- general description
- Types and causes of occurrence
- Symptoms
- Complications
- Prevention
- Treatment in mainstream medicine
- Healthy foods
- ethnoscience
- Dangerous and harmful products
- Information sources
General description of the disease
Mitral valve prolapse is a pathology in which one or both leaflets of the mitral valve flex into the left atrium during the contraction of the left ventricle.
The mitral valve is located between the left atrium and the ventricle. It is through the mitral valve that blood, which is already saturated with oxygen, enters the left ventricle and from there spreads throughout the body.
The valve consists of cusps, which are supported by chords; when the chords are stretched, the cusps fall into the region of the left atrium and prolapse develops. The function of the valve is to allow blood to flow into the ventricle from the atrium and not release it back again.
The likelihood of MVP disease increases over the years. Mitral valve prolapse affects 75% of women, usually over 35 years of age.
Types and causes of occurrence
MVP can be congenital and acquired:
- congenital prolapse formed during intrauterine development due to weak connective tissue. Primary deflection can be part of a congenital heart defect or hereditary connective tissue abnormalities. Also, the development of congenital MVP can provoke a violation of metabolic processes, a deviation of the structure of papillary muscles or an atrial septal defect.
- acquired prolapse occurs much more often as a result of untreated diseases. Acquired MVP can be caused by heart attack and other heart diseases, including infectious endocarditis, as well as trauma to the sternum. Also, the reasons for the development of secondary deflection include a decrease in tissue elasticity as a result of ischemia of papillary muscles and impaired conduction of an impulse in hysteria and neuroses.[3]… As a rule, this pathology is detected by chance during a medical examination.
Mitral valve prolapse symptoms
In itself, congenital deflection is not dangerous, however, this type of MVP is often accompanied by other pathologies, such as pain in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, poor sleep, dizziness and even loss of consciousness. These signs come and go suddenly. In addition, a patient with congenital prolapse may be accompanied by other diseases that provoke the pathology of connective tissue: myopia, strabismus and flat feet.
Patients with MVP may be concerned about the following symptoms:
- 1 general weakness;
- 2 fatigue;
- 3 pain in the area of the heart of a stabbing, pressing or aching character, which provokes physical or emotional overload;
- 4 tachycardia, bradycardia and transient cardiac arrest;
- 5 frequent mood swings;
- 6 shortness of breath and feeling short of breath;
- 7 light-headedness;
- 8 unreasonable anxiety;
- 9 sleep disorders;
- 10 fever without any other symptoms;
- 11 frequent headaches.
Prolapse can be accompanied by hernias, scoliosis, chest deformity.
Most patients with this pathology live a normal life, however, when the leaflets bend strongly and the degree of prolapse becomes of a certain importance, complications can arise.
Typical complications of MVP are:
- arterial thromboembolism;
- congestive heart failure;
- pulmonary hypertension;
- infective endocarditis;
- rupture of heart chords;
- myxomatous changes in the walls of the valve;
- sudden death (very rare).[4]
Prevention of mitral valve prolapse
- 1 patients with PMK are prohibited from playing sports professionally, sports with insignificant dynamics are acceptable, such as golf, billiards, shooting, bowling;
- 2 observation by a cardiologist;
- 3 echocardiography once every 1 months;
- 4 quitting alcohol and smoking;
- 5 limited consumption of coffee and tea;
- 6 compliance with the regime of rest and nutrition;
- 7 timely treatment of infectious pathologies;
- 8 overwork and intense physical activity should be avoided;
- 9 breathing exercises;
- 10 balneological treatment.
Treatment in mainstream medicine
Patients in whom the pathology is asymptomatic or with mild signs is shown only a healthy lifestyle with regular dosed physical activity, as well as clinical control.
Therapy is prescribed based on the severity of cardiac and autonomic symptoms. In the treatment of prolapse, drugs are recommended to improve metabolism, sedatives with valerian extract, in case of arrhythmia, beta-blockers are prescribed. For recurrent ischemic attacks, patients should take aspirin. It should be noted that smoking and oral contraceptive pills are contraindicated in patients with ischemic attacks.
Sometimes, for a significant improvement in the patient’s condition, it is enough to give up stimulants in the form of coffee, strong tea, cigarettes and alcohol.
In severe cases, when the tendon chord is ruptured, surgery may be recommended to reconstruct the mitral valve.
Healthy foods for prolapse
Proper nutrition will help improve heart function, therefore, foods rich in vitamins, potassium and magnesium are recommended for patients with MVP:
- vegetarian first courses that can be seasoned with sour cream;
- fresh vegetables such as: cucumbers, pumpkin, beets, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots;
- dried fruits – dried apricots, prunes, dates, raisins;
- walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, hazel;
- sea fish and seafood;
- boiled chicken and quail eggs;
- boiled skinless chicken, veal and beef;
- dairy products with a low degree of fat content;
- bread baked from wholemeal flour can be added with bran;
- apples;
- bananas;
- various cereals in porridge or pudding;
- vegetable oils;
- fruit and vegetable juices, weak tea or coffee with milk, rosehip broth;
- sea kale;
- avocado;
- honey;
- birch sap – up to 1 liter daily;
- soy products.
Folk remedies
To strengthen the work of the heart, the following traditional medicines are recommended:
- 1 drink freshly squeezed carrot juice with vegetable oil twice a day;
- 2 chew a small amount of lemon zest daily;
- 3 mix 1 liter of fresh high-quality honey with the zest of 10 lemons and crushed cloves of 10 heads of garlic, take the resulting mixture daily for 2 tablespoons;[1]
- 4 eat every day at least 3 tablespoons of fresh flower honey in pure form or with milk, tea, cottage cheese;
- 5 to relieve pain in the heart, take a tincture of a mixture of valerian and hawthorn;
- 6 chop 10 fruits of fennel, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist, drink 1 tablespoon each. three times a day;[2]
- 7 mix 2 whipped proteins with 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of sour cream, take in the morning before meals;
- 8 pour boiling water over chopped fresh dill herb, insist and drink during the day as tea.
Dangerous and harmful foods for prolapse
With PMK, the diet should be adjusted and the following foods should be excluded:
- saturated fats – fatty meats, sausages, margarine, palm oil, fatty dairy products;
- trans isomir of fatty acids, which contain shop biscuits, cakes, waffles;
- chips, crackers, snacks;
- do not drink a lot of liquid, as its excess creates an additional burden on the heart;
- limit salt intake;
- fresh bread and baked goods;
- strong coffee, cocoa and tea;
- pickled vegetables;
- fatty meat and fish;
- first courses based on strong meat broths;
- smoked meat and fish, caviar;
- hard cheese.
- Herbalist: golden recipes for traditional medicine / Comp. A. Markov. – M .: Eksmo; Forum, 2007 .– 928 p.
- Popov A.P. Herbal textbook. Treatment with medicinal herbs. – LLC “U-Factoria”. Yekaterinburg: 1999.— 560 p., Ill.
- Mitral valve disease—morphology and mechanisms
- Mitral Valve Prolapse: Multimodality Imaging and Genetic Insights
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