Prophylactic examinations for men. What tests are worth doing?

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The coronavirus pandemic made us all realize that health is the most valuable thing we have. The basic condition for its maintenance, however, is regular inspection. What tests and analyzes should be performed once a year? Some tips and suggestions for men.

  1. Gentlemen visit doctors much less often than women. This is one reason they live shorter lives. Getting tested does not have to mean hours spent in the clinic. Age and needs-based test packages can be used
  2. Cardiovascular diseases are responsible for almost half of all deaths in Poland. Prophylactic tests in this area cannot be neglected – they are necessary to maintain the health of the heart. The basis is, for example, cholesterol and pressure testing
  3. Tests for cancer cannot be omitted. They are the second most common cause of death among Poles
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

General preventive examinations are the basis of good health

To enjoy good health and peace, preventive examinations should be performed regularly, regardless of whether you are 30 years old or already belong to the group of seniors. Some of them need to be done every few years, others should be repeated every year.

Statistics and probably the experience of many wives, partners or mothers, as well as men themselves, show that men visit doctors much less frequently than women, and they do not always treat potential health risks seriously. This is one reason they live shorter than women.

After an extremely difficult pandemic year 2020, we have all appreciated the gift of good health. So it’s time to fully take care of them and do at least some basic research. It does not have to mean hours spent in the clinic or laboratory. You can take advantage of research packages adapted to your age. You make an appointment once and use the research you need. An additional advantage is the fact that nowadays a lot of research can be bought online – we don’t even have to go to the doctor.

At Medonet Market you will find age-appropriate packages: for men 30+ and men over 40. You can also choose a package of basic preventive examinations for men (but also women) of all ages. The package (depending on the selected variant) includes: morphology, glucose (sugar level control, used, among others, in the diagnosis of diabetes), lipidogram (five tests) – used in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, general urine examination, ESR, creatinine, uric acid.

Thanks to these tests, you will find out what your general health condition is, and if the result is abnormal, it will be the basis for in-depth diagnostics.

Gentlemen may also consider hormonal tests – disturbances in this area affect the entire body (one of the symptoms may be a decrease in libido). The tests are performed after the blood is drawn. Medonet Market offers a package of male hormone tests.

Research that protects against cancer

When talking about tests worth doing, one cannot ignore tests for cancer. Unfortunately, they are the second most common cause of death among Poles. Meanwhile, check-ups play a huge role in their treatment, which, unfortunately, men do too rarely.

The cancer that takes the biggest toll among men (but also women) is lung cancer. To detect it, a chest X-ray is enough. It is recommended every two years. X-rays should be performed primarily by smokers, especially after the age of 40. Prostate cancer is at the forefront of cancers to which men are particularly at risk. After the age of 50, every man should undergo a PSA antigen level test at least once a year, which facilitates early detection of this disease.

Among the “male neoplasms” there are also colorectal cancer, bladder cancer, stomach, kidney and larynx cancers.

Doctors are already predicting that the number of patients with advanced cancer whose diagnosis has been delayed by the pandemic will increase this year. Let this be an incentive to be screened for this. You don’t like going to clinics? You can use the oncology package dedicated to men available in Medonet Market. Just buy a package and follow the instructions – you don’t have to make an appointment or wait for a referral.

Research on cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are responsible for almost half of all deaths in Poland. Prophylactic examinations in this area cannot be neglected – they are necessary to maintain the health of the heart.

The basis of prevention is, for example, regular cholesterol and blood pressure tests. To help patients perform the necessary tests, Medonet Market offers packages of laboratory tests related to arterial hypertension and cholesterol control.

One of the most common diseases of the circulatory system is atherosclerosis. It is estimated that every year it kills about 30. Poles – it ranks third among the causes of death. Atherosclerosis is a disease of the arteries that results in the narrowing of their lumen. It leads to a reduction in blood flow. As a result of atherosclerosis, for stroke and heart attack. Renal artery stenosis can cause high blood pressure and kidney failure. Therefore, a comprehensive control of their condition is so important. It is worth doing research in this regard once a year. A package of blood tests for atherosclerosis available in Medonet Market will be a facilitation.

The National Health Test of Poles conducted in 2020 showed that preventive health care, including testing, is not our strong point. May the current year 2021 bring a good change in this matter. We have only one health.

Here are the studies worth doing in 2021:

  1. Examination package for men 30+
  2. Examination package for men 40+
  3. A package of basic preventive examinations for people of all ages
  4. Male Hormone Testing Package
  5. Oncology package for men
  6. A package of laboratory tests related to arterial hypertension
  7. A package of tests to control cholesterol levels
  8. A set of blood tests for atherosclerosis

Remember that the test results must be consulted with a specialist. The easiest way to do this is by using a television. Make an appointment using the haloDoctor platform.

You may be interested in:

  1. National Health Test of Poles 2020. We know how Poles care about their health!
  2. Seven genetic diseases that mainly affect men
  3. «2021 will be a terrible year. The number of advanced stages of cancer will increase. It is already visible »

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