Prophylaxis of thrombosis

According to medical statistics, no less people die from the consequences of thrombosis than from car accidents. The same number of patients become disabled after the separation and movement of a blood clot through the blood vessels. Blood clots that block blood vessels form after a heart attack, injury, or an acute infectious disease. Even a successful delivery, a brilliantly performed surgical intervention can provoke the formation of a blood clot. That is why effective preventive measures can save many lives and preserve the health of potential patients.

How does thrombosis occur?

Prophylaxis of thrombosis

The place of localization of thrombosis can be veins, arteries, capillaries. A blood clot is a dense blood clot that has formed in the cavity of the heart or in the lumen of a blood vessel. Thrombus formation was formed in the course of evolution as a protective mechanism that prevents a person from dying from blood loss as a result of spontaneous trauma.

Factors that increase the likelihood of blood clots:

  • Elderly age;

  • Increased blood clotting, thick blood;

  • Elevated cholesterol;

  • Genetic predisposition;

  • The use of hormonal drugs;

  • Sedentary lifestyle;

  • Prolonged stay in a static position;

  • Injuries with vascular damage;

  • Overweight;

  • Smoking, alcoholism;

  • hypothermia;

  • Oncological pathology;

  • Diseases of blood vessels, blood-forming organs.

At the first stage of the pathology, a small blood clot forms on the wall of the blood vessel. Over time, it increases, clogs the lumen of the vessel – such a dangerous disease as secondary thrombosis is formed. If, for some reason, a blood clot breaks away from the wall of a vein or artery, it enters the pulmonary artery with blood flow, causing pulmonary embolism. This condition is fatal in most cases.

A change in the structure of blood proteins (thrombophilia), a violation of the integrity of blood vessels due to mechanical damage, varicose veins, the consequences of atherosclerosis – all these conditions can become a trigger for the formation of thrombosis.

Basic Prevention Measures

Prophylaxis of thrombosis

Before identifying ways to prevent thrombosis, it is necessary to assess your predisposition to thrombosis. In the presence of negative heredity, a biochemical and molecular genetic study of blood should be performed to calculate the likelihood of thrombophilia. At risk are those who have at least one factor predisposing to thrombosis. The optimal age to start preventive measures is after 40 years for men, after 50 years for women.

A set of preventive measures:

  • Refusal of a sedentary lifestyle, forced to stay in a static position for a long time. Proper organization of the workplace, physical education, industrial gymnastics, dynamic pauses every 45 minutes of a sedentary stay at the workplace.

  • Refusal to use nicotine and alcohol to improve blood composition, prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

  • Refusal of the attitude of tight, squeezing clothes and shoes.

  • Prevention of inactivity when traveling by plane, during car and bus travel – change of posture, comfortable shoes and clothes, periodic low-amplitude exercises for the knee and ankle joints.

  • Wearing compression stockings, tights, golf.

  • Protection from heat or cold, refusal to take a hot bath, prolonged exposure to sunlight.

  • Compliance with a special diet.

  • Medical support for congestion, increased risk of thrombosis – the use of anticoagulants, bioflavonoids, antiplatelet agents, vitamin B12, B6, nicotinic and folic acid. All medicines are prescribed by the attending physician.

[Video] Cardiovascular surgeon, phlebologist Abasov M. M. – How to get rid of a blood clot in 2 weeks:

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