Proper lighting in the children’s room, design, photos, recommendations

When arranging a home interior, special attention should be paid to the competent lighting of the children’s room.

Child’s own world

This territory for a child is not just another boring room, but a small world of its own, combining a place for sleeping and relaxing, playing and studying, reading and creating.

Lighting devices chosen for installation in a children’s room should provide a comfortable environment for its full mental and physical development.

The lighting should be bright enough, but at the same time not too intense, so it is not in vain that there is such a thing as the level of illumination in the premises.

Dim or blinding light can have a negative effect on the vision of a developing organism. If possible, its spectrum should be close to natural parameters.

In addition to the direct effect on vision, too little or too much light also affects children’s activity levels, making them overly alert or unusually lethargic.

Therefore, when creating lighting for a children’s room, it is important to try to find a middle ground.

See also:

Where should the windows go?

Do not forget about the natural lighting of the room, to which the human visual system is best adapted. It is one of the important criteria for choosing the location of a room.

It is recommended to give preference to windows facing east or southeast. In this case, in the morning the baby will meet the bright sun, helping him to wake up, the rays of which will charge him with a positive mood for the whole day.

The windows facing west are characterized by an unnatural light regime. They are dark in the morning and light in the evening.

Artificial lighting

Artificial lighting in the children’s room should consist of three levels:

  • general ceiling lighting;
  • local wall lighting;
  • local table lighting.

All of them should harmoniously complement each other, together creating a strong unbreakable union.

Placement of lighting fixtures

On the ceiling, you can hang a chandelier with a matte translucent lampshade that creates a comfortable diffused light, or a central lamp with a mirrored shade directed towards the ceiling and generating a cozy reflected light. It is important to avoid glare that is dangerous for the child’s vision.

See also:

Chandeliers and fixtures should be made of safe, non-breakable materials, and their design should be simple, without sharp edges that can be caught or cut.

The optimum color temperature is neutral white, with a temperature index of 4000 Kelvin.

It is great for illuminating a room, whether children are playing or doing their homework, as it invigorates and stimulates mental activity.

Popular on the topic – how to install a chandelier on a stretch ceiling.

It is better not to use floor lamps in the children’s room. No matter how stable and durable they are, one day a child will definitely knock them over.

An ideal option for lighting the playing area are lamps with the ability to change the angle of rotation.

It will not be superfluous to install a separate wall or bedside light source, which will be used for orientation in the evening, while preparing for bed.

There should also be a night light in the room that produces a soft, dim glow, located on the table, but in no case above the baby’s bed.

Inside it, it is desirable to install a light bulb with a color temperature of 2700 kelvins, the pleasant yellowish glow of which relaxes and soothes, helping to tune in to a sound sleep.

It is worth taking care of the lighting of the desktop by buying a table lamp on a clothespin or a pendant lamp with the ability to change the brightness and direction of the light.

In the case of young children, you can organize not only functional, but also decorative lighting.

For example, by installing a garland of small colored light bulbs over the bed or a real artificial starry sky.

Such little things have the most positive effect on the emotional state of the child, preparing him for a night’s sleep.

Read on the topic – lighting the bathroom, useful tips.

As for the choice of the type of light bulbs for this room, you should pay attention to the LEDs – they do not break, do not heat up during operation, do not burn out and do not create flicker that is harmful to the eyes.

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