Proper hydration of the body – why is it crucial?

Do you feel tired, sleepy, depressed and confused? Reach for water quickly! Even a slight dehydration negatively affects our functioning and deprives us of the motivation to act. Here are some tips on how to get into the habit of drinking water.

The material was prepared in cooperation with the partner Żywiec Zdrój

Understand dehydration

Water is life – there is a reason why the body of each of us consists of 60-70% of it. It is a solvent for electrolytes and compounds generated in metabolic processes, as well as a natural means of transporting nutrients, vitamins and hormones. Without it, the proper course of metabolic processes, digestion and absorption would be impossible.

It is also responsible for maintaining the water-electrolyte and acid-base balance, and its deficiency leads to disturbance of intracorporeal homeostasis and thermoregulation processes. When we drink too little fluids, our body quickly goes into “emergency mode” – thirst appears, which is to protect us from the adverse effects of water shortage.

Unfortunately, thirst is not an ideal indicator, as it appears only with a water shortage of approx. 2-3 percent. On the other hand, the first symptoms of dehydration may appear with a fluid loss of just over 1%. Then, the physical capacity decreases, thermoregulation worsens, and the appetite decreases. When fluid loss exceeds 4%, decreasing physical capacity is accompanied by impaired concentration, headaches, irritability, an increase in body temperature and respiratory rate. If the fluid deficit worsens and exceeds 8 percent. – it can even lead to death.

All of us are at risk of dehydration, but children, whose demand is relatively greater than in adults, and the elderly, are among the highest risk groups, mainly because the physiological thirst reflex is impaired with age.

The art of drinking water

How to prevent dehydration? First of all, let’s not wait until we feel thirsty – it is a delayed signal about water shortages and the related decline in the body’s efficiency. This, how much water should we drink a day still gives rise to confusion. According to the European Food Safety Agency, the recommended daily amount of water for women is 2 liters, and for men 2,5 liters. However, these are the amounts recommended for consumption in moderate temperatures and moderate physical activity.

Therefore, it is important to remember that everyone’s water needs may vary depending on age, gender, level of physical activity, environmental temperature and physiological state – pregnant and lactating women have a greater need for fluids. For the proper hydration of the body, not only the amount of water you drink is important, but also the method of drinking – it is worth reaching for a glass of water, preferably at room temperature, after waking up and before going to bed. However, during the day, you should drink water regularly, in small sips.

The optimal, because the most universal type of water available in Polish stores, are spring waters, which usually contain up to 500 mg / l of minerals. This type of water can be drunk by virtually anyone, regardless of age and health condition, including infants, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and the elderly. Liquids can also be replenished by reaching for other drinks, as well as by consuming vegetables and fruits – watermelon, melon, grapefruit or cucumber contain over 90 percent. water.

How to learn to drink water?

Experts have no doubts that water is the only drink that does not have an upper limit of consumption and can cover up to 100%. our daily requirement. for liquids. Research confirms its superiority over other fluids, especially in the context of preventing overweight and obesity or cardiovascular diseases. Although we know that water is the most recommended and the only necessary fluid for the body, we still drink too little of it.

There are many ways that can help us do this. First of all, if you cannot convince yourself of its neutral taste, you can always add a slice of cucumber, lemon, oranges to it, as well as fresh herbs such as mint, lemon balm and rosemary. Such water tastes completely different and can successfully compete with regularly sweetened drinks.

You can also reach for the so-called flavored waters available on store shelves. Choose those that have a simple composition, without sugar and sweeteners, based only on water and the addition of natural fruit flavors (eg Essence). In addition to non-carbonated variants, you can also find fruit ones «Flavored waters» with refreshing bubbles, such as Sparkles or Mocny Gaz and a hint of flavor from Żywiec Zdrój.

Who is “flavored waters” for?

Introducing the right amount of water into the diet can be very difficult, especially for people who have not drunk it at all, preferring regularly sweetened drinks. In this case, even sweetened “flavored waters” can be a low calorie alternative for them and a way to gradually reduce their sweet taste preferences.

Good quality “flavored waters” (and it is not difficult) contain at least half less kcal (less than 20 kcal and 5 g of sugar in 100 ml) than even 100 percent. fruit juices or popular high-sugar drinks with sugar content up to 13 g in 100 ml of the product.

Variants in which sugar has been replaced, for example, with stevia, have another 30 percent. kcal less than the basic variants, and those sweetened with sweeteners safe for health – they are completely free of sugar and calories (eg Żywiec Zdrój with a hint of ZERO SUGAR fruit). The latter will work especially when we want to reduce the amount of calories in our daily diet – also the slimming one, but we are not able to give up the sweet taste. They can also be the beginning of a way to build a healthier habit of drinking pure water, which should be at least half what we drink.

So how do you choose which drinks are best for you? First of all, pay attention to the composition. Good «tasted waters» They do not contain glucose-fructose syrup or preservatives or any dyes, they also have a small amount of sugar (less than 5 g in 100 ml) or are completely sugar-free and calorie-free. And if, more than sweetness, we simply care about fruity refreshment and diversify the neutral taste of water, let’s reach for those with the shortest ingredients (only water and natural aroma, or a little juice) – without the addition of sugar and sweeteners and drink tasty and for good health!

The material was prepared in cooperation with the partner Żywiec Zdrój

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