Prolavia what is it? Does Prolavia support weight loss? |

In this article you will learn, among others:

  • Is Prolavia caloric?
  • What dosage of Prolavia?
  • Is Prolavia instead of a meal?
  • Is Prolavia safe?
  • Does Prolavia support weight loss?
  • Is it worth taking Prolavia?

What is Prolavia?

Prolavia is a combination of probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus Rhamnosus ATCC 53103, otherwise known as Lactobacillus GG) with glucomannan, vitamins (at the level of 15% of the daily requirement in a daily dose, i.e. 3 sachets) and calcium (at the level of 22,5% of the daily requirement). All of these ingredients support the weight loss process, and at the same time have a positive effect on our health.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG helps restore the optimal composition intestinal microflora, which is responsible for our immunity and metabolism energetic. Glucomannan provides a feeling of satiety and at the same time lowers the level cholesterol in the blood. Vitamins and calcium help to supplement any deficiencies in the diet, while improving the functioning of the body.

You can read more about the individual ingredients in our other articles:

Don’t lose weight – lose weight with bacteria

Glucomannan is the future of weight loss supplements?

Why is Prolavia in the form of a cuile?

This amount of ingredients would not fit in one tablet. If we wanted to stay with the classic form of the supplement, that is, at tablets, we would make you take 6-8 tablets a day and that large-sized tablets. For this reason, we have given up on such solutions and we went towards jelly / drink. While creating it, we applied it a lot of attention to create an attractive and slightly sweet flavor. Thanks to this, eating jelly can reduce the appetite for sweets.

Jaka cena Prolavia?

Creating a probiotic supplement is very difficult. Probiotic bacteria are in fact sensitive to production processes and easily they may become extinct. The survival of bacteria depends on them properties, method of production, packaging and storage. For this reason production must be subject to strict quality assurance and control procedures. It should also be remembered that probiotics are not equal to probiotics. Only a few probiotic bacteria can aid in weight loss. That’s why we chose one a strain that can actually help with this. We are not able to do this provide yourself in adequate amounts with natural products such as yoghurts or silage.

In addition, all the ingredients we use for of the production of the supplement are ingredients of very good quality. And because they are well known and famous for their positive properties, their price is relatively high. An example can be, for example, glucomannan, which is the only dietary fiber proven effect supporting weight loss. This is confirmed by the European Food Safety Authority.

Is Prolavia caloric?

The ingredient that gives the texture of the kissel is glucomannan. It binds water to form a sticky structure. And because it is fiber, that is an ingredient that our body is unable to digest, it does not provide hardly any calories.

However, you may still be wondering where from then sweet taste? To get it, we used ingredients that also do not contain practically no calories, i.e. natural strawberry concentrate and stevia. You can read more about stevia in the article by Emilia Gnybek-Ciosek Sweet Paraguayan herb – stevia.

What dosage of Prolavia?

The supplement should be taken 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals with 1-2 glasses of water. Due to this, it swells in the stomach and it will make us feel satiated faster while eating. For this reason too it is good to take Prolavie before meals that usually fill us up less, e.g. with a second breakfast or afternoon tea. However, please note to keep at least two-hour intervals between successive portions.

It is also worth remembering that it can be eaten both in form drink (just after pouring water) or in the form of kissel (waiting 3-5 minutes from flooding with water). The water may be cold or it may be at room temperature. It is only important not to pour hot water, because it could lead to the extinction of the bacteria.

Is Prolavia instead of a meal?

Prolavia should not replace meals, because when losing weight, we must take care of a properly balanced diet. provide your body with everything it needs. However, if in the diet will include 4 meals, then Prolavia can be used for an additional snack, which is the 5th meal.

Is Prolavia safe?

We produce Prolavie in a proven factory that has HACCP and ISO 9001: 2008 certificate. All certificates can be found on side of the supplement. We also control every stage of production and test ours product after production. Thanks to this, we can guarantee that the supplement is safe.

Does Prolavia support weight loss?

The composition of the supplement has been designed to help with dropping kilos. This happens on several levels:

  • we restore the optimal composition of the intestinal microflora (to her disruptions occur, among others as a result of improper diet, intake antibiotics, lack of exercise, the use of stimulants and excessive stress). Thanks to this we regulate the body’s energy processes.
  • we increase the feeling satiety, which makes it easier for us to limit food, so we eat less and we reach for additional snacks less often
  • we slow down the absorption of carbohydrates
  • we supplement any deficiencies of vitamins and calcium appearance could hinder the achievement of effects

Is it worth taking Prolavia?

Prolavia is supposed to support weight loss. If the diet works and doesn’t weight stagnation occurs, it is not necessary to take it. You can however, take it, because it takes about 4 weeks to rebuild the intestinal microflora. So if we want to protect ourselves against scales stagnation that could be caused dysbiosis, it is worth starting to take it before such a stagnation occurs.

In addition, if we give up products in our diet dairy products or we significantly limit them, supplementation would be advisable calcium that is present in the supplement.

How to store Prolavia?

Prolavie is best kept in the refrigerator. Then we increase the survival of probiotic bacteria, which is one of the most important ingredients in this supplement. However, individual sachets can be taken with you e.g. for work, because the storage of the supplement without refrigeration conditions is shorter than 24h will not reduce the bacteria content.

Why have I believe that this supplement actually works?

Of course, we’re not going to make you believe it works supplement. It’s obvious that we, as producers, will want to show it in superlatives, so you may have doubts as to whether you should trust us. We encourage you however, to read about each ingredient found in Prolavia on independent sites. Check if the activity we inform about, it is indeed true.

What are your opinions about the Prolavia supplement? Have you ever tested Prolavia? Let me know!


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