Skin is an indicator of our health. Looking at her, you can find out everything about our inclinations, bad habits and lifestyle. The skin can be easily injured, but it can also be restored, although this will take time. Woman’s Day presents ten rules for skin health.
Rule # 1: Take care of your nerves!
It has been scientifically proven that all diseases are caused by nerves, and skin diseases in particular. After all, there is a direct close connection between the skin and the nervous system. The skin constantly provides the brain with complete information about the state of the environment. How can this be noticed? It’s very simple: in the cold we get cold, in the heat we sweat, if we get scared, we turn pale, when we get angry, we turn red, and as soon as we get nervous, the skin begins to inflame and peel off.
To protect the skin, it is recommended to drink a course of multivitamins in the autumn-winter period. Complexes with vitamins A, E and C, enriched with magnesium and calcium, are especially useful. They relieve stress and improve skin condition.
So, peeling of the skin and seizures in the corners of the mouth is a signal that the body does not have enough B vitamins. Start taking vitamins, and after a week the problems will disappear. And to make them repeat themselves, include liver, herbs and black bread in the diet.
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Top 24 remedies for oily skin You can shine in society thanks to beauty, intelligence, talent or a beautiful dress. If shine appears on your face, you need to urgently take action. Enlarged pores and micro-inflammations are hard to hide, but patience and cosmetics can help make your skin look matte and shrink pores.
Top 8 Skin Moisturizers Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skin care. Woman’s Day found out how much moisture our skin contains, why dehydration sets in and how to keep our skin young, beautiful and well hydrated.
Rule # 2: Avoid Antibacterial Soaps
Antibacterial soaps do kill bacteria, but not just harmful ones. It kills all the microflora of the skin, which so diligently protects us from fungi and viruses. Such soap is especially harmful for children (despite advertising).
An excellent place for antibacterial soap is: a clinic, a summer residence, a garage, that is, where we face viruses and pollution directly. At home, it is enough to use ordinary toilet soap.
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Top 24 remedies for oily skin You can shine in society thanks to beauty, intelligence, talent or a beautiful dress. If shine appears on your face, you need to urgently take action. Enlarged pores and micro-inflammations are hard to hide, but patience and cosmetics can help make your skin look matte and shrink pores.
Top 8 Skin Moisturizers Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skin care. Woman’s Day found out how much moisture our skin contains, why dehydration sets in and how to keep our skin young, beautiful and well hydrated.
Rule # 3: Don’t take antibiotics
As soon as the temperature rises or sore throat, we immediately grab onto antibiotics. Meanwhile, such drugs destroy all microflora, weakening our body. In such it is easy to settle fungi, for example, the same thrush. Takeaway: Use antibiotics only as directed by your doctor.
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Top 24 remedies for oily skin You can shine in society thanks to beauty, intelligence, talent or a beautiful dress. If shine appears on your face, you need to urgently take action. Enlarged pores and micro-inflammations are hard to hide, but patience and cosmetics can help make your skin look matte and shrink pores.
Top 8 Skin Moisturizers Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skin care. Woman’s Day found out how much moisture our skin contains, why dehydration sets in and how to keep our skin young, beautiful and well hydrated.
Rule # 4: Cleanse Your Skin Regularly
Our skin creates a powerful barrier to keep out any infection. And those harmful substances that have already accumulated inside, she diligently brings out. Especially during a cold, when the temperature rises, all products of inflammation and toxins are excreted through the skin along with sweat. Therefore, even during illness, doctors recommend washing. Thus, you will facilitate the process of illness and speed up recovery.
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Top 24 remedies for oily skin You can shine in society thanks to beauty, intelligence, talent or a beautiful dress. If shine appears on your face, you need to urgently take action. Enlarged pores and micro-inflammations are hard to hide, but patience and cosmetics can help make your skin look matte and shrink pores.
Top 8 Skin Moisturizers Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skin care. Woman’s Day found out how much moisture our skin contains, why dehydration sets in and how to keep our skin young, beautiful and well hydrated.
Rule # 5: Drink More!
Dehydration of the body dramatically affects the condition of the skin, it manifests itself in the form of flaking and wrinkles. Moreover, even oily skin can peel off! You can easily get rid of premature aging with ordinary water.
Drink at least two liters of fluid a day unless there are contraindications such as swelling or heart disease. However, tea, juices and soups are not included. For cleansing the body, clean drinking, not boiled water is useful.
Read on: What foods does the skin need?
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Top 24 remedies for oily skin You can shine in society thanks to beauty, intelligence, talent or a beautiful dress. If shine appears on your face, you need to urgently take action. Enlarged pores and micro-inflammations are hard to hide, but patience and cosmetics can help make your skin look matte and shrink pores.
Top 8 Skin Moisturizers Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skin care. Woman’s Day found out how much moisture our skin contains, why dehydration sets in and how to keep our skin young, beautiful and well hydrated.
Healthy food is a direct path to skin beauty.
Rule # 6: Eat Skin-friendly Foods
Vitamin A – retinol, is responsible for the restoration of the skin, the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, maintaining the elasticity of the skin. Retinol is found in carrots, oranges, tangerines, peppers, pumpkin, and sea buckthorn.
Vitamin PP – nicotinic acid, controls tissue respiration, dilates blood vessels, improves blood formation. Found in meat, liver, kidney, yeast, rye bread and wholemeal flour.
Vitamin B2 – riboflavin, gives the skin a healthy look, participates in carbohydrate metabolism, assimilation of fats and proteins, the formation of hemoglobin. Contained in fermented milk products – cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir. It is the fermentation of milk that increases the riboflavin content in it, because only lactic acid bacteria are able to synthesize it.
Vitamin B12 – cyanocobalamin, good for the blood, it promotes the maturation of red blood cells. Found in beef liver, fish and chicken. To replenish vitamin B12, it is useful to eat 2 – 3 eggs a week and drink kefir.
Hardware participates in the processes of tissue respiration; it is abundant in meat, liver, vegetables and fruits.
Calcium relieves allergic reactions, promotes the growth and strengthening of hair, nails, strengthens the nervous system. Sardines in oil, almonds, hazelnuts, watercress, milk will help to replenish calcium.
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Top 24 remedies for oily skin You can shine in society thanks to beauty, intelligence, talent or a beautiful dress. If shine appears on your face, you need to urgently take action. Enlarged pores and micro-inflammations are hard to hide, but patience and cosmetics can help make your skin look matte and shrink pores.
Top 8 Skin Moisturizers Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skin care. Woman’s Day found out how much moisture our skin contains, why dehydration sets in and how to keep our skin young, beautiful and well hydrated.
Rule # 7: Wear natural fabrics
Synthetics poorly absorb moisture and practically does not allow air to pass through. Clothing made of synthetic materials envelops the body, creating a greenhouse environment. But our skin not only knows how, but also must breathe: just like the lungs, it absorbs oxygen and emits carbon dioxide. Natural materials will provide her with normal breathing.
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Top 24 remedies for oily skin You can shine in society thanks to beauty, intelligence, talent or a beautiful dress. If shine appears on your face, you need to urgently take action. Enlarged pores and micro-inflammations are hard to hide, but patience and cosmetics can help make your skin look matte and shrink pores.
Top 8 Skin Moisturizers Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skin care. Woman’s Day found out how much moisture our skin contains, why dehydration sets in and how to keep our skin young, beautiful and well hydrated.
Rule # 8: Avoid Injury
Abrasions, splinters, cuts, like open doors for various infections. Do not leave them unattended, do not wait for the wound to fester. If you injure your skin, immediately rinse the wound with a stream of clean water and then with hydrogen peroxide. After that, treat the skin around with brilliant green or iodine, but you should not pour solutions directly onto the wound! In order for the wound to heal as soon as possible, you can seal it with a plaster and, preferably, not wet it.
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Top 24 remedies for oily skin You can shine in society thanks to beauty, intelligence, talent or a beautiful dress. If shine appears on your face, you need to urgently take action. Enlarged pores and micro-inflammations are hard to hide, but patience and cosmetics can help make your skin look matte and shrink pores.
Top 8 Skin Moisturizers Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skin care. Woman’s Day found out how much moisture our skin contains, why dehydration sets in and how to keep our skin young, beautiful and well hydrated.
Rule # 9: Don’t smoke!
A gray skin tone, enlarged pores, dry skin, laxity and early wrinkles are visual signs of the regular toxic poisoning that smoking provokes. Tobacco smoke accumulates on the skin, clogs the pores, making it difficult to breathe. Nicotine, benzopyrene and other harmful substances, entering the lungs and skin, accumulate in them day after day and year after year. They poison cells and blood vessels. Draw your own conclusions.
Read on: How to protect your skin?
Read more:
Top 24 remedies for oily skin You can shine in society thanks to beauty, intelligence, talent or a beautiful dress. If shine appears on your face, you need to urgently take action. Enlarged pores and micro-inflammations are hard to hide, but patience and cosmetics can help make your skin look matte and shrink pores.
Top 8 Skin Moisturizers Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skin care. Woman’s Day found out how much moisture our skin contains, why dehydration sets in and how to keep our skin young, beautiful and well hydrated.
Rule # 10: Cover your skin from wind and frost
Hypothermia can lead not only to colds, but also make the skin tough, sore and dry. To keep your skin beautiful and healthy in winter, cleanse it regularly, apply nourishing creams, and try not to expose your face to the wind, and in case of severe frost, it is better to cover it with a scarf or handkerchief.
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Top 24 remedies for oily skin You can shine in society thanks to beauty, intelligence, talent or a beautiful dress. If shine appears on your face, you need to urgently take action. Enlarged pores and micro-inflammations are hard to hide, but patience and cosmetics can help make your skin look matte and shrink pores.
Top 8 Skin Moisturizers Moisturizing is one of the most important steps in skin care. Woman’s Day found out how much moisture our skin contains, why dehydration sets in and how to keep our skin young, beautiful and well hydrated.