Proper hydration of the body – a natural weapon in the fight against coronavirus
Aquaphor Poland Sp. z o.o. Sponsored article

How and what to drink during an epidemic: a broad spectrum of water effects

We do not realize that dehydration can trigger disease, and the quarantine and isolation in which we find ourselves changed our habits and rituals. When locked in our homes, it’s easy not to notice that we’ve started drinking less. We move less, we burn less, but do we really need less water? Not! We need to regularly hydrate our body, because fluid deficiency leads to dangerous consequences:

  1. blood compaction, which increases the load on the cardiovascular system
  2. thickening of phlegm, which leads to disturbances in the functioning of the bronchi, an increased risk of obstruction and respiratory disorders
  3. increased risk of bacterial complications

Due to dehydration, the body loses protection on many fronts. This applies to both healthy people and people infected or infected with COVID-19. So now try to change your mind about drinking water and drinking plenty of water, not because it is fashionable and healthy (although it is also important), but above all to prevent dangerous dehydration.

Invisible losses

When we are at home, we still lose fluids because we breathe, sweat, often forget about proper ventilation, and we do not air our houses and apartments as often as we should. The air in the rooms is usually dry as the heating is still working. If you have an air humidifier, you have already taken a significant step in preventing respiratory disease.

Air humidification is recommended not only by pediatricians, but also by geriatricians. Older people usually do not notice the loss of body moisture and are more likely to become dehydrated. Providing parents with a reliable water filter in combination with a humidifier is an important and effective preventive measure and a kind of protective shield with which we can provide them.

What does it mean to “drink a lot”?

There are no scientific calculations that can be applied to every organism. Everyone is different. When at least some data can be taken into account, we turn to the WHO. The World Health Organization recommends starting with 1,5 liters of water per person per day and taking care of a healthy lifestyle, and now – the epidemiological situation. What a norm is influenced by many factors. Let’s imagine that we work all day in the scorching sun or we play competitive sports – then we can consume from one or two liters to a very large amount of water. It all depends on the individual needs of the body, on the consumed food, body weight, metabolism and age.

Dry tongue, inadequately moisturized mucous membranes, no sweat, and most importantly – no need to go to the toilet for more than six hours – these are alarm signals.

Be more careful about yourself and your loved ones, provide them with a sufficient amount of clean water every day – this is what each of us can do prophylactically today.

We suggest you start by drinking 1,5 liters of clean filtered water and bring up to 2,5-3 liters of water consumed during the day, taking into account the water used to prepare drinks and soups. It is worth remembering that coffee and some other drinks help to remove fluid from the body and thus increase the daily need for water.

What water should be like to ensure water balance in the body?

Of course, we need clean water from a reliable source, in our case – filtered tap water. Moreover, going to the store for bottled water during quarantine is a stupid and unwise idea.

Perfectly clean, top-quality water (at least bottled water quality and even higher) can be provided by a reverse osmosis filter.

1 liter of pure water with the best-selling AQUAPHOR Morion reverse osmosis filter will cost 0,20 groszy in the first year of use and 0,05 groszy in the following years.

Filtered, soft water is also perfect for air humidifiers that need to be refilled constantly.

In quarantine conditions, the AQUAPHOR under-sink system can be installed independently, based on video instructions on the Internet or with the help of a call center. If you do not plan to install this type of filter, you can invest in a filtering jug, e.g. a capacious one, made of resistant AQUAPHOR Provence tritan, which will remove all harmful impurities from the water, and thanks to the innovative Aqualen fibers, it will remove up to 99% of heavy metals that are the most hazardous to our health. . The filter will additionally soften the water, preventing limescale build-up.

Each AQUAPHOR filter will help you provide clean water for consumption for many years, not only for the time of forced isolation. We will help you choose the model that best suits you and your lifestyle.

Aquaphor Poland Sp. z o.o. Sponsored article

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