Proper skin care: laugh less and be surprised
We frown, laugh, bite our lips and cross our legs. All these seemingly ordinary actions are very harmful to beauty. found out what habits you need to forget in order to preserve beauty and youth.
Habit # 1. Laugh and Frown
Of course, laughter is good for your health. It stimulates the synthesis of endorphins (happiness hormones). But it has a bad effect on the condition of the skin, provoking the appearance of mimic wrinkles. Laughter primarily affects the skin of the eyelids when crow’s feet appear in the corners of the eyes, and the face when unattractive nasolabial folds appear. The habit of frowning the eyebrows leaves deep vertical lines between them, and the manner of wrinkling the forehead draws horizontal lines. The skin around the mouth can suffer from the mistress’s need to purse her lips forever. Of course, these movements are reflex, and it is rather difficult to control them, but it is possible.
What to do: the only chance to cope with the problem on your own is tight control. Start small – for example, instead of laughing, sometimes just smile. To wean yourself from frowning, carry out preventive work: for a couple of hours, glue thin strips of tissue paper dipped in water to your forehead. They will allow better
Touching your face with unwashed hands introduces germs.
Habit # 2. Touching your face with your hands
You rest your cheek with your palm or rest your fist on your chin, constantly scratching your nose or touching your forehead. Thus, you stretch the skin, ensuring the appearance of premature wrinkles. Touching the skin with unwashed hands, you also bring in new microbes, which immediately spread over the upper layer of the epidermis and, rest assured, greatly harm it.
What to do: as in the case of facial expressions – rigid self-control. You can deceive yourself – for example, if you like to prop your cheek with your palm, take beads, a candy wrapper in this hand, twist the handle, do whatever, as long as your hands are in business.
Habit # 3. Squeezing out pimples
The more often you do this, the more you stimulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which increases the oiliness of the skin. And if no one can stop you
What to do: use antiseptic agents, for example, octenisept lotion, it will instantly rid the skin of harmful microbes. Be sure to contact a beautician, you will receive valuable recommendations already at the first appointment. In the salon, you can make a special healing cream, prescribe cleansing and masks. Soon you will notice improvements, and the desire to spoil your skin will disappear.
Lipstick on the bitten lips falls unevenly, the skin on them constantly peels off.
Habit # 4. Lip biting
Girlish habit. We bite our lips with anger and impatience when we are carried away or moved by something. In general, there is always a reason to catch your lips with your teeth, only the consequences of this habit look unattractive. Lipstick on the bitten lips falls unevenly, the skin on them constantly peels off. But the worst thing is that dirt can easily get into wounds and microcracks and cause inflammation.
What to do: first, get rid of flaking and heal cracks. Use any product: hygienic lipstick, lip moisturizer. Apply any vegetable oil (olive, peach) at night.
Rest your legs whenever possible.
Habit # 5. Cross-legged
The habit of sitting cross-legged is the most common and harmful habit. Especially for those whose working day is sitting. Not only does blood circulation deteriorate from a sedentary lifestyle, but from an incorrect position of the legs it is generally disturbed. There is a blockage of the veins and, as a result, varicose veins.
What to do: carefully examine the legs, if wreaths have already appeared on the skin, go in for sports urgently, apply special gels for the legs. Whenever possible, rest your legs: raise your legs higher – on a stand, sofa armrest, etc. If the difficulties that you face, ridding yourself of varicose veins, do not relieve you of the habit of crossing your legs, contact a phlebologist and do a chipping of problem areas. The money spent on the procedure will deprive you of the desire to spoil the beauty of your legs for a long time.