Proper nutrition for athletes
Going to the gym, but still feeling fatigued and apathetic? It is possible that the reason for the discomfort lies in your fitness diet. talks about the rules of proper nutrition for those who regularly play sports.
Have a hearty breakfast and a good lunch
Who has not happened to: I don’t feel like eating in the morning, and in the afternoon there is such a blockage at work that there is absolutely no time to reach the dining room. Plus after work – a gym. Alas, this is a sure way to gluttony: when we finally get home, it can be impossible to stop ourselves at the table. According to science, such a diet begins to upset hormonal secretion. And over the years, it finally reconfigures it in the direction of hormones that contribute to the deposition of fat.
Proper nutrition for athletes
The person has several problems. First: mood swings. Our mood directly depends on muscle tone. And the tone – from the level of sugar in the blood. Immediately after eating he takes off, and then slowly drops and after 3-4 hours it becomes minimal. Accordingly, the mood deteriorates sharply. Suddenly everything around him starts to irritate.
Secondly, there is a brutal craving for sweets. Remember that if you do not eat for a long time, then you are drawn not at all for healthy buckwheat porridge, but for a sweet fat-free cake. Drooling, knees buckling … We gorge ourselves on sweets, and then we feel sorry for ourselves – how could we?
You need to eat often, but little by little. Such nutrition reduces the secretion of hormones that store fat for future use to the very minimum. What does often mean? Every 2,5 – 3 hours. Or “eat” at least a third of your calories in the first eight hours after waking up.
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If you don’t consume protein, your muscles will no longer. To grow, they need serious feeding.
Feed Your Muscles Protein
When attending the gym, it is very important to eat right. For example, to consume protein – and in the right amount and at the right time. The norm is approximately 1,5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. If this rule is not followed, the muscles will no longer be. They need feeding to grow. But that’s not all.
You can eat protein in kilograms, but it will not do you good if the muscles do not receive the “building material” on time. It is easy to define “X hour”. So if you’re doing in the morning, eat at least half the daily value squirrel in the evening. If you train during the day, then at least half of the protein should be obtained in the morning. If you go to the gym in the evenings, then you need to get protein during lunch, and immediately after training.
If you do not follow this rule, terrible things will happen: your body will begin to “eat” itself. Yes, it’s true! The minimum protein that you get from food will go to emergency repair of tired muscles. Despite the fact that protein is still needed by the blood, hormonal system, hair, nails and skin.
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- 9 delicious fiber-rich foods How to keep your waist and – at the same time – feeling full? Low-hunger prunes, lettuce and carrots come to mind right away? lists 9 foods that are rich in fiber, which plays an important role in the digestion process, promotes intestinal activity and inhibits the accumulation of fat.
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Don’t let yourself dry
Even the smallest loss of water in the body has a catastrophic effect on our well-being. Do you know why? Our body is like a nuclear reactor works on water. No water, no chemical reactions, no energy. This is the formula for life!
Drinking too little? Then you should not count on the growth of sports results. However, it is easy to help this trouble. Wherever you go – to work, to the cinema or to boutiques – Bring a bottle of water with you. Don’t like drinking empty water? Then add flavor to it by adding lime or lemon juice.
Even the smallest loss of water in the body has a catastrophic effect on well-being.
You can check if you are drinking enough water like this. Step on the scale before and after your workout, and then compare the two. If your post-workout weight is very different from your usual weight (more than 500 grams), then there is trouble with drinking. It seems that you are not fulfilling the daily norm of 3-3,5 liters.
But that’s not all. During training, you lose not only fluid, but also carbohydrates. Therefore, make it a rule to quench your thirst not with water, but with a sports carbohydrate drink – in the event that you train intensively and for more than an hour. Drink replenish glucose reserves and will help you with honor to hold out until the end of the class. And on the way home from the club, eat a large apple: an extra portion of carbohydrates will come in handy.
In the section “FITNESS” read also:
- 9 delicious fiber-rich foods How to keep your waist and – at the same time – feeling full? Low-hunger prunes, lettuce and carrots come to mind right away? lists 9 foods that are rich in fiber, which plays an important role in the digestion process, promotes intestinal activity and inhibits the accumulation of fat.
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- What to eat to lose weight. Have you just had lunch and are hungry again? Are you reaching for a chocolate bar in a drawer? Chewing cookies when you leave the gym? Congratulations, you are the “eternally nibbling”. You will definitely find our slimming snack recipes useful.
So, in the diet before training, you need to include:
Proteins – in the diet before training, they will not be a source of energy, but they will become a source of amino acids for working muscles. As a result, muscle protein synthesis increases dramatically immediately after training.
Carbohydrates – are necessary in order to provide muscles and brain with energy. During training, “fuel” is burned very quickly, and it is necessary that it be glycogen, since the body cannot supply the required amount of energy from fat due to lack of oxygen.
Proteins in the diet before training will not be a source of energy, but they will become a source of amino acids for working muscles.
You need to exclude from the diet fatsas they slow down the stomach and the speed of digestion. Fatty foods stay in the stomach longer and can cause colic, nausea, and belching during exercise.
The best pre-workout meal might be poultry (turkey, chicken breasts) with rough bread or rice, or lean steak with potatoes, or an omelet of egg whites with oatmeal.
The calorie content of food before training should be normal, as well as at other times. Bulky food (a large portion of salad or a bowl of soup) is better to eat for an hour or two before training, so that she has time to digest, and the stomach is empty. More dense food (half a bowl of porridge or cottage cheese) can be eaten 30 minutes to an hour before the start of the workout. It is better not to eat anything immediately before training, since physical activity distracts from the digestion process. As a last resort, if you are very hungry, you can drink a glass of protein shake or milk.
Based on materials from
In the section “FITNESS” read also:
- 9 delicious fiber-rich foods How to keep your waist and – at the same time – feeling full? Low-hunger prunes, lettuce and carrots come to mind right away? lists 9 foods that are rich in fiber, which plays an important role in the digestion process, promotes intestinal activity and inhibits the accumulation of fat.
- Fitness shopping: what to buy in the supermarket. In our quest to save your shape, we share products that truly deserve a spot in your grocery cart.
- What to eat to lose weight. Have you just had lunch and are hungry again? Are you reaching for a chocolate bar in a drawer? Chewing cookies when you leave the gym? Congratulations, you are the “eternally nibbling”. You will definitely find our slimming snack recipes useful.