Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. Disturbing data

UK experts have warned that prostate cancer could become the most commonly diagnosed cancer in ten years. More than half of prostate cancer cases are diagnosed too late, which translates to 12. deaths annually. The situation is similar in Poland.

Prostate cancer is dangerous in Great Britain

Britain has a problem with prostate cancer. According to statistics, as much as 47 percent. cases of this cancer are diagnosed too late. In 2017, prostate cancer was diagnosed in over 48. men. There were over 12 deaths from this cancer – 2 more than in 2007.

Scientists compare prostate cancer to breast cancer and show that while the number of deaths from breast cancer decreased by 10% in 5 years, the number of deaths from prostate cancer increased by 17% over the same period. Currently, the government spends about £ 23 million a year on prostate cancer research and £ 44 million on breast cancer.

Angela Culhane, CEO of Prostate Cancer UK, said that by 2030 prostate cancer would be the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK by XNUMX. Before the UK gets to this point, there is a need for prophylaxis among men and for the early detection of prostate cancer.

How is the situation in Poland?

Poland is fighting prostate cancer

During the September debate on the occasion of the European Prostate Day, Dr. Roman Sosnowski, urologist from the Oncology Center of the Institute of Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie, reported that prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men in Poland. Thus, it was ahead of lung cancer. Every year there are about 15 thousand. new cases and 4-5 thousand patients die. Sosnowski admitted that it is difficult to estimate the total number of men suffering from prostate cancer, but it may even be 100. According to the National Cancer Registry, the number of prostate cancer cases has increased sevenfold over 30 years.

Given that the population is aging and the risk of developing this cancer increases with age, more and more men will be diagnosed with it every year. In addition to age risk factors are also family burden, unhealthy lifestyle and chronic stress.

Editors recommend:

  1. Tomatoes protect against prostate cancer
  2. Prostate cancer can be sexually transmitted
  3. Famous men who have had prostate cancer. “Cancer is not a sentence”

The cause of late detection of prostate cancer in men lies in prevention. Experts believe that gentlemen are ashamed to see a doctor, do not perform the prescribed tests and ignore the first signs of cancer. Meanwhile, doctors argue, some diagnosed prostate cancers require only observation, while others can be effectively treated. The key, however, is early detection of changes.

According to doctors, men after the age of 50 should regularly have their prostate examined by a urologist. In addition, it is worth regularly measuring the level of PSA in the blood. According to doctors, a blood test should be performed every year in men over 40, especially if they have a family history of prostate cancer. Tracking changes in PSA levels can help detect cancer early.

It should be loud about male tumors. Increasingly, actions and campaigns are organized to encourage men to do research. One of them was the social campaign of the Fakt Foundation and the portal «Zdrowie jest male» #zdrowiejestmeskie.

Editors recommend:

  1. Early alopecia linked to the risk of prostate cancer
  2. Prostate diseases aren’t just cancer
  3. Regular prostate examinations are a man’s responsibility

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