Proktis-M – indications, dosage. Properties of rectal ointment

More and more people suffer from serious intimate problems affecting the anus. Despite the development of medicine, and thus our increasing awareness, we are ashamed to talk about this type of disease. Not only do we not want to talk about it, but we also avoid visiting a specialist – especially men who wait even several months before visiting a doctor’s office.

Proktis-M – properties of the ointment

If we experience tiring problems in the rectal area – itching or burning, it may be related to irritation of the mucosa. It will bring quick relief Proktis-M ointment. It is a measure supporting the regeneration process of the mucosa of both the anal canal and rectum. It is used primarily in all kinds of inflammation. In hospitals, this preparation is often used after surgeries and surgical operations. It is also worth reaching for in hemorrhoidal disease (including internal and external hemorrhoids). It also helps with cryptitis, anal fissures and fissures, and perianal fistulas. The drug works quickly, the first use brings relief to the patient.

Proktis-M – dosage

Proktis-M ointment should only be used by one personthus avoiding unnecessary infections that may arise when sharing the product. Proktis-M ointment is taken externally or rectally and you should take care of proper hygiene before using the ointment. First of all, you need to wash your hands thoroughly and then proceed to applying the preparation.

Before the first use, it is a good idea to consult a doctor, but if there are no specific dosage recommendations, just follow the general indications. Standard Proktis-M is used twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, after defecation. To facilitate the use of the preparation, the manufacturer added a special applicator – convenient to use and efficient.

Proktis-M – what else is worth knowing?

Even though the ointment is safe, however, do not use it without consulting your doctor. After recognizing the problem, the doctor will advise you on how to use the preparation correctly, diagnose the cause of the disease and recommend additional tests or a set of medications in case of more serious problems.

1 Comment

  1. Proktis M
    Dali imate?

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