Proper hand care: five basic steps

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, if you are interested in proper hand care, this information will come in handy. At the end of the article, a video: how to properly care for your hands.

Paying enough attention to facial care, many people forget about their hands, which give out their real age. Sometimes it also happens that the skin of the hands even ages, creating a not very favorable contrast.

In addition, do not forget that your hands are the hallmark of not only women, but also men. Greetings and gestures draw attention to the hands, which should complement the image and the created opinion.

How to care for your hands


This refers not only to the external, but also to the nutrition of the whole organism. Lack of vitamins and other nutrients immediately affects the health and appearance of the skin, so you should balance your diet.

As for external care, it is worth giving preference to caring products, which contain vitamins and various oils. Oils are a must in moisturizers. Moreover, these products can be used individually.


The skin must be protected during washing, gardening, cleaning the house, cold weather, etc. All this negatively affects the skin of the hands. Gloves are suitable for protection, and rubber gloves should be used for contact with water and chemicals, and fabric products are suitable for working on the beds.

In addition to all of the above, you should use not only moisturizers, but also protective agents. In summer, protection should be aimed at protecting the skin from the sun, and in winter from the cold.


For peeling, you can use both purchased products and homemade products. For example, a coffee scrub will leave your skin smooth and velvety as it removes dead skin cells.

Quite often, this stage of care is skipped, because of this, all other procedures become less effective. Since dead cells restrict the penetration of nutrients. In addition, peeling stimulates blood flow, which has a positive effect on skin tone.

Baths and masks

When choosing recipes, it is necessary to focus not only on the problems that are present at the moment, but also on the type of skin. As for the masks, most often they are aimed at nutrition and moisturizing; products with the most natural composition are preferable.


Should maintain moisture balance, eliminate redness and irritation, and accelerate regeneration. As a result, your handles should be smooth, soft and velvety. To do this, you can use not only store products, but also prepared yourself.

Proper hand care: five basic steps

You can also supplement the ready-made composition, for example, by adding a little suitable oil or vitamins to the cream, which are sold in ampoules. Find out how to choose the right hand cream.


Learn more in this video: Taking good care of your hands

Simple hand care at home.

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