Prolactin – excess, causes of hyperprolactinemia

Prolactin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, very important for the proper functioning of the body. Abnormal prolactin levels can cause menstrual irregularities and difficulties in becoming pregnant. The role of prolactin is also extremely important in the course of pregnancy. Prolactin supports the production of progesterone needed to maintain pregnancy and stimulates lactation. The most intense secretion of this hormone occurs when a woman is pregnant and when she is breastfeeding.

The level of prolactin is subject to slight daily fluctuations, moreover, it also rises after a meal, after sexual intercourse or when we feel tired and stressed. Usually, however, this level does not exceed the norm and is safe for health.

Excess prolactin

Excess prolactin can cause a variety of ailments. Overproduction of the hormone (hyperprolactinaemia) can cause breast swelling and soreness, breast tenderness to touch, discharge from the nipples, menstrual disorders, and non-ovulatory cycles, resulting in infertility. In both sexes, excess prolactin causes a decrease in sex drive and problems with intercourse (vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction). The correct concentration of this hormone is below 20 ng / ml – except for pregnant and lactating women.

The causes of hyperprolactinemia

Possible causes of excessive prolactin secretion: taking certain medications, discontinuing the contraceptive pill, primary hypothyroidism, disorders of prolactin metabolism due to abnormal liver or kidney function (cirrhosis, chronic renal failure), a tumor of the pituitary gland (pituitary adenoma), chest trauma (including surgery), epileptic seizures, polycystic ovary syndrome.

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