Proper preparation for pregnancy – this must be remembered
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Proper preparation for pregnancy and adequate support for a woman’s health during its duration have a huge impact on the course of pregnancy and the health of the child. The greater burden of preparation lies with the woman, but both parents should be well prepared for conception and pregnancy. Dr. Tomasz Maciejewski, Director of the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw, writes about how to prepare for a great life change.

  1. Both women and men should prepare in advance for the role of parents. According to doctors, the most important thing to do is to take care of diet, correct weight, physical activity and regulating diseases
  2. Before pregnancy, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist and perform tests
  3. It is also important to supplement with five important ingredients
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

The results of the research confirm that currently the population of reproductive age is burdened with a number of metabolic diseases: obesity, diabetes, hypertension, which may affect the course of pregnancy. This problem affects about 45 percent. women. Unfortunately, only half of women plan to become pregnant and are therefore more aware of the need to implement an appropriate diet, physical activity and supplementation for many weeks before trying to conceive a child. If a woman develops good habits before pregnancy, she will continue these behaviors while waiting for the baby and after giving birth.

Good preparation for pregnancy

A woman who is not properly prepared for pregnancy or who does not care about her health may become pregnant, but a poor lifestyle may adversely affect the course of the pregnancy and result in complications while waiting for a baby or later. For example, obesity is a serious risk factor for miscarriage and premature birth, moreover, it may lead to the development of hypertension or diabetes during pregnancy, and also increases the risk of these diseases after pregnancy.

Preparation for pregnancy also applies to future fathers. In men, factors such as overweight, alcohol consumption, and smoking affect fertility and sperm quality and can lead to problems with conception or the egg being fertilized by an abnormally formed sperm..

A well-prepared couple has a greater chance of conceiving and giving birth to a healthy child and the proper course of pregnancy than people who approach procreation in an unplanned manner and without changing their lifestyle to a healthier one.

Diet, activity, supplementation before pregnancy

The list of factors contributing to a healthy lifestyle – before and during pregnancy – includes: at least 5 times a week, 30 minutes of moderate exercise (it may be a walk, exercise, swimming), as well as an appropriate diet aimed at providing the right amount of ingredients nutrients and calories.

We are observing a disturbing trend: many pregnant women avoid being active – either sitting or lying down. And this is not due to pregnancy complications in most cases, as they are not very common, but from the mistaken assumption that a pregnant woman should not move much. Meanwhile, physical activity is a very important part of preparing for pregnancy. During pregnancy – it is also important (with the exception of complicated or threatened pregnancies), just like after childbirth.

Both the diet and supplementary supplementation should be adapted to the stage at which the woman is. It is good to pay attention to the ingredients influencing the hormonal activity or supporting the maintenance of the proper metabolism of homocysteine, i.e. ingredients involved in the folate metabolic pathway, such as vitamin B6, B12, and choline during the pre-conception period. It is extremely important at the stage of preparation for pregnancy and very early pregnancy.

Remember that a pregnant woman is not supposed to eat for two, but for two, therefore, you should pay attention to the caloric content of the diet and to provide the body with an adequate amount of protein and ingredients involved in the proper development of the fetus and maintaining good health of the future mother, such as folic acid, vitamin D3, iron, iodine, DHA, called the big five in pregnancy (BIG FIVE).

Folic acid contributes to the growth of maternal tissues during pregnancy and is involved in the process of cell division. Low maternal folate levels are a risk factor for the development of neural tube defects in the developing fetus. There are many risk factors for developing neural tube defects, and changing one of them may or may not be beneficial. You can buy folic acid at Medonet Market.

DHA supports the proper development of the baby’s brain and eyes in the fetus and breastfed infants. Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and supports the proper transport of oxygen in the body.

Vitamin D3 supports the maintenance of healthy bones and helps in the proper absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus, and iodine is needed for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

A well-balanced diet should provide the right proportions of the necessary nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, protein, and most of the vitamins and minerals. However, high concentrations of progesterone and changes in the body of a pregnant woman limit the bioavailability of many dietary components, and the presence of a developing pregnancy significantly increases the need for some of them.

Therefore, it is worth supplementing the diet with supplementation of ingredients that, in the light of Evidence Based Medicine, have proven effects and are considered the basic elements useful for supplementation in pregnant women. Beyond BIG FIVE, there is not enough evidence to justify routine multivitamin supplementation, as many ingredients are unnecessary and some may be harmful or impair each other by interacting with each other.

The test result will tell the truth

Before becoming pregnant, a woman should undergo an examination by a gynecologist, as well as perform blood and urine laboratory tests, among others, to determine the level of fasting sugar and the efficiency of the thyroid gland. It is good if the future father also tests these parameters. If any abnormalities are detected, they should be removed before becoming pregnant. A visit to the gynecologist before the start of pregnancy and tests will also help determine to what extent supplementation is necessary.

  1. Buy a research package for the expectant mother

Preparations for pregnancy, including in addition to physical activity and diet, supplementation and tests that will help determine the health of future parents, should be implemented at least a few weeks before starting activities aimed at conceiving a child – according to the principle: the sooner the better.

The article comes from the campaign “Pregnancy – conscious motherhood” prepared by Warsaw Press, and the media partner of which is medTvoiLokony. All materials can be found on

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