Prostaglandins and their application in medicine

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Prostaglandins are a group of hormones, arachidonic acid derivatives, that are formed in the tissues of the human body and act where they originate. Prostaglandins are responsible for the course of such physiological processes in the body as the response to pathogens. It is the prostaglandins that cause the symptoms of inflammation such as swelling, redness and pain. There are 16 types of prostaglandins in the human body. They function differently and fulfill different functions depending on where they are created.

The functions of prostaglandins in the human body

The first of the functions they perform in the human body prostaglandyny, is the production and maintenance of inflammation. When tissues or cells are damaged, the immune system produces inflammatory hormones, that is prostaglandyny, I role is the expansion of blood vessels and increase their permeability. This in turn causes swelling, redness and pain at the site of the injury. There may also be an elevated body temperature, which is also a matter of action prostaglandin. Increased temperature serves as a defensive function of the body, as many pathogens are unable to survive at temperatures higher than 37-38 degrees. Prostaglandyny they also send pain signals to the brain informing about the injury and “pointing” to its place.

Prostaglandyny they also fulfill functions inhibiting and stimulating contractions of smooth muscles of the bronchi, gastrointestinal tract and uterus. In the case of smooth muscles of the bronchi, they stimulate their musculature, in the gastrointestinal tract they stimulate intestinal peristalsis (they cause diarrhea which is a response to inflammation and is an attempt to remove pathogens from the body), in the case of the uterus, they stimulate its contractions during childbirth, therefore prostaglandyny are administered to women in order to induce or accelerate labor.

Prostaglandyny they also prevent platelets from sticking together and lower blood pressure. This is especially important in the elderly, where increased blood viscosity and clotting could lead to strokes or heart attacks. Prostaglandyny widen blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow and contributing to lowering blood pressure.

Another functions fulfilled in the body by prostaglandyny are the regulation of the digestive system and the regulation of kidney function. Prostaglandyny they inhibit the secretion of gastric juice and increase mucus secretion, which is especially important in the case of gastric ulcer. In the kidneys prostaglandyny increase the so-called diuresis, i.e. the excretion of sodium and potassium in the urine.

Application of prostaglandins in medicine

Due to its properties prostaglandyny they find wide application in medicine. Are used induction of labor, they are used to treat erection problems (prostaglandyny cause dilation and oxygenation of the cavernous bodies of the penis), gastric and duodenal ulcer disease, thrombotic and atherosclerotic changes in the lower limbs, diseases associated with narrowing of blood vessels and glaucoma. A side effect the latter use prostaglandyny there is hair growth in the eye area, which has been consumed by cosmetology – prostaglandyny they are used in cosmetics as an ingredient of preparations for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

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