning technique was successfully used in 1998 at the II Mechnikov in St. Petersburg. The research carried out at that time showed a positive effect of phoning in the treatment of grade 1 and 2 prostate adenoma, in as much as 95,5%. cases.
For comparison, when using pharmacological therapy in the treatment of adenoma, the effectiveness is only 70%. It was also noticed that the treatment was effective regardless of the patient’s age. Years later, in 2004, re-studies were carried out with the use of vibroacoustic therapy and it also achieved very good results in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
On the occasion of the conducted research, the effectiveness of treatment with the use of pharmacological therapy and phoning was once again compared, which again proved the superiority of the latter in many respects. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the effect lasts longer after the end of the treatments, for about 3 to 6 months.
Prophylactically and supportively during the treatment period, it is worth reaching for Prostata – a mixture of herbs available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. The herbs included in the mixture soothe inflammation and reduce the symptoms of prostate enlargement and oliguria.
Doctor explains – How is a prostate biopsy done?
Prostate medications
The basic principle recommended by doctors in prostate diseases is to use drugs as long as they bring the expected benefits and effects. In the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, drugs from two groups are mainly used: alpha blockers and inhibitors of the 5-alpha-eductase enzyme (5-ARI).
A large group of alpha-blockers (in fact it was created as a result of the search for drugs that lower blood pressure) include:
- tamsulosyna (Omnic Ocas, Omnic, Apo-tamis, Bazetham, Flosin, Fokusin, Omipro, Prostamnic, Proximic, Ranlosin, Symlosin, Tamsec, Tamik, Tamsudil, Tamsugen, Tamzul, Tanyz, Uprox, Urostad),
- doxazosyna (Alfamedin, Apo-doxan, Cardura, Doxagen, Doxalek, Doxanorm, Doxar, Doxaratio, Doxonex, Dozone, Kamiren, Prostatic, Vaxosin, Zoxon),
- terazosyna (Hytrin, Kornam, Setegis, Tesin),
- alfuzosyna (Dalfaz, Alfabax, Alfulek, Alfuzostad, Alreos, Alugen, Cezin, Kofuzin),
- silodosina (Silodyx, Urorec).
These drugs have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the stroma of the prostate gland and the bladder neck due to the effect on the alpha-1a and alpha-1d receptors located there. Although smooth muscle relaxation improves the flow of urine through the urinary tract, it also dilates blood vessels, which can lower blood pressure but also weaken the erection mechanism.
Statistics show that about 2% of men who use alpha blockers have problems with having intercourse.
The problem disappears after discontinuation of the above-mentioned drugs, which is why many patients deliberately “take breaks” in the use of this group of preparations, which, of course, is not appreciated by urologists.
The second group of drugs used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia works by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme 5-alphareductasewhich is involved in the conversion of testosterone to its more active form of 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is responsible for the enlargement of the prostate and the development of BPH. So the less DHT in the blood, the slower the development of BPH. This group includes preparations of two chemical compounds:
- finasterydu (Ambulase, Androstatin, Antiprost, Apo-fina, Aprost, Finagen, Finamef, Finanorm, Finaran, Finaride, Finaster, Finpros, Fintral, Finxta, Hyplafin, Lifin, Penester, Reduprost, Symasteride, Ulfagen, Zasterid),
- dutasterydu (Avodart, Duagen).
Unfortunately, as research shows, this group of drugs causes infertility disorders more often than alpha blockers. Among patients taking especially finasteride preparations, you can hear the saying: “Either love or pee”, which means that when taking a drug from this group, sooner or later you have to face this unpleasant dilemma. In addition, studies show that men taking the finasteride derivative, dutasteride, have 23% less after about one day of taking the drug. less sperm, which the more reluctant to treat men who are planning to enlarge the family.
A positive aspect of the treatment is the fact that finasteride derivatives can reduce hair loss and induce hair growth, which is used by dermatologists to prescribe finasteride to balding patients at doses much lower than those used by urologists. An example of this type of preparation is Propecia.
Recently, there have been reports of combining drugs of both these groups, which is to increase the effectiveness of the action on the prostate, but at the same time also slightly increases the risk of heart failure. Examples of preparations from this group are:
- tamsulosin + dutasteride (Duodart, which was granted a marketing authorization in Poland at the end of June this year),
- alfuzosin + finasteride (not registered in Poland).
Preparations used in the treatment of PCa, i.e. malignant prostate cancer, are a separate category, which completely prevent erection, and thus sexual intercourse. For this reason, in some countries, these drugs are also officially approved for use in the so-called chemical sterilization of pedophilia following a court order. These drugs are as effective as removing the testicles (orchiectomy), because in practice they reduce testosterone levels to a castration level.
Find out more: What herbs for prostate to use?
In addition to drugs for the prostate, it is worth performing an appropriate massage. For this purpose, you can use a pear made of high-quality ABS plastic.
As an auxiliary in the treatment of prostate problems, you can use FOR SENIOR – willowherb herb tea, which for centuries has been considered a herb that has a positive effect on the well-being and functioning of the prostate gland.
Prostate – surgery
In patients whose medications stop working, it is necessary to have the prostate removed, i.e. prostatectomy (partial or complete). If a malignant tumor is detected or is reasonably suspected, urologists perform complete prostate removal.
The effects of prostate surgery in the context of fertility and sexual performance depend to a large extent on the extent of the lesions, the technique of the procedure and the abilities of the operating physician. If the nerves behind the prostate are not damaged during the procedure, the man will not lose sexual potency.
However, if the nerve bundles responsible for initiating and maintaining the erection mechanism are damaged, intercourse may become impossible. Another complication is the violation of the sphincter muscle responsible for closing the bladder neckwhich causes the sperm to move during orgasm to the area where resistance is lowest, the bladder, which is called retrograde ejaculation. In practice, about half of men after surgery in the genitourinary system have greater or lesser problems with sexual activity.
Check what symptoms may accompany prostate cancer
Finally, it is necessary to mention the situation of complete removal of the prostate. After this procedure, it is impossible to ejaculate because the prostate produces most of the seminal fluid, but the erection and orgasm will still be preserved.
The severity of complications after surgery will always depend on the severity of the prostate disease. If someone has neglected his health for years and has not performed any tests, and in the end he is diagnosed with malignant prostate or bladder cancer, the operating doctor will cut out the sick area with a large margin of healthy tissue. On the one hand, it will reduce the risk of cancer recurrence, but on the other hand, it will increase side effects and increase long-term complications. And they concern not only sexual problems, but also the problem of urinary incontinence.
For mild prostatic hyperplasia, you can use the natural preparation Willownica for men YANGO, which supports the urinary system and helps with inflammation.
Sex reduces the risk of developing prostate?
Some therapists and sexologists, based on scientific research, have found that the risk of developing prostate cancer in people who have regular sex 5 times a week is 30% lower. They refer to the theory that regular ejaculation removes the excess zinc from the prostate, which in small doses has anti-cancer properties, but in high concentrations can stimulate the development of cancer cells. However, it is not confirmed by urologists who operate prostate cancer cases with the same statistical frequency in both sexually active and celibate people.
In addition, measurements of the concentration of zinc compounds in the human body confirm that this mineral is the most abundant in the prostate, but at the same time it shows that it is usually too little compared to the prescribed norm and it is the lack of zinc that is considered a factor conducive to the development of cancer, and not its fictitious excess, which in practice is found only in workers of metalworks dealing with galvanizing steel sheets.
Prevention of prostate diseases
When it comes to the prevention of prostate diseases, there are no effective preventive measures yet. Specialists agree that the key in this case is to go to the family doctor or urologist right away when we notice the first disturbing symptoms. After an interview, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment methods.
Take care of the condition of the prostate with the prostate supplement – a natural herbal mixture for him Lorem Vit, which is available at a favorable price on the Medonet Market.
When we talk about the diagnosis of prostate diseases, we must not forget that every man over 50 should be examined by a urologist at least once and it does not matter if he has any disturbing symptoms or not. .
It is also worth adding that pharmacies sell various dietary supplements aimed at men, the purpose of which is to support the proper functioning of the prostate and prevent its diseases. The composition of such preparations includes, among others, pumpkin seed oils, saw palmetto fruit, lycopene, nettle leaf and root extracts, as well as small-flowered willowherb.
Prophylactically, it is worth reaching for Prostapol Max for prostate with pumpkin seed extract and nettle root. We also recommend Bioherba Pumpkin Seed Oil, which naturally supports, among others, urinary tract.
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Prostate – diagnosis of prostate diseases
PSA, an enzyme produced by this organ, plays a very important role in the diagnosis of prostate diseases. The concentration of this enzyme in the blood is
At Medonet Market you can safely and conveniently buy Home prostate test for PSA detection in blood. You can make it yourself in your own home.
In the case of e.g. prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia, acute and chronic prostatitis, as well as after rectal examination and after bladder catheterization, the enzyme level increases. In a situation where we are dealing with a concentration above 10 ng / ml, a doctor should be immediately consulted for more detailed diagnostics.
It should also be remembered that the concentration of the PSA enzyme in the blood may also increase: when taking certain medications, immediately after a prostate examination, when taking alcohol and after ejaculating. For our own good, if we find that the PSA value is incorrect, we should consult a doctor as soon as possible for further steps.
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Prostate – other diseases of the prostate
In addition to the previously mentioned benign prostate hyperplasia, we can also mention other types of diseases of this organ:
Acute prostatitis
It is a bacterial disease where infection occurs mostly through the inadvertent transfer of bacteria from the large intestine flora to the area of the patient’s urethra. Keep in mind that it is not a sexually transmitted disease, but is quite common. Bacteria spread by traveling up the urethra and then entering the orifices of the prostate glands.
In the case of this prostate disease, a man may struggle with a bladder infection earlier. The symptoms of acute prostatitis may include, for example, fever, prostate pain (radiating to the penis), muscle pain, malaise, and all may lead to, for example, an abscess of the prostate gland.
Chronic prostatitis
This is a disease whose causes are not fully known. Its occurrence may be caused by, for example, autoimmune disorders, psycho-emotional disorders, hormonal disorders or stress. It can also result from a chronic bacterial infection caused by gram-negative bacteria.
As for the symptoms of chronic prostatitis, we can mention: painful urination, prostate pain, as well as frequent and painful urge to urinate. However, the possibility of fever or general symptoms of infection should be ruled out. It is worth mentioning that this type of prostate disease is characterized by a phased course, in which the symptoms worsen and then lessen.
Prostate cancer
That is, a cancer classified as malignant that develops in the prostate and is the most serious disease of the prostate. It should be mentioned that, unfortunately, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer seen in men, right after lung cancer. Genetic factors as well as the patient’s age are of great importance in its occurrence.
Diagnosis of the disease at an early stage is difficult as the tumor initially develops asymptomatically. The symptoms that can be observed include those similar to benign prostatic hyperplasia, such as: oliguria, prostate pain, pollakiuria, and urge to urinate. The consequences of prostate cancer include, for example, metastases to the lungs, liver and brain, as well as urinary retention due to the oppressive tumor.
Female prostate
The Skene gland, also known as the female prostate, is found in both females and rodents. Historically it was thought to be a vestigial organ, but has been found to produce the same protein markers, PSA and PAB, as the male prostate. It acts as a histological homologue of the male prostate gland.
The history of the prostate
The prostate was first formally identified by the Venetian anatomist Niccolò Massa in An introductory book on anatomy (Introduction to Anatomy) from 1536 and illustrated by the Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius in Six anatomical maps (six anatomical tables) in 1538. Massa described the prostate as “the glandular body on which the bladder neck rests” and Vesalius as “the glandular body”. The word “prostate” was first used in 1600 to describe a gland, and it is credited with André du Laurens, a French physician.
However, the term was used at least in 1549 by the French surgeon Ambroise Pare. At that time, Du Laurens described the prostate as a pair of organs (not a single organ with two lobes), and the Latin term prostatewhich was used was a misinterpretation of the ancient Greek word used to describe the seminal vesicles (parastatai); although it was argued that surgeons in ancient Greece and Rome must have at least viewed the prostate as an anatomical unit.
The fact that the prostate was one and not two organs was an idea popularized in the early 1811th century, as was the English term used to describe the prostate organ. The monograph “Practical observations of the treatment of prostate diseases” published by the British physician Everard Home in XNUMX was important in the history of the prostate by describing and naming the anatomical parts of the prostate gland.
Recent studies have shown that people taking statin anti-cholesterol drugs are much less likely to develop prostate cancer than healthy people. This is due to the fact that cholesterol is a precursor for our body (i.e. a chemical molecule) from which the body produces testosterone. So not sex, but diet first of all. The less fat we consume, the more difficult it is for our body to produce excessive amounts of hormones that provoke the onset of neoplastic changes.