Considered an emerald by night and a ruby by day, thealexandrite is a rare gemstone. The crystal’s ability to change color depending on the lighting is its peculiarity.
Alexandrite is more often worn as a jewel.
But it can be used as part of lithotherapy for multiple benefits that it brings on a physical and emotional level. Discover with us this incredible stone.
Alexandrite is a gem that is born from the flows of “volcanic lava”. These flows take place in mica schists, pegmatites and alluvial deposits.
The lava flow is made under very high pressures, at a depth of more than 250 km. This lava mixes with other minerals during its journey. This gives rise among other things to Alexandrite.
It should be noted that the crystals for the great majority are formed underground. Their identification, their colors, their properties differ depending on the elements that are incorporated into them during their journey.
In the case of alexandrite for example, the underground lava mixed with beryllium, oxygen and aluminum.
It is part of the chrysoberyl families. Originally, chrysobelium is of yellowish origin.
However, during the formation of chrysobelium, chromium atoms (greyish color) mix with the chrysobelium. They create alexandrite which is blue-green in color.
In addition, the chriso berylliums have a flat structure while in alexandrite, the structure is in relief because of the crystals which are grouped there (1).
The beauty of the crystal is due to the presence of chromium (0,4%). Chromium is considered a defect when the color of alexandrite is too dark, violent.
This stone fascinates with its beauty and colors.
Alexandrite is in principle pure, that is to say that it does not contain any inclusions a priori. However, in some stones, we can find inclusions, which lowers the value of the stone. These inclusions can be liquid or solid.
The largest stone was quarried in Sri Lanka. It’s 1846 carats, not bad isn’t it?

The first discovery of alexandrite was in Russia in the mines of Oura in 1830. This stone was named in reference to the Emperor Alexander of Russia who ruled between 1855 and 1881.
The gems produced by Russian mines were of high quality. Their colors ranged from red to green to purplish red depending on the light they were exposed to.
These mines ran out very quickly, which created the Alexandrite shortage. At the end of the 20th century, a mine producing alexandrite was discovered in Brazil.
Today, you have in addition the mines of Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Madagascar which produce alexandrite.
Of vitreous luster, the peculiarity of this crystal lies in its colors which change according to the light.
It is blue-green in color when exposed to daylight. The hue of the stone changes to purplish red when exposed to the light of the lamp.
In infrared light, it turns raspberry red while under the sun, it turns purple.
Exposed under a neon, this stone turns rather light gray.
Russian miners discovered him by accident while searching for emerald in the mines. They first confused it with emerald.
At night around their log fire, these miners realized that the stones had changed color. They then subjected him to the light of day the next day. The latter took on other colors.
These color changes made the value and popularity of alexandrite. It was so sought after and prized that the abusive exploitation of these mines quickly exhausted the alexandrite deposits in Russia (2).
The physical and emotional benefits of alexandrite
Stone of Benevolence
It stimulates in you compassion, selfless love for others, selfless help for others. This stone allows you to reveal the humanist, the philanthropist who lies dormant in you.
For forgiveness
Some offenses are difficult to bear, we drag them over several months or even years. These wounds, these resentments constitute blockages from the spiritual point of view.
Energy cannot indeed flow well through the meridian points because of the bad feelings that we develop. It is important to deal with these pains in the heart in order to open our thoughts to a life of fullness.
Alexandrite gives you the courage to forgive those who have done injustice to you. It allows you to go beyond your resentment, your sorrows.
The stone of soul mates
In Russia, it is said that alexandrite would bring soul mates together even when they live far apart. Wearing this gemstone by two soul mates would attract a relationship of love, peace, trust and security despite the distance.
Alexandrite represents the 55th year of marriage. This is to say that this stone supports love, stability in marriage.
Stone of duality and balance
Like its colors which change depending on the lighting to which it is subjected, alexandrite represents duality in the world of lithotherapy.
This stone teaches us that life is made of sadness, but also of joy, health and illness, assurance and doubt …
Wearing it will bring you to find the happy medium in this duality of life.
In this same vein, alexandrite allows you in a given situation to see the different sides of the problem and to solve it wisely.
It also helps to balance your chakras, your world, your feelings, your relationships …
For regeneration
Alexandrite is considered the stone of regeneration. In lithotherapy, you use it for a new beginning, to enter a new business or to ignite a new life.
In addition, it makes it possible to link the real world to the supernatural world. In the esoteric world, alexandrite is used for spiritual purification and renewal.
This stone is said to attract good omens and wealth into your life (3).
For enthusiasm at work
Alexandrite can be used to give meaning to one’s life, to one’s work. When you feel weary, tired of your job; this stone can bring you comfort and guide you spiritually for a better vision in the world of work.
The gem allows you to successfully start a new career, or to support decision making in the world of work.
As part of the career, work, work with alexandrite placed at the level of the third eye chakra, that is, between the eyebrows.
Alexandrite is used for divination. Mediums hold it in their palms during their sessions.
Against sore throat
The elixir is used to fight against sore throats.
You can also rub, massage the painful places with this elixir for a better being.

To treat problems with the heart
This gem turns red under the light of the lamp. It is used to stimulate good blood circulation in the heart. For people who suffer from myocardium, it is said that alexandrite can alleviate these health problems.
Relieve neck muscles and liver
For pain in the neck muscles, alexandria worn on the neck will provide relief.
This stone is also considered as a detox element of the liver. By wearing it regularly, it would stimulate the detoxifying functions of your liver.
How to charge it
To clean your gemstones, you can immerse them in spring water. You can also buy liquids on the internet to purify your crystals.
Immerse the stone for about 1-2 hours in water. Clean it afterwards with a fine cloth. To recharge it, expose it to the light of a full moon. Expose it to light a second time, but this time to sunlight, about 1 hour.
Reprogram the stone by reciting wishes over it. Say out loud what you would like this stone to bring into your life.
Take care to hold your alexandrites firmly in both palms and raise your palms slightly upward.
Some combinations with stones
Alexandrite can be synthesized since 1970. Synthesized stones are very beautiful and difficult to differentiate from natural stones. A jeweler can certify you if your alexandrite is an original or rather a synthetic (4).
Depending on the multiple colors it offers can be combined with multiple crystals.
For lithotherapy, alexandrite can be combined with amethyst or tanzanite. It can be combined with other stones such as ruby or emerald which come from the same family as it.
Alexandrite and chakras
Alexandrite corresponds to the crown and solar plexus chakras (5).
The crown chakra allows for spiritual elevation and is linked to purple. The crown chakra located just above the skull is the place of connection and spiritual upliftment.
Alexandrite, considered the stone of kings matches is the stone to open your crown chakra.
As for the solar plexus, it is located between the two ribs, just below the tip of the sternum. It is the crossroads between the outside world and our inner world.
If you are feeling betrayed, lost confidence, or lacked self-confidence, consider blue stones like alexandrite. Use alexandrite to work the solar plexus chakra.
To meditate with your stone, stand or in a tailor-made position. Have your stone in your palm, on a table or in a thin cloth in front of you. Breathe in and out slowly.
As you breathe in, think of peace, love, fullness, healing… As you breathe out, think of the expulsion of stress, illness, fears, doubt…
Then fix your alexandrite. Imagine in your head the different colors in which this fine stone is revealed depending on the lighting. Print them in your head. Make one with the stone.
Strive to feel the fullness that comes over you and sets you free. Let yourself be transported and healed.

The different uses
Alexandrite can be synthesized in 3 main ways. They can be synthesized by the way of flows. It can be synthesized by the method Czochralski (6). It can also be synthesized in a floating zone under fusion by horizontal draft.
Alexandrites were synthesized in Russia for the needs of the aerospace industry and the submarine industry.
In laser treatments, synthetic alexandrite is used in the manufacture of certain lasers. Thus lasers to erase tattoos, hair or unsightly veins in the feet, are made on the basis of synthetic stone. These do not contain chromium.
In etching and ceramics, alexandrite is used in etchings. Etching is an intaglio engraving on metallic by means of acid.
Synthetic stone is also used in metal milling.
It was only later that synthesized alexandrites made their entry into the world of jewelry.
Price of
Rather, the value depends on the stone’s ability to change from one color to another. In general, alexandrites which take on a deep green or red color are the alexandrites of great value.
Original stones can cost a minimum of 12 euros per carat.
Alexandrite is considered the stone of duality for its multiple color changes. To have a better balance in your life, using or wearing this stone will help you.
It also allows you to grant forgiveness to those who have offended you. Beyond its emotional benefits, this crystal helps you against sore throats, heart problems.
Alexandrite also allows you to develop joy and rejuvenation in you.