Prolactin level in the blood

Prolactin level in the blood

Definition of prolactin in the blood

La Prolactin is a hormone primarily involved in the production of breast milk. It is mainly synthesized by cells called ” lactotropes ” from’pituitary gland, in the brain.

Its rate therefore increases during pregnancy (multiplied by 5 to 20 at the end of pregnancy), to prepare the mammary gland for lactation.


Why do a prolactin level test?

The blood test for prolactin may be indicated in several situations, in particular in cases of menstrual cycle disorder (it is part of the basic hormonal balance). A galactorrhée, that is to say a production of milk by the mammary glands after childbirth, or a gynecomastia in men (breast development), may also be indications. In humans, however, prolactin disorders mainly result in decreased libido or erectile dysfunction.

THEhyperprolactinémie (too much prolactin) is a fairly common symptom, especially in women with menstrual problems (amenorrhea). This dosage is therefore a widely prescribed review.


What results can we expect from an analysis of the prolactin level?

The dosage of ” prolactinemia », Which is done by blood test, is quite delicate. It is often done in the morning (the rate varying throughout the day), after a 20 minute rest period.

As there may be false hyperprolactinémies related to the assay technique, it is advisable to perform a second examination in another laboratory in the event of an abnormal result to confirm the value.

If the level is abnormally high, the doctor will likely order a pregnancy test, as the level of prolactin increases during pregnancy. Other assays, in particular that of TSH, could be carried out to understand the origin of the disorder.

What results can we expect from an analysis of the prolactin level?

The concentration of blood prolactin is normally less than 20 ng / mL (i.e. 400 mIU / L). When it is too high, we speak of hyperprolactinemia.

This can have several causes:

  • Pregnancy
  • taking certain medications (neuroleptics, antidepressants, anti-nausea medications, antihypertensives, etc.)
  • a pituitary gland tumor (pituitary micro or macroadenoma), detected by MRI
  • hypothyroidism
  • kidney failure
  • polycystic ovary syndrome

Read also :

All about pregnancy

Learn about amenorrhea

Our factsheet on renal failure


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