Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care

Propagating sod is very simple, especially since it can be done in almost all available ways – both seed and vegetative. Problems with survival in a new place usually also do not arise due to the unpretentiousness of this garden culture. The plant grows quite quickly, regardless of climatic conditions and the method of reproduction.

Derain Features

Deren is a species of plants of the genus Dogwood, a deciduous or evergreen shrub with drooping branches, less often a tree. There are more than 50 varieties of deren in the world adapted for growing in temperate latitudes, however, high frost resistance allows these plants to be planted in regions with a cold climate.

The leaves of most varieties are simple, entire. They are attached to the branches with long petioles. The leaf plate is dotted with many small veins.

Derain flowers are bisexual. They are usually small in size and have an inconspicuous color: white or pale yellow with a slight tint of third-party shades. They form dense inflorescences in the form of shields or heads. Derain fruits are represented by small drupes up to 1 cm in diameter.

Propagation of derain is possible in almost all existing ways.

Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care

Deren growth rate

Most varieties of derain grow quickly to the sides and in height. The average annual growth of a shrub is about 50 cm both in diameter and in height.

The maximum growth of sods usually reaches 8-12 years of age.

Advice! A full-fledged plant is most quickly obtained through vegetative propagation methods.

Derain root system

The root system of deren is represented by a highly branched network of small roots. It is quite sensitive – if you damage it during transplantation, the plant may wither. On the other hand, with minor damage, the roots quickly recover.


The size of the turf is determined by its variety. There are both low-growing shrubs, the height of which does not exceed 1 m, and trees up to 8 m high.

Why does the deren turn red

Novice gardeners may mistake the redness of the shoots and leaves of the deren for a disease, but this is not so. The fact is that seasonal color change sometimes acts as a varietal characteristic – some varieties begin to blush in autumn with the onset of cold weather. For example, when the temperature drops, the color of Siberian turf Variegata and white Aurea turf change.

Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care

Planting and caring for deren

Planting deren in open ground and subsequent care for it are not difficult, as well as reproduction. This shrub is not capricious and does not require much attention. All that is necessary for the proper development of deren is the competent selection of a place for planting and compliance with the most basic rules for growing a plant.

Requirements for a place for planting deren:

  1. Most varieties prefer well-lit areas. Sod also develops well in conditions of low shading.
  2. Soil moisture should be moderate. It does not need to be waterlogged, however, dry soil inhibits the growth of deren in the same way as wetlands.
  3. The plant develops best on fertile loose soils, however, this is an optional requirement. With proper fertilizer, the shrub can grow well on poor soils.
  4. It is not recommended to plant turf on a site with loamy heavy soil.

The level of groundwater occurrence when choosing a place does not really matter.

Important! In conditions of strong shading, the decorativeness of the derain noticeably suffers. Its foliage turns pale, and spots and a light border along the edges of the leaf plate in some varieties become completely invisible.

Terms of planting

The timing of planting deren depends on the variety and method of reproduction. You can follow the following guidelines:

  1. In autumn, fresh seeds, collected shortly before, are sown, as well as shrub cuttings.
  2. In the spring, seeds that have gone through the stratification procedure and cuttings are sown in the ground.
Advice! In disputable situations, it is better to give preference to spring planting. So, the seedlings will have more time to take root in the open field.

Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care

How to plant deren

All varieties of deren are planted approximately the same. The general landing scheme looks like this:

  1. 2-3 weeks before planting, the selected area is prepared by applying mineral and organic fertilizers.
  2. Holes are dug at a distance of 50 cm from each other, the size of which depends on the plant variety. They are guided mainly by the size of the root system of the seedling and the earthen coma in which it is enclosed. The roots should fit freely into the planting hole.
  3. The bottom of the holes is covered with humus and mineral fertilizers.
  4. Planting material is slightly moistened and lowered into the pit. It is very important not to destroy the earthen ball.
  5. The hole is covered with the top layer of soil and lightly pressed down around the seedling.
  6. At some distance from the trunk, the plants form a shallow hole. So, water after watering will remain near the base of the bush.
  7. Complete the planting of the derain with watering.
Important! If you prepare the site before planting and fill the planting holes with potting soil, subsequent top dressing is optional for at least 3 years.

Watering and top dressing

Derain does not tolerate prolonged drought, so the plant is watered regularly. It is not recommended to flood the plantings, but the soil should not dry out either. Young plants especially need moisture.

Advice! Mulching the near-stem area contributes to a better preservation of moisture in the soil. A layer of peat or straw up to 5 cm thick is used as mulch.

Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care

Fertilization for turf development is optional, especially if the area for the plant has been fertilized before planting. If the shrub grows in an unprepared place, feed the plant once a year in June or May.

Is it possible to transplant deren in autumn with leaves

It is not recommended to transplant an adult plant – this can lead to its death. They do this only as a last resort.

Optimal transplantation times: October-November, when the derain will shed its foliage, or March, while the buds have not yet swelled. At the same time, moving the plant in autumn is associated with less stress for the shrub, however, transplanting in the spring stimulates faster growth.

Important! When transplanting this garden crop, it is important to maintain the integrity of the earthy coma.

Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care

How to prepare sod for winter

Most turf varieties do not need to be covered for the winter. This is a fairly cold-resistant plant that can safely survive low temperatures.

The only exceptions are young seedlings. In the first year it is better to cover them, but in the future there is no need for this.

Trimming of the tree

Derain grows well without pruning, however, most often the shrub is used as a hedge or garden composition, and therefore the formation of the crown of the plant becomes necessary in these cases.

It is important to use only well-sharpened tools. The cut of the shoots should be smooth, even, without “chewed” edges, which often occurs after cutting with blunt garden shears. This is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also harmful – after such a rough rupture of the soft tissues of the branches, the plant may become infected with an infection.

When to cut the turf – in spring or autumn

Usually the bush is pruned in the spring, when the plant begins to lose its neat appearance and grows strongly in diameter. At this time, rejuvenating pruning is performed.

The shrub can also be formed in summer and autumn.

Pruning turf in spring

There are 2 types of spring pruning of the bush – a radical haircut and shaping. In the first case, the purpose of the procedure is to rejuvenate the plant. Shoots are removed selectively, selecting only faded and dried branches.

Formative pruning is aimed at correcting the shape that was set last year. To do this, basically only strongly protruding branches are removed.

Pruning turf in autumn

In the care of derain in the fall, sanitary pruning is included. After the shrub sheds foliage, it is necessary to clean the plant – remove all broken, dry or weak shoots.

In the event that deren is grown in the Northern region, the bush is cut for sanitary purposes in May.

Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care

Pruning turf in summer

In summer, formative pruning is carried out by pinching – moderate shortening on young shoots of the flowering part. The result of this procedure is enhanced growth of lateral shoots. Due to this, the shrub acquires a rounded shape and becomes denser.

Important! Such pruning is carried out no later than August. With later pinching, the formed shoots will not have time to get stronger by the first frost.

Derain hedges are cut 2 times during the summer – in June and July.

Features of crop pruning can be seen in the following video using the example of removing shoots from a variegated deer:

Decorative shrubs for the garden. Deren or pork. Site “Garden World”

How to form sod

Almost all varieties of deren are characterized by intensive shoot formation – they quickly grow in width and height, thanks to which it is possible to form the necessary figure from them in the shortest possible time: a cube, a ball, a cone. Moreover, the form chosen once is not at all necessary to be maintained every year – it can be changed. This will not affect the development of the shrub in any way.

The most popular forms are:

  1. Column. In this case, the side shoots are removed. Shoots in the middle of the bush do not touch. The most important thing when forming a column is moderation. As a result of excessive pruning, the plant may tilt to the side.
  2. Arch. The form is achieved by fixing the shrub on a special arched structure for the garden.
  3. Hemisphere. In order to form this figure, young branches are removed in spring or autumn at a height of about 10-15 cm from the ground. Such pruning stimulates the expansion of the deren in diameter. In addition, the procedure significantly rejuvenates the plant and enhances its decorative qualities, since young branches have a bright red color.

Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care

Reproduction of the tree

Propagation of derain is possible by sowing seeds or by vegetative methods, namely:

  • grafting;
  • division of the bush;
  • layering.
Important! Vegetative propagation methods have 2 important advantages over the seed method: the speed of obtaining a full-fledged plant and the preservation of all varietal qualities of the parent.

Propagation of deren by cuttings

Deren propagation by cuttings can be done both in autumn and in spring, however, spring breeding in this way is more effective.

Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care

The algorithm for propagating a plant by cuttings looks like this:

  1. In the spring, parts of young branches are cut off from the selected bush.
  2. They are buried in the ground in spacious boxes. The composition of the soil mixture should include river sand and humus.
  3. Landing segments is made at an angle of 45 °.
  4. Containers with cuttings are placed in a greenhouse with a temperature of + 25-35 ° C and moisten the soil from time to time. At the same time, it is necessary to shade the walls of the greenhouse – direct sunlight adversely affects the development of cuttings.
  5. In autumn, planting material can be planted in a permanent place.
Important! In the first year of life, the plant does not tolerate harsh winters, so it is recommended to cover young seedlings with spruce branches.

By dividing the bush

Shrub propagation by delenki occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Choose a strong healthy bush, well grown to the sides.
  2. Dig it up, removing excess soil from the roots.
  3. With the tip of a shovel or a knife, the rhizome of the bush is divided into 3-4 parts.
  4. The breeding procedure is completed by planting the delenok in wells prepared in advance, filled with fertilizers.


Propagation by layering is as popular as cuttings. This is explained by the simplicity of the process:

  1. In the spring, a one-year-old shoot is selected on the shrub at the bottom of the plant and gently tilted towards the ground.
  2. The end of the branch is slightly dropped into moist soil.
  3. In order for the shoot lowered to the ground to remain in this position, it is fixed with a bracket or stone.
  4. The separated branch is watered on a par with the mother bush.
  5. With the onset of autumn, it is finally separated from the plant and transplanted.

Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care


The plant blooms in May or early June, after which small white boxes form on the shoots. In autumn, they are harvested and seeds are extracted from them. At the same time, sowing is carried out immediately to a permanent place. After stratification of planting material, it is better to postpone planting until spring.

Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care

The seeds are buried in the ground by about 4-5 cm.

The seed method of reproduction is the most labor-intensive. The first shoots after sowing seeds hatch after a few years, and maximum growth is achieved at best in 10-12 years.

Important! Propagation by seed may result in the loss of some key characteristics of the variety.

Protection against diseases and pests

Deren is a hardy plant, resistant to many diseases, however, it does not have absolute immunity. Shrubs can affect the following fungal infections:

  • powdery mildew;
  • light brown spotting;
  • red-brown spotting;
  • whitish spotting;
  • dark brown spotting.

The defeat of landings by spotting most often occurs in conditions of high humidity and heat in summer. Powdery mildew develops when the soil dries out and the nitrogen content in the garden is too high.

The following folk remedies have proven effective in the fight against fungus:

  • soap solution with the addition of baking soda;
  • garlic decoction;
  • decoction of field horsetail.

Ordinary fungicides also do a good job with these diseases.

Preventive measures designed to reduce the risk of fungal infection plantings include:

  • seed treatment with potassium permanganate in the seed method of reproduction;
  • disinfection of sharp objects used for trimming turf and propagating shrubs by vegetative methods;
  • periodic pruning of dried and broken shoots;
  • landing in compliance with the recommended distances;
  • cleaning up fallen leaves.

The plant practically does not attract insects, however, aphids and comma-shaped scale insects can be distinguished as the main pests. Against them, the bushes are treated with an insecticide or a solution of laundry soap.

Advice! Periodic spraying of plantings with onion infusion acts as an effective preventive measure against insects.

Propagation of deren by cuttings in spring, planting and care


Even a beginner who does not know all the intricacies of gardening can propagate sod. Moreover, self-propagation of this horticultural crop is much more economical than buying planting material in nurseries or from individuals.

This unpretentious shrub will serve as a good decoration of the garden plot throughout the year, due to its high frost resistance and decorative effect. Caring for the plant is also not difficult. When propagated by cuttings, cuttings or layering, a full-fledged plant can be obtained in a few years.

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