Propranolol wzf – indications and side effects of the drug for hypertension

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Propranolol wzf is one of the most commonly used drugs in the case of abnormal blood pressure, because its main task is, among other things, to lower it. Additionally, the drug is recommended for people who suffer from chronic migraine headaches. Propranolol wzf is also anxiolytic. Its use should be consulted with the attending physician.

What exactly is propranolol wzf? Generally speaking, it is an agent from the group of beta-blockers, the substances of which reduce the frequency of the heart rhythm, as well as reduce the strength of contraction. Its main substance is propranolol belonging to the group of beta-blockers.

Propranolol wzf – indications

Propranolol wzf is a tablet drug sold in two types of dosage: 10 mg and 50 mg. The active substance is propranolol. Propranolol wzf is a prescription-only medicine that is reimbursed. What are the recommendations for the use of the drug:

  1. in the treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  2. in the treatment of hypertension
  3. for the prophylaxis of migraines
  4. in the prevention of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, especially in patients diagnosed with esophageal varices and portal hypertension
  5. in the treatment of essential tremor
  6. in the prevention of a heart attack, especially in people suffering from coronary heart disease
  7. in the treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  8. in the control of ventricular arrhythmias
  9. in the treatment of pheochromocytoma of the adrenal glands
  10. in the treatment of angina

Propranolol wzf – side effects

As with other drugs, propranolol wzf can also cause side effects and side effects. There are situations where, even if there are reasons to use the drug, the patient cannot take it due to contraindications.

  1. the main reason why the drug cannot be used is an allergy to propranolol wzf or other components of the drug
  2. acute disorders in the peripheral circulation
  3. with cardiogenic shock
  4. in hypotension
  5. with metabolic acidosis
  6. in the sinus node syndrome
  7. with second or third degree atrioventricular block
  8. in diagnosed bradycardia
  9. with long starvation
  10. in diabetes
  11. in chronic liver diseases
  12. in bronchial asthma
  13. with heart failure

Propranolol wzf cannot be used in the treatment of pregnant and breastfeeding women. In some cases, special care should be taken in the use of the drug. There are cases where there are contraindications to treatment with the drug, but the situation requires it, therefore, constant medical supervision and regular examinations require people with, for example, controlled heart failure. Propranolol wzf cannot be used simultaneously with certain medications. There are contraindications for combining the drug with calcium antagonists such as, for example, diltiazem or verapamil, because the reaction may cause heart conduction disturbances, acute arterial hypotension, and even heart failure. Calcium should not be taken in any form while taking propranolol. In patients with diabetes, there is a possibility of distorting the result of insulin measurements, and in the absence of constant control, it may even lead to hypoglycaemia. The agent may also affect the results of thyroid tests, propranolol wzf may worsen the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Propranolol wzf may cause fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, therefore it is not advisable to drive vehicles or operate heavy machinery during the treatment.

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