Proper coffee with rum

In European drinking establishments, coffee with rum is one of the most popular orders. This is easily explained by the fact that coffee and rum have opposite effects on the body: alcohol relaxes, and caffeine tones. When mixed correctly, it makes an excellent drink. There are several recipes.

In different cultures, rum with coffee is called differently. For sailors it is “Bear”, for the Germans it is “Pharisee”, for the French it is “cafe arrose”, and in Cuba and Jamaica it is presented to tourists as “Caribbean coffee”. At the same time, the cooking technology remains almost unchanged.


  • brewed black coffee – 0,5 liters;
  • golden rum – 4 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 2/3 cup.

Rum coffee recipe

1. Brew coffee (preferably strong), let it brew for 1-2 minutes, then strain to remove the sediment.

2. Bring back to a boil.

3. Add rum and sugar to the coffee, stir until the sugar dissolves.

4. Remove from heat and pour into cups.

Proper coffee with rum

To prepare the German version of the Pharisee, after adding rum and sugar to the coffee, pour in a little cream (to taste). The drink is not stirred. Anyone who breaks this rule must pay for drinks to all friends present. Serve “Pharisee” in a tall cup-glass along with a saucer.

Proper coffee with rum
Coffee Pharisees

There is another tradition – a visitor who manages to drink eight servings of coffee with rum and cream in a row has the right to pick up a glass. But the owners of drinking establishments usually do not allow this – with each new order, they gradually increase the proportions of rum.

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