Projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms: 14 options

If you are going to build a house, you can order its design to a specialist, or you can try to remake one of the available options to suit your requirements. In any case, you need to clearly understand what you want. It is highly desirable that your desires be well thought out. Not everything that seems attractive as an idea is easy to use. And such “little things” you need to know. We will analyze some of the information, trying to find a suitable project for a one-story house with three bedrooms. Why is that? Because this is the most common option, which is suitable for families of 4 people. Those are the majority. 

General planning principles

When you’re looking for ready-made projects for one-story three-bedroom houses, or trying to create your own based on what you find, it’s important to remember a few things.

  1. For climate conditions with cold winters, the presence of a vestibule is highly desirable. In this case, cold air will not enter the living quarters every time the doors are opened. If the vestibule does not fit within the walls at all, it can be taken out and made in the form of an extension. Not the most elegant solution, but it has the right to exist.
  2. All rooms where water / sewage supply is required (kitchen, bath, toilet, boiler room) should be located nearby. So engineering systems will be simpler, less materials will be required, it will turn out much cheaper.
    When planning a house, you must adhere to certain rules.
  3. When living in a house of 4 or more people, it is desirable to have two bathrooms. You will appreciate it. Even if one is very small – only a toilet and a sink. Even if they are located through the wall, it is very convenient.
  4. When placing a boiler in the house, a boiler room is required. The requirements for boiler rooms in a private house can be viewed here, but the main thing to remember is that with a ceiling height of at least 3 meters, the volume of the room must be at least 15 cubic meters and there must be a window in the room.
  5. Immediately draw the location of large-sized furniture. In any case, the position of beds and wardrobes in the bedrooms, the arrangement of furniture and sinks in the kitchen.

These are the principles that it is desirable to adhere to. But this is not a dogma either. Everything can be solved (except for the requirements for boiler rooms). There are really different solutions, for different needs and tastes. All you need is a desire and a certain amount.

If all three bedrooms are placed side by side

Many three-bedroom one-story house designs are designed so that all the bedrooms are on one side of the house. On the one hand, it’s convenient. Relatively noisy rooms – the living room and kitchen are on the opposite side. On the other hand, not everyone likes this arrangement – they are afraid that children may be witnesses of unnecessary scenes.

An example of the layout of a one-story house with three bedrooms per 110 square meters

In the project above, this is exactly how the layout is done: all three bedrooms are located on the right side of the house and have approximately the same area. On the positive side, all the bedrooms are far from the living room. With this arrangement of rooms, you can safely watch TV in the living room, receive guests without fear of disturbing your rest.

Among the shortcomings – the toilet and bathroom are far from the kitchen and boiler room. Not the most convenient option for laying communications. Other features include a long corridor with many doors. You don’t use this area in any way, since the free walls are very small.

The project of a one-story house with three bedrooms and a terrace

When planning a terrace, you need to pay attention to several points at once. First – for optimal illumination, it is better if the terrace faces south or east. The second is from which room the exit will be. Most often they make an exit to the terrace from the living room. This is the most logical case. The second option is the exit from the corridor, which, as a rule, adjoins the living room or kitchen (much worse, but possible). Please note that it is very convenient if there is a kitchen next to the entrance to the terrace – to bring in / take out dishes, drinks, etc. After all, the terrace is often used specifically for outdoor gatherings.

These two points already partially determine the layout of your home – the living room should have access to the south or east side. So her position is determined. A kitchen should adjoin the living room, and it is also desirable to “collect” all the rooms connected to technical communications in one zone … That is, you have practically decided where the living room, kitchen, technical rooms are located. It remains to arrange the bedrooms and organize a convenient passage.

The terrace should offer an interesting view

But that’s not all that needs to be considered when planning a terrace. There is a third point – its size. Here the approach is individual – someone needs a lot of space, someone needs less. An interesting option is the L-shaped terrace, which covers the southern and eastern walls of the building. If you glaze it, you can turn it into a summer garden … If you are interested.

And the fourth point, which is also worth paying attention to when developing a house layout. The terrace is heavily used and is a favorite place to relax if it overlooks the garden, the beautifully decorated backyard, the river, etc. If the gaze rests on the fence of a neighbor, no one is interested. In this position, the terrace is not used, gradually turns into a “technical room” – put a lawn mower, dryer, etc. This also determines the position of the house on the site. That is, you have solved most of the tasks of planning a house.

Option 1: with a terrace along the entire short wall

Let’s look at several projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms and terraces. In the presented version, access to the terrace is made from the living room. There is also a kitchen window. If you make a wide window sill that opens completely, you can pass dishes through the window.

All technical rooms are collected in one place and located near the kitchen. The bedrooms are located at the opposite end of the house, which, in general, is convenient – you can receive guests or watch TV in the living room and not interfere with those who decide to relax.

Project of a one-story house with 3 bedrooms and a terrace

There is only one additional load-bearing wall in this project – almost in the middle along the long side of the house. The kitchen-living room is one, but you can install a partition and separate the rooms. In this case, you will have to allocate part of the living room, but, with a given area – almost 17 meters – this is not very critical.

The bedrooms in this project have different sizes: 9, 11, 13 meters. Whether it’s convenient or not is up to you. If desired, the size of the bedrooms can be increased by reducing the area of ​​u3bu5bthe boiler room (with XNUMX-meter ceilings, an area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbXNUMX squares is enough, so there is a resource). The smallest bedroom can be enlarged by moving the closet to another wall by moving the partition that encloses the living room. By the way, this project of a one-story house with three bedrooms has another plus – a dressing room at the entrance. It’s really convenient.

Option 2: with a short terrace along the long side of the house

Consider another option for planning a one-story house with three bedrooms and a terrace. It differs in the position of the “wet” block – kitchen / bathroom / boiler room / toilet. They have been moved to the opposite side. The areas of the bedrooms are “levelled” by reducing the area of ​​the kitchen. Please note: the vestibule is made remote. This also contributed to the fact that despite the relatively small size of the house – 10 * 14 meters (area 140 square meters) – the dimensions of all rooms are solid, the width of the corridor is 1,7 meters, which is also not bad.

The project of a one-story house with three bedrooms and a terrace

The terrace has an exit from the living room, it occupies only part of a long wall. If you beat this option, it will turn out very well. For example, you can put a pond nearby, install a fountain, break a beautiful flower bed.

With space for a carport or garage

If you need to place a carport or garage next to the house, you can change the layout so that the entrance to the house is closer to the parking lot. Then there is the possibility to combine the parking shed and the porch. It might turn out to be very interesting.

When planning a shed, it’s best to find space for two cars. Even if you have one car, guests will come to you and it is much more convenient if it can be put under the roof. The cost of arrangement is not too different, but you should always look to the future. Maybe you will have a second car.

Project of a 1 storey house with three bedrooms and a carport

What is another good carport? Under it, you can equip a place to store any inventory: automobile, garden. In the same place, you can fence off a place for a firewood shed or woodpile – in order to have a supply of dry firewood near the house. In general, this zone can be used in different ways. And its optimal dimensions are 8 * 9 meters or so. This is if the area of ​​the site allows. If not, you can proceed from the minimum dimensions – 2 meters wider and 1,5 longer than your car.

The above project of a one-story house with three bedrooms has an area of ​​​​100 square meters, made in the form of a rectangle with sides of 8,8 * 12 meters. The location of the bedrooms is the same – one block, all the technical rooms are also brought together in one place. With such a layout, the corridor turns out to be quite small, which will please many, but it will be a “passing” zone in which you can’t put anything.

If you need to place the parents’ bedroom separately

When choosing a layout, many believe that the parents’ bedroom should be located at some distance from the nursery. In this case, the approach to planning changes – the elongated rectangular shape of the house is optimal. The long side is divided into three parts by two load-bearing walls.

Such a house with an L-shaped layout is more expensive in terms of cost than a rectangular or square one.

Option 1: without the corridor

If you divide the house into three parts, it is possible to develop a layout for a house with three bedrooms without a corridor. One third of the house is divided into two bedrooms for children, the middle part is occupied by a combined kitchen / living room, the last third is divided between the entrance group / bathroom and the parents’ bedroom.

Where the bedroom for parents is located, an entrance to the bathroom is organized from the kitchen / living room. How successful is this solution? Plus, it looks like this – a large kitchen / living room. But she is completely passable. That is, it will definitely not work to retire in it. Perhaps you like this idea. Although, in order to appreciate the convenience / inconvenience, it is worth living in such a house. Usually not everyone likes this, although at the “idea” stage everything seemed tempting.

Location of rooms in a one-story house with three bedrooms – the parents’ room is located separately

Please note that this project of a one-story house with three bedrooms does not have a boiler room. If it is necessary, it can be allocated by reducing the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe kitchen / living room. But then it will be necessary to think over the layout, how to organize the entrance to it. A possible, but not very convenient option is from the kitchen, if it is located near the bathroom. The second is from the street. But then, you can make an extension to the house. Although, this is determined by the size of the house.

Option 2: with a corridor

A layout with two children’s rooms and a parent’s bedroom taken away can be implemented in a square house (in the figure below). The minimum possible dimensions are 12*12 meters. In terms of area, this is a little more than 140 squares. In this case, the dimensions of all rooms are close to optimal (square, have an area of ​​​​more than 10 square meters). The living room is combined with the kitchen but is not a walk-through.

If possible / desired, you can do it in a rectangular house, just a square is more preferable, since the cost per square meter of housing is a little lower. I must say that the winnings are quite small, so you shouldn’t bother with it too much. It is better to proceed from convenience, because you choose the project of a one-story house with three bedrooms for your own life.

The project of a square one-story house with three bedrooms

In this layout option, the parents’ bedroom is generally isolated. The advantage of this option is that in the nurseries there is a place for dressing rooms. There is also a drawback here – “wet” rooms are located on opposite edges of the house. The arrangement of engineering systems will be more difficult (in addition to sewerage and water supply, you will also have to think about separate ventilation).

Not everyone likes the idea of ​​combining the kitchen and living room. In this case, you can easily solve the problem by installing a partition. The entrance to the kitchen can be either from the corridor or from the living room.

But, if you do not make other changes, the entrance to the living room is only through the kitchen, which is inconvenient. You can solve the problem by doing some transformations. The first – the “drowned” entrance zone becomes “normal”, in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe walls, the partition separating the corridor is removed. A large entrance area is formed, but without a warm vestibule. But we get an additional large room, which can be well equipped. True, this is another project of a one-story house with three bedrooms (see below).

From this area you can make an entrance to the living room. It turns out next to the entrance, which is quite logical. True, only part of the room remains functional, but the “damage” can be minimized by bringing the doors closer.

One option

You can go even further – remove the partition separating the living room from the corridor. The wall here is load-bearing, so it will require the installation of columns. But the layout of the house will be in a modern style – from the entrance there is a single space that acts as a living room and a common room. For many, this seems convenient.

More options

Having a certain set of premises and requirements for their location, you will not get too many options. The layouts below differ in some details. Maybe one of them will suit you.

One-story house with three bedrooms, a bay window and a terrace
The project of a one-story house with three bedrooms and a terrace (90 sqm)
Area 130 sq. m, there is a pantry with an entrance from the kitchen
If you need a separate kitchen and living room. Practical location with a small corridor
One-storey house with an area of ​​160 sq. m, with three bedrooms and an office, a boiler room and a small corner veranda

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