Proper cleaning of moonshine with coal

Among all methods of cleaning moonshine, the most simple and environmentally friendly is the use of activated charcoal, which absorbs unpleasant odors and harmful substances well. From this material you will learn how to clean moonshine with charcoal at home.

Thanks to the pores, charcoal absorbs molecules of a certain size, so it is very important to choose the right type of charcoal. For example, coal obtained from animal bones consists of micropores and can only absorb small molecules, while fusel oils and other harmful impurities consist of large molecules, it is not suitable for our purposes.

Attention! To clean moonshine, you need coal obtained by pyrolysis of wood (decomposition at high temperature without air access). Ordinary activated charcoal tablets, sold in pharmacies, are often made from animal bones with the use of binding additives (starch), its ability to absorb harmful impurities is extremely low.

Where to get coal for moonshine

The most suitable brands are BAU-A and BAU-LV – activated birch charcoal, and KAU-A – activated coconut charcoal, designed specifically for the alcoholic beverage industry.

Due to the presence of third-party impurities, coal from gas masks and other industrial devices is not suitable !!!

Large pore charcoal can be found in water filters. The main thing is that it does not contain third-party impurities – ion-exchange and other substances that, during a chemical reaction with moonshine, begin to dissolve in it.

From my practice of home brewing, I can say that birch charcoal is best suited for cleaning fusel oils. It is not difficult to buy it, as it is often used in hookahs and for kindling barbecues. When choosing, carefully read the label, the composition should not contain third-party impurities.

Proper cleaning of moonshine with coal
Birch charcoal is the best

Technology for cleaning moonshine with coal

Everything is very simple here: coal is crushed as much as possible in a saucepan, then added to moonshine (40-55 degrees) at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter. Next, the mixture is infused for a week in a tightly closed container, shaking 1-2 times every day. Then it is drained from the sediment and filtered through a layer of cotton wool. By the way, even official vodka can be purified in the same way.

Proper cleaning of moonshine with coal

As you can see, the cleaning technology is very simple, you just need to choose the right activated carbon itself. Entorosgel and ordinary pharmaceutical tablets are of little use for this purpose, I recommend using the brands BAU-A, BAU-LV and KAU-A.

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