Prostate cancer is currently the most commonly diagnosed malignant neoplasm among men. Nationally, about 15 patients die of prostate cancer every day. Why is this happening, if the detection of the disease at an early stage gives even 90 percent. cure effectiveness? The reason is low social awareness and reluctance of men to perform preventive prostate examinations.

Press material

Experts warn that the incidence of prostate cancer is constantly increasing. In Poland, this cancer accounts for approx. 20 percent. all diagnosed malignant neoplasms. This means that every fifth man struggling with an oncological disease suffers from prostate cancer. According to the data of the National Cancer Registry, over 16 new cases and over 5 deaths are registered annually in Poland. Thus, prostate cancer ranks first in terms of the number of cases and second only to lung cancer in the list of causes of death.

– Prostate cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm, accounting for approximately 20% of all cancers in the male population. Annually, it is diagnosed in several thousand men, and the forecast number of new cases in the country is approaching 20 in 2021. In the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, in 2018, nearly 700 cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed and there is a constant upward trend in this regard – comments Artur Lemiński, MD, PhD, specialist urologist from the Department of Urology and Urological Oncology of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 2 PUM in Szczecin (SPSK-2).

What is prostate cancer and who is at risk of it?

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that originates in the prostate, otherwise known as the prostate gland or the prostate gland. The prostate is part of the male reproductive system where it plays a very important role in the production of semen (sperm). Within the prostate, however, there can be a number of disease processes, both slight hyperplasia and neoplastic changes, which may be benign or malignant. Unlike benign tumors, malignant tumors are usually characterized by rapid and uninterrupted growth, destructive infiltration of adjacent tissues and organs, the ability to spread to the lymphatic system and other organs, and a risk of recurrence after treatment.

– Prostate cancer arises from the glandular cells of this organ under the influence of the interaction of genetic factors, the influence of male sex hormones, environmental factors and… age. Genetic factors appear to be particularly important in this cancer. It is clearly visible in the example of men whose families suffer from prostate cancer among first-degree relatives (parents, siblings). These gentlemen are at risk of developing the disease at a relatively young age – explains Dr. Artur Lemiński.

The likelihood of developing the disease increases with age, and the peak incidence is between the ages of 60 and 70, although much younger men also suffer from the disease. A high-protein diet, obesity, drinking alcohol, lack of physical activity, and genetic burden may contribute to the development of cancer.

– There is little scientific evidence for the effective prevention of the development of prostate cancer. There are also no drugs that would protect against the development of this cancer. Epidemiological information, however, shows significant ethnic and geographic differences in the incidence of this cancer, with a relatively low risk among Asians living in Japan and many times higher among African Americans. The above observations, in addition to the obvious genetic differences, are also the basis for recommendations regarding a high-protein diet, eating red meat, or highly processed foods (which are typical features of the “Western diet”). This is another reason why you should lead a healthy, active lifestyle and use a varied diet rich in plant products. This will help, in addition to reducing the risk of prostate cancer, also avoid obesity, diabetes and a number of other civilization diseases and their unpleasant consequences – explains Dr. Artur Lemiński.

What tests should be performed and when?

Early detection of the disease allows either its complete cure or the use of a range of therapeutic options that are not available to patients with advanced cancer. Meanwhile, the report of the “National Health Test of Poles” shows that only 37 percent underwent PSA (prostate cancer diagnostics). Poles aged 55 to 64. Experts warn that it is definitely not enough.

– Screening for prostate cancer includes the assessment of the level of the prostate-specific antigen PSA in the blood serum and manual examination of the prostate gland, which is usually performed during a visit to the urology clinic. It should be noted that the course of urological consultation is practically never limited to the prostate examination itself, because the range of problems discussed at that time is much wider and concerns the symptoms of the lower urinary tract, the presence of symptoms of other diseases (e.g. hematuria) or functioning in the sexual sphere. The problem of insufficient reporting of men to preventive examinations can be explained in many ways. This is largely dictated by the shame or the lingering belief among men that you only go to the doctor when you have ailments. Therefore, in our daily work, we greatly appreciate the involvement of women from our patients’ environment, who often visit specialists under the influence of their wives or daughters – says Dr. Artur Lemiński.

Experts emphasize that the late detection of the disease may also be influenced by the fact that the basic diagnostic test for prostate cancer is per rectal examination. Although they should be carried out by every man over 40, this issue is still taboo for many of them.

– A finger examination of the prostate is sometimes a source of discomfort, but it is usually not painful. It should also be emphasized that in professional hands it lasts only a dozen or so seconds, during which the urologist assesses the consistency of the prostate gland and looks for focal lesions in it that may indicate the development of the neoplasm. The rectal examination is therefore a supplement to the PSA test and together with it is the basis for possible further diagnostics – explains Dr. Artur Lemiński.

According to specialists, regular testing of this type is also important for another reason – in most cases, in the initial stage, prostate cancer is completely asymptomatic.

– The process of prostate cancer development is slow, chronic and therefore insidious, as the early stages of the disease do not cause disturbing symptoms for many years. Moreover, only in the asymptomatic period, due to the limited extent of the neoplasm, it is possible to completely cure it with the currently used therapy techniques. Therefore, screening tests performed prophylactically in asymptomatic men over 50 remain the most important element in the fight against prostate cancer. These tests should be started earlier, around 40–45. years of age, in the case of men with prostate cancer among close relatives (father or brothers) – emphasizes Dr. Artur Lemiński.

The Department of Urology and Urological Oncology SPSK-2 has been active for many years to promote a healthy lifestyle and popularize preventive examinations.

The involvement of the Clinic and its employees is demonstrated by participation in awareness campaigns such as #feelingnuts, #redalertWC, annual participation in the Movember campaign, or the organization of the West Pomeranian celebration of the European Week of Urology. Their launch has been honored for 5 years now by the unflagging popularity of the “Uro-Run” running event, and the culmination is the day of screening, during which the Clinic’s specialists, after working hours, see additional patients who want to check their health. During the previous editions of this campaign, doctors from the Clinic have carried out preventive examinations on over 800 patients.

The article was created in cooperation with Ipsen Poland sp. Z oo


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