Classified in the category of fine stones, amethyst is a purple colored quartz. Considered the crystal of the spirit, it is related to the crown chakra. There are several deposits of amethyst all over the world, however, the best crystals come from Brazil, Uruguay and Zambia.
Amethyst is a crystal that has many virtues. And I have to admit, this is one of my favorite stones.
Find out in the rest of our article the power of this crystal, its role in lithotherapy, how to load it and how to wear it for greater efficiency.
Coming from the word “Amethustos” which means in Greek “who is not drunk”, amethyst is found in ancient basaltic casting cavities (1).
Like all minerals, quartz forms in the earth’s crust between 3 and 25 miles deep. They result from a magma. Magma is volcanic flow.
Magmas can flow in the earth’s crust, inside rocks. This makes it possible to make fusions and chemical reactions with the rocks surrounding this magma.

On the surface of the earth, the magma is called lava. But when the magma solidifies inside the earth, it turns into minerals including quartz.
In terms of its chemical composition, amethyst is mainly composed of oxygen and silicon.
The violet color of amethyst is due to the presence of tiny particles of iron which are encrusted in this quartz during its formation.
The crystal keeps its color up to a temperature of 250 degrees Celsius. Beyond that, it loses its color. From 500 degrees celsius, the color of amethyst turns citrine yellow.
Heated above 600 degrees Celsius, the amethyst takes on a milky color. This is the process used to obtain imitations of moonstone.
Amethysts from deposits in Madagascar fade without turning yellow. Some amethysts from Brazil turn green under cooler temperatures.high ures.
It should be remembered that amethyst can be discolored. Depending on their place of origin, they can be colored yellow or transparent crystal.
The main deposits of amethyst are found in Brazil and Uruguay. There are very good quality crystals. These countries hold several deposits of amethyst.
Next to these two main countries, you have the deposits of Madagascar and France. You can also find small deposits of amethyst in Russia, Mexico, USA, Malawi, Tanzania, Namibia.
You have different colors of amethyst: bluish purple, reddish purple, and purple tones (2).
Synthesized amethysts are also sold in shops. Russia has been a major manufacturer since 1975.
Make no mistake, not all purple colored crystals are amethysts. Amethyst is to be distinguished from crystals such as purple sapphire, purple fluorite, purple spinel, purple tourmaline.
To read: The complete guide to stones and lithotherapy
History and legend of crystal
Legend has it that the goddess Amethyst, a nymph of great beauty was pursued and harassed by the god Bacchus, god of wine in Greek mythology. Amethyst appealed to the goddess diana to whom she was visiting.
The goddess turned her into a hard, cold crystal as the god bacchus grabbed her. Instead of a beautiful goddess, he had in his hands a pebble which he threw in his anger and sprinkled it with wine. The crystal took on a purple hue.
Once again lucid, the god Bacchus gave the power to the amethyst crystal to deliver the drunkards from their intoxication.
The Greeks and Romans used this crystal as a talisman. The wealthy Romans served their wine in cups of amethyst to guard against drunkenness.
Amethyst is a symbol of humility and wisdom. It is also a symbol of great luxury.

Physical and emotional benefits
Emotional benefits
For meditation
Amethyst cactus is another variation of amethyst. She is a pale purple and of great price. It comes from South Africa.
This stone helps dissolve negative energies in the environment. It will therefore stabilize the energies. It allows you to calm down. In meditation position, take it in your joined hands in front of you.
Amethyst in general promotes concentration, reflection, spiritual upliftment, creativity.
In the treatment of chakras
Amethyst is related to the crown chakra and the 3rd eye chakra. The crown chakra is the link between you and the cosmos, the infinite. It is therefore the seat of spirituality. To treat your seventh chakra, use this stone.
As for the 3rd eye chakra, it is related to intuition.
Amethyst is also linked to other chakras like the solar plexus. It could therefore be associated with other crystals in the treatment of these mentioned chakras.
Calming tumultuous relationships
Amethyst is a cold stone. It symbolizes calm, peace. To avoid conflicting relationships or to appease conflicting relationships between friends, spouses, colleagues, place this stone in the place whereù you want to see the good atmosphere reign.
Moreover, amethyst can be used to stimulate positive waves in an environment, in a house or a room.
Against nervousness
For nervous people, amethyst is a crystal that can help calm your temper.
Wear it regularly and keep it in your hands during meditation sessions (3).
Travel protection
The 3rd eye chakra is the one related to foreboding, intuition. It warns us and protects us from invisible dangers in the physical world.
Some people report that amethyst was used as protection during trips considered dangerous. They were spared accidents thanks to the wearing of their amethyst.
Against hallucination attacks
For people who suffer from hallucinatory attacks, amethyst stone may be an answer to your concern. This crystal, symbol of wisdom, allows you to develop discernment within you, to reduce crises, to make you more calm and confident.

On the physical plane
Reduced stress and migraines
Amethyst is involved in the opening of the crown chakra. When this chakra is open, we live in fullness, in stillness. Stress and migraines resulting from the chakra can be soothed by amethyst.
Linked to the crown chakra and the 3rd eye chakra, amethyst allows you to harmonize your sixth and 7th chakra.
Improved blood circulation
Some religions state that amethyst represents the light blue of the sky associated with the blood of Jesus Christ. For these people, amethyst has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation.
They wear this crystal to treat their health problems.
For the muscles
When you experience neck and shoulder pain, think about amethyst. This crystal works to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders.
Against excesses and addictions
In lithotherapy, amethyst is used to fight against excesses and addictions. the amethyst elixir is sold in shops. You can make it yourself, taking care to follow the recommendations so as not to have the opposite effect.
In ancient times, amethyst was used against poisonings in banquets. This explains why the wealthy Romans drank from cups of amethyst.
Beyond the prevention of drunkenness, this crystal protected them from any poisoning.
In addition to addiction, amethyst helps to eliminate more quickly the harmful effects of what we consume such as cigarettes, alcohol, too fatty foods.
Amethyst helps to rebalance obsessive excesses, strong passions, negative thoughts. This crystal helps you free yourself from your chains.
Fight against insomnia
A precursor of calm and a healthy atmosphere, amethyst acts on the production of melatonin. The calm created by amethyst in your mind and in your environment stimulates your sleep. You develop through this crystal a feeling of comfort, of spiritual well-being.
Place it under your pillow or hold it in your hands to fall asleep. You can also put it on your bedside table.
How to charge it?
If you are buying amethyst to treat ailment, here are some precautions to follow:
When buying your crystal, first of all think about deprogramming it. Crystals are carriers of spiritual energy.
- In order for it to bring you the benefit you want, first rid it of the probable negative energies that it may have accumulated previously.
- Then reprogram it by reciting on it the benefits you want it to bring you (love, health, peace, happiness)
To clean your stone after a certain period of use, soak it in spring water. Lightly salt this water before use. Then immerse your crystal in it for a few hours.
At the end of this time, expose your crystal to the light of the moon to recharge it. Amethyst is a cold crystal. Do not expose it to direct sunlight, otherwise it will lose the shine of its beautiful color.
Finally, use after the cleaning phase.
Another alternative to recharging your crystal is by using Amethyst Geodes. Place your crystal on the geode. Place it in the moonlight, preferably during the new moon. Keep them recharged for about 3 hours.
Buy your amethyst
The price of amethyst varies widely depending on its mineralogical quality (4).
- You have ordinary amethyst, common whose price varies between 3 and 8 euros per carat. Its weight cannot exceed 20 carats.
- You have uncommon amethyst whose prices vary between 6 and 16 euros per carat. Its weight cannot exceed 20 carats. These first two categories of amethysts are generally pale or medium in color.
- Rare amethysts have an intense purple color. The intensity of the color is expressed in Vs-VVS. Their prices vary between 15 and 50 euros per carat. Their weight is over 15 carats.
- Very rare amethysts, the price of which is over 50 euros / carat.
What are the combinations with the other stones?
For a good combination of stone with amethyst, citrine quartz is the best suited crystal.
There are natural stones combining citrine quartz and amethyst. This natural crystal is called bolivianite, in reference to bolivia, the country of extraction of this rare crystal. It is also called citrine amethyst or ametrine.
Citrine Amethyst is recognized for its powerful spiritual properties. It stimulates motivation, creates unblocking in business and difficult situations. It also helps to purify the environment and renew energies.
Ametrine can also attract positive people to you and balance your emotions.
Failing to find this rare crystal, you can combine your amethyst with citrine quartz for the same effects as ametrine.
Next to citrine quartz, amethyst combines perfectly with rock crystal. As a reminder, amethyst is a quartz. It therefore goes well with light-colored quartz.
Rock crystal, also known as silicon dioxide, is a pointed crystal with 6 geometric facets in the rough. Brazil supplies the finest varieties of rock crystal.
Rock crystal is used to purify and cleanse the body of all negativity. It allows to treat the sick because it more easily sucks the evil in the body. It is important to clean it up and reprogram it in order to destroy any negativity it had picked up before.
This quartz also helps to raise the spiritual level, to promote concentration, meditation and the protection of the nervous system.
By combining rock crystal with amethyst, you promote greater purification of your environment, your mind or your physical body. In addition, you will be more spiritually awake thanks to the combined action of these quartzes.
It is important to make a good combination of the stones because the energies of the different stones must converge, attract each other. If their energies are repelled, this can create problems; you will therefore reap the opposite effect.
How to use it ?

In cases of migraine and stress, place your crystal at the level of the 3rd eye chakra, i.e. between the eyebrows. Yellow amber and amethyst combined will help you better fight your migraines (5).
If you have skin problems such as wounds, abscesses, place your crystal directly on the scratch. For other skin problems such as shingles, put the stone under your pillow or wear it as a piece of jewelry.
To purify your environment, place different amethysts on the corner of the doors and windows of your home or office.
To avoid nightmares, insomnia, and restless sleep, place the amethyst under your pillow.
For meditation, hold your crystal in your hands.
You can also carry your crystal in your pockets if it is not raw. Rough amethysts can tear your pockets because of their sharp ends.
Amethyst elixir
You can make it at home by putting your amethysts in a container. Pour in rock water and arrange the contents in the moonlight overnight. Full moon nights are the best times to prepare amethyst elixir.
Appreciated for centuries by monarchs, amethyst is a crystal famous not only for its beauty, but also for its virtues.
It is the crystal that frees addictions, excess behaviors. It also protects you from poisoning.
Beyond these virtues, this crystal is used in lithotherapy for spiritual elevation, for the purification of the environment and relationships. On a physical level amethyst can support your body against certain diseases.
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