Properties and benefits of Hematite – Happiness and health

Do you find it difficult to assert yourself? Do you sometimes feel like you are not being listened to? Do you think you lack charisma? Is your shyness blocking you? Don’t you dare say no?

In reality, all these problems are often linked! What if I told you that an energy stone can give you the confidence you need?

Since antiquity, hematite is recognized for moral strength that it gives us.

A remedy for most social difficulties, it gives power to our actions. Also, it gives us the courage to make big decisions.

For my part, I have a weakness for the history of this stone which I find fascinating!

In this article, you will learn all about this extraordinary stone and its benefits.

We will then explain how to use your hematite, for optimal results!


Hematite takes its name from the Latin word haematites, itself derived from the ancient Greek haïmatitês (“stone of blood”).

Given the brown, gray or even black color of this stone, the name may seem surprising to us.

In fact, it comes from the reddish powder that is obtained by grinding it and which, when mixed with water, can look like blood.

Hematite is mainly composed of iron oxide, with traces of aluminum and titanium. (1)

It is a common stone, which can be found in abundance in most countries of the world … but also on the planet Mars!


Properties and benefits of Hematite – Happiness and health

We find traces of hematite from prehistoric times.

At that time, this stone was used for its characteristic red powder; prehistoric men already used it for their rock paintings (on the walls of caves). (2)

In ancient Egypt, hematite was used as a good luck charm, in particular to ward off diseases and evil spirits.

Warriors used it to give themselves courage and strength before battle.

Archaeologists have found many talismans and various objects made from hematite.

It was also customary to use it to cure “blood ailments”, but also to protect against them.

For good reason, they thought that this stone promoted blood production, due to its very similar texture (when the powder is mixed with water).

Much later, when Egypt fell under Roman domination, hematite was mainly used as eye drops. It is then attributed antiseptic and preventive effects, in connection with sight problems.

Thus, in certain eastern regions of the Roman Empire, popular tradition was that hematite could “restore sight to the blind”.

Whether it was fabulated or not, this powerful symbol says a lot about the place occupied by hematite in certain civilizations!

Emotional benefits

Will, optimism and courage

In ancient Egypt, hematite was nicknamed “the stone of the calm warrior”, due to the moral strength it gives to its user.

This incredible virtue comes from the large amount of iron present in this stone.

Iron has always been associated with resistance, inflexibility, and therefore determination. It is not for nothing that the expression “iron will” exists!

Wearing hematite on you will bring you discipline, good humor and vigor.

Whether it is to get up in the morning, to get to work or to start a big project, you will be overflowing with will and optimism!

No more motivational drops and desert crossings; you will always recover from difficult trials. Thanks to hematite, you will have the mind of a true leader.

With this precious ally by your side, you will have the courage to accept all challenges… and to triumph over them!

Fight against shyness and fear of the unknown

Does your shyness sometimes prevent you from doing what you want?

If so, know that you are far from alone. And fortunately, there are plenty of solutions to get rid of this annoying problem.

It turns out that hematite can be one! For shyness as for reserve, this stone will help you fight your blockages.

You will gradually feel its energy rising in you and reaching your senses. Little by little, you will no longer be afraid to speak, you will no longer be afraid to enjoy life!

Hematite will give you the courage you need to take the plunge.

And the most curious thing is that once immersed in it, everything will seem very easy and natural to you!

Charisma, self-confidence and authority

The least we can say is that the “blood stone” is aptly named.

One of the peculiarities of hematite is that it is a vector of powerful energy, which you will be able to appropriate!

When you have loaded your stone and carried it with you, the changes will be drastic.

Your whole body will receive the vivid positive waves of hematite intensely. As the days go by, you will become more and more convincing. You will gain a disconcerting ease in speaking and you will excel in all your relationships.

You will speak less, but you will speak better. As a result, you will be listened to more.

Your peers will always take your words seriously, and they will trust you without hesitation. The effects of hematite will surprise you. Do not put in the wrong hands!

Properties and benefits of Hematite – Happiness and health

Physical benefits

Better energy in the morning

Who, when they wake up, has never had this unpleasant feeling of not having finished their night?

I won’t teach you anything by telling you that the worst thing you can do is go back to sleep!

However, getting up tired is also a bad start to the day. As a result, you may be in a bad mood all morning. You will be less efficient and more irritable!

If the fatigue is mild, then hematite will definitely help you overcome this little difficulty.

Kept close to you while you sleep, hematite ensures you get restful sleep and wake up feeling great. It’s the ideal way to start the day on the right foot!

Decreased fatigue

After a trying day, it’s okay to feel exhausted. This is commonly called “good fatigue”.

With the flow of energy it activates in your body, hematite helps you keep pace throughout the day. (3)

Given its high iron content, its simple proximity can prevent deficiencies, and therefore fight against fatigue, especially at work. Thanks to the stone of the warrior, you will be effective from morning until evening. Your night will only be better, and your waking up easier!

If your fatigue becomes chronic, on the other hand, it is important to see a doctor in order to understand its source. Hematite is an excellent support, but it does not replace medical follow-up!

Muscle protection

Throughout history, many civilizations have made the same observation: hematite heats our blood as well as our muscles, which makes us continually ready for the effort.

This is a very interesting detail when you consider that most muscle injuries are due to lack of warm-up. So you can get to work much faster, without risking a bad surprise the next day.

If you regularly have cramps at the end of the day, then hematite will be an excellent ally to get rid of it!

Increased blood flow

Improving blood flow was the emblematic virtue of this stone for several millennia.

Thanks to the chakras whose hematite allows the opening, the blood circulation is accentuated. We then have the feeling of always being full of energy, and this characteristic confers a very positive effect on our whole organism!

Having good blood flow also prevents many diseases, including some related to the heart.

You will understand, hematite is full of various benefits, which will give strength and vitality to your body!

Properties and benefits of Hematite – Happiness and health

How to charge it?

To take advantage of the full power of your hematite, there are a few simple steps you can take.

If you are not familiar with lithotherapy, our advice should be useful to you!

Reprogram your stone

You should know that when you acquire a new stone, it is not yet ready for use.

Quite often, your stone has accumulated a lot of negative energy before you take possession of it.

For this reason, it is therefore very important to drive out harmful waves, to replace them with beneficial waves.

⦁ First take the hematite in your hand. Get used to his touch and try to push any negative ideas out of your mind. Close your eyes if that helps.

⦁ Then think about positive things. For example, to all that you will be able to accomplish thanks to the virtues of this stone.

⦁ Think about what exactly you want from your hematite. What benefits would you like it to bring to you first?

⦁ Wait another minute before putting it back. Get used to it well. You must be one with your stone.

You can now take the next step!

Clean and charge your stone

Now that your stone is reprogrammed, you can rest assured that it will only bring you good things.

It is now necessary to bring the final touch to give it all its energy!

Remember that this step should be repeated every two weeks. In this way, you will make the most of the virtues of your hematite.

⦁ First, immerse your hematite in a glass of distilled water. If you don’t have one, you can also use lightly salted water. However, when you purify it for the first time, prefer distilled water for more efficiency. (4)

⦁ After leaving it to bathe for 5 minutes, I advise you to dry your stone well with a towel.

⦁ Finally, expose it to the sun’s rays for 4/5 hours. This last step is the most important, because it is this which will give all its powers to your hematite!

Once all of this is done, your stone is ready to use! From now on, we’ll see the different ways you can use it.

How to use it ?

Unlike most stones, hematite is personal. Although its power is very high, it is not a stone that we share.

Placing it in a room will therefore have no impact on the people around.

For good reason, the hematite has the particularity of merging with you, and it is in this that its power is extraordinary. It is condensed, and psychically linked to your body.

The best way to use hematite is to keep it on you at all times!

You can wear it however you like. This can be as a pendant, bracelet, medallion or even in the pocket.

Whatever your choice, you will be able to enjoy all its benefits!

As soon as you feel the urge, do not hesitate to take hepatitis in your hand: it will give you its power!

Properties and benefits of Hematite – Happiness and health

What combinations with other stones?


Known as a stone of energy and motivation, citrine is highly valued by those who want change.

She has everything from the first choice, for a combination focused on success and personal development.

Citrine brings good luck, ward off bad vibes and boost self-esteem.

Linked to the solar plexus chakra, this stone is also an ideal solution against stress, nervousness and impatience. It helps to keep the mind clear.

Combining the strength of hematite with the wisdom of citrine could be a perfect choice!

Red jasper

Much like hematite, red jasper is related to blood. We therefore find most of the benefits, especially with regard to vitality and energy.

However, it is even more advanced when it comes to help with project implementation. Its benefits are numerous and concern a wide range of areas.

This stone allows for example to quickly find the source of its problems, and to gain the strength to act quickly to solve them. Nothing like it to defuse conflicts before they escalate!

Unlike hematite, red jasper is a fairly long stone to relax. It takes a few days to assimilate it and see the first effects appear.

Slowly, but surely, shall we say!

Lithotherapists consider red jasper as the stone of initiative and action. It will be perfect for entrepreneurs!


Hematite therefore symbolizes strength, but also will and tenacity.

If you have difficulty getting yourself heard or carrying out your projects, this stone will be very useful to you!

To learn more about lithotherapy as a whole, I invite you to consult this page.

Let us not forget that as effective as lithotherapy is, it must remain complementary to medical monitoring!






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